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do they make a good pet?
I have a broken 40 gallon aquarium that can't hold water anymore and i figure i can still use it to kept something
Can't do reptiles even though i find them interesting since i can't stand keeping live feed so my option boils down to either hedgehog or some other rodent varieties like hamster or gerbil or the likes and hedgehog i think is the most unique one since i never kept one before
And i heard they also can live off of cat food which sounds really convinient
>Does a wild animal make a good pet
Unless it's a domestic animal ie a dog or cat it should live in the WILD
I almost fell for how cool/cute they were. They will hardly bond with their owners, are nocturnal and poop all the time. If you understand that, and still want them, go for it.
they have a lifespan of about 5 years so be prepared for them to just randomly get cancer and die
also that little ball on its stomach is the penis
>since i can't stand keeping live feed
What do you think hedgehogs eat?
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just get an uromastyx, they are based and herbivores
I feed hedgehogs deli ham every time i see one in my backyard
they wont have any problem with dead food
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Nah. They're kinda dumb and don't live long. As soon as you get a good bond made, they croak out on ya. Sucks, because they're absolutely funny little shits. Speaking of, I think they may be bigger on the inside; they poop a lot for little guys. Special running wheels so they don't bumblefuck around and hurt themselves.... Just a ton to go through for something you don't get much out of, imo.
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They make for good friends
Paint thinner, turpentine
I had one
They need a big cage or otherwise they become obese
They shit everywhere and all the day so You need to clean constantly
I feed them with Mazuri
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My sister has one. It's pretty boring
>And i heard they also can live off of cat food which sounds really convinient
This is true. But as far as I know, they are omnivorous and not very picky, so you can feed them whatever
hope you like cum they jerk themselves off and it gets all over their stomachs lol
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My wild hedgie friend like fries.
But they're not mean to be pets. They won't really bond with you, only relax a little.
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Top kek.

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