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My chihuahua wants to kill herself everytime I clean her teeth. I do my best, I use nice dog tooth paste and a tiny brush and a finger cover brush, and I get really generous with liver treats but every moment of the process is agony.

She's a rescue so I didn't get to start off with her young and get her into the habit of cleaning teeth. Looking online, every service is either unlicensed dog abuse or dog dentistry for rich people. And the vet is charging like $1200 a pop to remove bum teeth. If I bring her in to have them do the cleaning they're going to want to pull her teeth and charge me for it.

I don't have the cash for that, but I am scared she's gonna get a tooth ache that spreads to her brain and kills her. I'm thinking of getting the dog a script for doggy trazadone to just knock the dog out once a week to get in their and clean the shit out of her teeth myself.

Any advice?
Here's an advice, stop being a neurotic fucking retard.
>I am scared she's gonna get a tooth ache that spreads to her brain and kills he
Ignoring couple thousand others ways she could die. She is always wearing a helmet right?
Just pull them out op
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Sorry about this post I failed to realized how retarded you are.
Touching a rotten tooth in hopes of it helping her, as if washing is going to help. Sad for the tortured creature but also funny.
>I don't have the cash for that
Choose who you can afford and go with it.
Solution? Stop owning a psychopathic rat dressed up as a canine.

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