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This is the third one of these beetles I've seen in North Alabama. I looked it on Google Lens and it identified the species as Dynastes grantii or the Western Hercules Beetle. According to everything I read it's only supposed to be in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. Is it being misclassified or do we have a new invasive species?
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Looks like an eastern Hercules beetle to me. Yknow, the one native to Alabama.

Did you do even the slightest research before posting?
I apologize. I should have known there would be an Eastern version since there's the Western type.
Pretty cool bug either way
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Big beetles are fucking sweet, and live across most of North America, just not densely or in many urban areas so most people never see them.
Please tell me you didn't do something feminine like kill it because you wrongly assumed it "didn't belong".
I miss these guys. Super rare around here anymore.
They need old trees, they live in the rotten wood of old trees
My son called me to the bathroom just now because he saw a weird bug out the window under the awning. It was a flat-ish black beetle-lookin' thing with 7-9 yellow dots and an orange spot on its head.
It was doing that nifty dance from that beetle webm (you know the one) but I didn't have my phone on me to record it or snap a picture and by the time I went back to the kitchen to get it, the thing had fucked right off. I'm gonna look it up now, but if anyone here has any suggestions as to what it might be, I'm all ears. Northern Delaware, btw.
Did it have long antena?
Not terribly long, no. I tried googling it but it just came up with a bunch of other things that looked absolutely nothing like what my son and I saw. There are 1337 species of creepy-crawlies in Delaware so it might take me a while to find it.
>killing it
That's masculine behavior. Feminine behavior is jumping on a chair and screaming for someone else to deal with it. Arbitrarily classifying any behavior you don't like as belonging to the opposite sex is, ironically, feminine behavior.
And to be clear, when I said flat-ish, I meant like a stink bug. I've just never seen a stink bug with spots, nevermind an orange dot on its head.
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southern green shield bug nymphs somewhat fit your description, but I guess that's a bit too many spots
>bit too many spots
Far too many, yeah, and there was only a single orange spot on the head and the body was much flatter. Thanks for looking, though.
I wonder how many native animals are killed by ignorant invasive species hysteria vigilantes. Had a guy completely convinced some weasel looking mustalid we saw was a raccoon dog. We aren't taught about our native fauna but are bombarded with the invasive animals on the news, and I think some people will just label something as the closest thing they know rather than accept they can't identify it.
No, it's feminine behavior. Acting with reason and prudence is masculine behavior. It's feminine to jump the gun and act on emotion. Your conception of masculine and feminine are entirely fucked up and provided to you by modern media.
This pissy, passive aggressive lady is right, y'know.
>literally admits his conception is "masculine behavior is always good, feminine behavior is always bad"
It's sad when a "reasonable and prudent" man bases his categorization entirely on emotion and contrarianism. Your conception of masculine and feminine are entirely fucked up and provided to you by genetic dead end tribefaggots.
In my experience people preoccupied with identifying feminine and masculine behavior are trannies either repressing desperately hard or looking for an excuse to down the titty skittles

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