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Do people really cry because of a pet acting retarded?
she got him over his fear of grooming. it was a nice episode.
>Girl with the dogs
Well theres your problem right there
what's wrong with her? i tried her podcast though and I admit that sucks
"Dog grooming" is retarded

"here dog, stand on this little table with a noose around your neck"
"Why is the dog screaming?"
>women actually invented this

I just hose my dog off in the backyard or use the detachable showerhead in the tub and they have never struggled or screamed but I took them to a "real groomer" once and they screamed, struggled, and almost bit one of the childless tatted up genetic dead ends that worked there
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my poodle goes to the salon regularly and has been socialized from a young age to be okay with grooming. he gets a grooming pillow and relaxes when possible.
>its so horrible to be threatened with a lynching and manhandled by tumblr thots you have to desensitize them to it from puppyhood
I will stick to hose+backyard
mine doesn't need restraint, he just stands there.

agreed about the tumblr thots though, some of these groomers look like they might stab their boyfriend in the night
you're purposefully being disingenuous here.
You are too smart anon, can't get anything past this guy.
So you do admit it's a lot of effort for no real gain and your dog will most likely tolerate rather than enjoy it?

My dog enjoys tub massages and being hosed off instead of just relaxing and tolerating. Sometimes they follow me in the bathroom and get in the bathtub because they just like baths.
So beat the shit out of it until it behaves? It's not complicated
I'd like to try that on you. The dog? Well, I like those a lot more.
Ok dogfucker
yes, infact, i even know your home adress and credit card info, awooga-booga-booga-boo!
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welcome to the torture chamber MWAHAHAHAHA
>fear responses causes it to yell random insults despite not being in real danger
must be a manlet
>"here dog, stand on this little table with a noose around your neck"
>"Why is the dog screaming?"
I audibly KEK'd
Buy an ad you dumb (cute) bitch
>girl who fucks dogs

She also has no fucking clue how to handle cats that aren't 100% docile in all situations
Agreed. Dogs are not pets, they are tools. They are not intelligent enough to enjoy or benefit from grooming. Hosing them down is sufficient for an animal meant to live outside on a chain.
>Incel has an opinion
No wonder women dont fuck you
how tall are you unironically
Most dogs can handle the bathing part
Many have difficulty with the brushing part. It's fine if you have a short hair dog but for long hair ones, you have to get them brushed eventually
Pity Trawling

It's like trolling, but it's commercial, so it's trawling, and the bait isn't hatred, but sympathy.

The point is to get people to click. They don't have to recognize it's the same dog being "rescued" or the same kitten being taken care after being "run over" or the same turtle being saved after "kids" superglued a bunch of crap onto it's shell (for the millionth time).

People leaving posts that the uploader themselves are making these animals suffer, to get people to like comment and subscribe, is merely another form of feedback that tells the platform to promote it harder and recommend it to more users.

The platform's algorithm can't tell what it's doing, and the people who programmed the algorithm don't care.

This is why youtube perpetually recommends you road rage / instant karma / bodycam / fail / animal "rescue" videos. But it's operating from a logic that is beyond evil.

It doesn't care if the comment section is full of psychopathy, threats, anger, fighting, bigotry, it doesn't see the harm that the video is doing, and it doesn't care.

It simply sees "Engagement" and makes the logical decision to increase it by any means.
The problem is grooming cats at all. You could make an argument for long haired ones like Ragdolls but the counter argument is that those shouldn't exist
>no real gain?
The health of the dog is no real gain?
Yeah, I took my basset to grooming when she was young and she would piss everywhere and be so scared she wouldn't eat treats. Totally different at home.
Normal, sane response

Wtf? Unhinged, neurotic response
>quake shambler if dog
>dogs cant be healthy if you dont pay a liberal tranny to hose and brush them while reenacting a lynching
Water is free. You have it at home
>inb4 “water bills”
Water is so cheap its free if you’re white.
>>girl who fucks dogs
this isn't the board for sharing your sick fantasies so please don't. also given a man's proclivity to be a sexual degenerate, they are orders of magnitude more likely to fuck dogs.
Stop projecting your degeneracy onto women. Men fuck animals far more and just say this to attempt to hide longer.
bugguy beinna feminist again. this has been debunked
Bizarrely, my dog loves the groomers but hates getting quick wash with the hose
not everyone has a lab that likes water and poodles need to be groomed or they get covered in mats
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dogfucker incel delusion again.

would love to see it but we both know you can't.
When I got my dog I would just give him treats while brushing him when he was little. Now he loves being brushed
Do you know why you're just one incel on the whole planet and no one else cares?

Because unless you want to start swabbing every pets genitalia for DNA and tissue contamination and stamp out bestiality in mexico and africa, you're pissing into the wind about something that happens 50 times per year out of 300 million people and is a relative nothingburger, and more correlated with animal acces+privacy than any one single factor... except homosexuality, which might be part of why no one seems to care.

