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>be me
>be /an/out/
>have a lake that's also an estuary because its fed by a river to the north and the south side of it waterfalls directly into the bay
>popular fishing spot but the fresh water side has very few banks that are accessible because of the trees
>eagles start nesting on a small island in the middle last year
>fucking bird watchers are shitting up the place
>setting up for hours is the fishing spots with their chairs
>not respecting its a shared space by borderline camping out there all day long
>by the way those banks aren't just used for fishing but are the main artery the waterfowl use to get in and out of the water

I don't know what to do about these faggots, they're ruining the environment by existing in it wrongly
you snooze you lose. shoulda got up earlier than them
>Is the cancer of photography, camping, and hiking all at the same time
Fucking birders what dont they ruin

Was walking my dog and ran into one of these fuckers with his tripod taking up the whole trail with his $10,000 olympiss 300-9000 on a giant tripod with a fucking balance head and a lawn chair set up. He started aggressively mumbling something about spooking an eagle nest so I just went around him and my dog almost knocked over the tripod while he quietly sperged out about eagles and "lotta munny"
You sound like a massive pussy.
2>8>5>3>4>1>6>7 in that order
Have you tried casting over them?
You're right if I were a chad I'd have smashed his camera and sicced my dog on him, and told him "no, you're spooking the birds, faaaaaaaaaaag" before leaving
Become a falconer and terrorize them with the thing they love so much
would be pretty funny, might have to try

it could be a legal pitfall for them because a fisherman has legal protections against harassment and I don't think bird watchers do
Take up flyfishing and start catching their gear on the backswing and tossing it into the lake
the fish belongs to the birds, not you
retard faggot
this, fishers are the absolute scum of the earth

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