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File: Wally the Alligator.png (1016 KB, 631x842)
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Hey, /an/. You guys heard of Wally the "emotional support" alligator? On May this year, Wally was stolen from his owner Joie Henney by some lowlife piece of skunk shit "prankster" who dumped Wally into someone's backyard to scare them. Animal control was called and they dumped Wally into a nearby swamp. As an alligator that was raised almost his entire life in captivity, poor Wally won't know how to do "proper alligator" things and he sadly may die. I'm not sure if Wally really is dead (hopefully not), but I hope that Wally (if he is still alive) is found and returned to Joie or even better, brought to a proper animal sanctuary where they'll take care of him. As for the motherfucker that stole Wally, I know that Wally has never bit anyone before, not even little kids, I wish that Wally get's to bite that cunt's ballsack once he is found by the authorities. Justice for Wally the alligator!

Sause: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-02/emotional-support-alligator-wallygator-is-missing/103795670

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