The animals can usually be treated and discharged within a week, and counter-conditioned or just adopted out with stricter owner criteria. It sucks but they make it through. The humans on the other hand are flagged as irreparably damaged and high risk. Particularly if they are men. Nobody gives a shit if it's a woman. What's her behavioral pattern gonna culminate in, finding a dumb meathead to rail her? When men do this it's the start of a behavioral pattern that culiminates in rape in general. You need to understand some more things about bioethics (it's anthropocentric, or it's invalid, period) before you try and start to have this argument for
*checks archive*
Another 2 months.
Bugguy, if a white guy and a black guy smoke weed, but the white guy does it in his basement with a charcoal smoke filter to exhale through and the black guy does it behind a dumpster and films himself for worldstar, who's gonna get arrested and what are the statistics going to say about marijuana use?

There are certain statistical infographs that no one cares about except for nutjobs. This is because except for nutjobs, most people intuitively understand when a statistic is an incomplete picture and says that we need to care about completing the picture more than we need to care about passing judgement.

And yes, I 100% know you are. Don't bother. This is one of the things you cycle through because you're bored.
>dogfuckers shows up right on cue to have tantrums over facts
more predictable than my morning shit lmao
dont bother. bugguy can't even comprehend your position he's too blinded by his need for (you)s and to spin a narrative that fits his present bias (lifespan: 1 hour)

bugguy wants attention, controversy, and pet console wars.
you want legally mandated veterinary care to catch more bestiality offenders
bugguy just wants attention and controversy so his only possible response to you is to call you a dogfucker and say "all white men fuck dogs".

he is not possible to argue with. even when it gets academic (paleontology) he never actually wants to talk about things. he wants attention. and most of all he wants to try and create memes that disparage white people, men, and dogs, his 3 least favorite things despite being all 3 of those things
>You're a dogfucker
I see these unbalanced statistics, with ratios that diverge from university studies on how many of who are interested in what, and fear that they indicate that enforcement of anti-bestiality laws is purely reactionary and does not actually protect animals, so it's not an animal rights issue, it's just the usual "you can fist a cow if it's to make money and you promise you didnt enjoy it, and if a woman molests a child she gets a reduced sentence because women arent scary" brand of ethics instead of the "certain things are simply evil and shall not be permitted" brand of ethics. We SHOULD mandate monthly checkups and swab animals genitalia to make sure they're not being sexually abused. There should be an entire monthly checkup routine that checks for all forms of abuse including trauma from hitting, kicking, and vicious leash yanking. For all pet owners. That's what your infographics tell me.

You just want to say "white men fuck dogs". We are not the same.

>dogfucker still thinks that i'm going to read his novels of tears that he copies/pastes every time he gets reminded he's a disgusting, filthy, mentally ill degenerate that should have a bullet put in the back of his head
you can type as many words as you want to try and cope but at the end of the day you know i'm in the right and you are in the wrong. in all sincerity: kill yourself.
>what, someone is morally superior to me? shit
Be real. How hard did you try and formulate a real response before settling for screaming into a pillow and playing (you) games like a teenage girl?
>t-tell stacy i said she's a slut

You wanted to use statistics for prejudice.
I see them as highlighting a gap in human knowledge and a society-wide moral failing which must be rectified with pet registries and mandatory veterinary care.

We are not the same.
This is the 2nd time I've seen an exchange like this in recent months. Why are zoophiles so emotionally unhinged?
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I've seen this kind of behavior in most sexual degen communities. The Internet enables them to reside fully within an echo chamber of other degens where they never have to hear any outside criticism. In the rare instances where they come out of their cave to converse with relatively normal people, they sound like they are speaking another language. They will pull out the most ridiculous copes to defend their heterodox opinions and behaviors. They don't think in the same plane of reality as we do. They will saw off their left foot before they admit they are a sexual deviant.

I swear man the Internet was a fucking mistake. It's allowed pariahs, pedophiles and various other peoples that should be institutionalized to group up and unrealistically amplify their voices.

Now what was this thread originally about? Ah who fucking cares...
>white men fuck dogs!
>These statistics are incomplete. There is more injustice in society than you realize. This world we live in does not care about animals. It cares about fear. You wish to pass judgement and hurt others. I wish to do good and save animals. We are not the same.
>samefags and pats himself on the back
those are teen moms dude chill
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See this is exactly the kind of detached and delusional thought patterns I'm talking about. This post here is my 2nd post in this thread but whomever this is (guessing it's one of the zoophiles in question) has been sheltered for so long that they think they are being harassed by only one person when in reality it's multiple people sick of their degenerate bullshit.
its a malding femcel just ignore her.
Not anyone involved in this discussion (until this post), but its just people calling each other zoophiles rather than being a zoophile themselves.

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