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I'm the first one to call out concern trolls claiming most dinosaurs are named from a knucklebone, because that's false, but THIS is just fucking ridiculous. Shit like this should be stopped from happening.
They gave this one a name because it’s the only dinosaur known from the site. That “reconstruction” is just generic early theropod shape #1
Oh I know why they did what they did. What I don't know is why IZCN allowed it.
>What I don't know is why IZCN allowed it.
because it has 11 of the 15 common diagnostic features of theropod femora.

what you don't know is dinosaur femurs are highly diagnostic. Close to skulls and hips and vertebrae in the number of features present.

because you're not trained in anatomy you don't know what those features are or why they're important. All you know is
>mmm chicken thigh

even after having it explained, you'll still fail to understand.
because you are stupid and don't notice things. You lack curiosity and the intelligence to sate it.

meanwhile curious people are diagnosing theropods from single femoral heads and the IZCN is allowing it because there's more information in that one bone fragment than exists in your entire head.
also the ICZN doesn't weigh in on whether an analysis is correct or not.

they judge whether diagnostic features are present, and if the name conforms. That is all.

they allow lots of wrong assignments, and entire false clades. Because it's not their job to judge truth or weight. Only adherence to standard.
The authors could have assigned it to arthropoda for all the IZCN cares, they don't judge the correctness of the science.

they judge adherence to the code, whether the paleontology is right or wrong or unknown.

I hope this helps. I'm not sure why you'd need to know it. If your job required this knowledge I wouldn't have to explain to you.
Hence my complaint. This shit needs to stop. There's a lot of shit ICZN does that needs a stop put to it. Like allowing binomial names in languages other than Greek or Latin (or at least partly so) or naming taxa after humans.
names have a long history of being humorous bullshit, started by Linnaeus
do you know how many species Linnaeus named after people?

do you know how many he named as jokes?
or as insults to other scientists?

this is a very old tradition.
the fact is humans normally have two thumbs and a sense of humor.

sometimes a human like you is born without two thumbs and a sense of humor. We still consider you human, but perhaps not a whole human.

scientists like to show off that they still have two thumbs and a sense of humor since most people see them as incomplete humans. One place they can show off their thumbs and humor is in names. When this bothers you, you appear less than human.
You're gonna run out of greek and latin pretty quick anon, that's very silly
Hey at least this one isn't named some shit like "Thanos" and has a proper, non-reference name.
most recently discovered dinosaurs are quite literally just a single bone fragment
>troglodyte thinks that naming animals after marvel is somehow funny in any way whatsoever
>has no sense of humor whatsoever
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Oh well if Linnaeus did something that means it should continue forever. No need to stop.

You soientists today have no sense of gravitas. Everything is a game because you're spoiled dandies.
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>Hotwheels sisyphus
>Dracorex hogwartsia
>Meraxes gigas
>Thanos simonattoi
>Crash bandicoot
>Bulbasaurus phylloxyron
>Chilicola charizard
>Aerodactylus scolopaciceps
>Binburrum articuno
>Binburrum moltres
>Binburrum zapdos
>Spongiforma squarepantsii
>Euglossa bazinga
>Bazinga rieki
>Zuul crurivastator
>Darthvaderum greensladeae
>Aleiodes shakirae
>Scaptia beyonceae
>Nelloptodes gretae
>Obamadon gracilis
>Neopalpa donaldtrumpi
>Syllipsimopodi bideni
>Aegista diversifamilia
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>Hotwheels sisyphus
Didn't know about that one.
It'd be a bit less jarring if the name matched some kind of characteristic of the species. But no, literally 90% of these are just beetles and mites.
>if the name matched some kind of characteristic of the species
This. Spongiforma squarepantsi is at least a little funny as opposed to garbage like Thanos and Hotwheels, but they should’ve saved it for an actual sea sponge and not a fucking fungus
No respect for the classics.
There's also that dinosaur named after Godzilla which is about as big as a large dog
another bugguy thread to hide
>scientists make anon seethe so hard he wrote a tl;dr wall o' greentext
I'm thinking they're the based ones here.
I agree, unfortunately too many researchers are too eager to name a dinosaur and get a few nice illustration to make the headlines and thus earn a bunch of money
Rather than actually contributing to science meaningfully
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>Anophthalmus hitleri
This incel going all U R INFERI-R 2 ME because other people enjoy silly names and he hates popular things and fun lmao

Hope they rename your favorite dinosaur Cattledoggosaurus Bluey
I agree, unfortunately too many researchers spend time on paleontology, rather than contribute to science meaningfully*
FTFY. You like dinosaurs. You are running in the special olympics. The retardation is just inherent to the show and everyone laughs because its a bunch of retards flapping around and has no consequence except absorbing donor and charity money
>Everything is a game

some things are a game and some things are not a game.

this offends you because you are autistic and don't like your tater tots touching your macaroni and cheese.

you can't process combinations of things. Like serious science with a joke tossed in for fun. That is your fault, not a fault of others. You also bitch about the things you can't understand constantly. That is another fault. You're a terrible person, nobody wants to be around you. No wonder you're here all the time. That is your final fault. Shut the fuck up and get off the internet. You're pathetic. Nobody cares what you think
I'm willing to bet money that the people seething about marvel names don't bat an eye to pokemon ones
They're actively fucking up the field. The amount of dogshit papers for "new dinosaurs" coming out of china that lack any photos or even drawings and nobody has ever seen the fossil for is fucking absurd. They appear to just be making shit up at this point without even going through the trouble of doctoring the fossil anymore.
Incorrect, fag.
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>Nono. You don't get it. It's called comparative anatomy.
I imagine that's the kind of shit that a paleotard would say lmao
They already said it in this thread. I miss when buggay was a rebel. Now he's a nanny state, status quo shill and it's fucking boring.
>immediately going with the exclusionary insult to prove that you aren't a consensus driven NPC
>dichotomous thinking that conveniently serves your ego
stay mad at a silly name for an irrelevant extinct animal

paleontology is a waste of time. if half as much effort went into something more important we would have dozens of productive fusion reactors by now. but, i'm afraid paleontologists might not be intelligent enough to contribute to that field...
>I liked it when bugguy was a completely different person
You're fucking stupid
Bugguy has never actually been a different person, he's just stopped responding to his meds as well.
Im not the person you replied to I just thought it was funny that you immediately played the role he laid out for you
This discussion got off topic the moment he decided to post a /pol/ screenshot so I'm ambivalent on either of your opinions but you still made a prat of yourself
I doubt bugguy still posts here, but if he does he's now paleoschizo.

more likely paleoschizo is a cheap copy that isn't half as knowledgeable or as funny as bugguy was.
>still exhibits the same self serving dichotomous thinking
Did you know it's possible to insult someone and call them a social pariah without being consensus driven? The point is to play on their insecurities which they clearly have. Who thinks about being consensus driven, more than someone who is, and failed at it? Man is not so aware of the heels he walks on until they crack
>more likely paleoschizo is a cheap copy that isn't half as knowledgeable or as funny as bugguy was.
third alternative is that bugguy and paleoschizo were both posting at the same time and bugguy took credit for paleoschizo's stupidity.
Just because that would be a funny thing to do.
More likely is they're all the same fucking person pumping their ego by performing as several individuals who talk about each others exploits (evolved not-him-but), and they've been rapidly degrading, physically and mentally, from the stress caused by their mental disorder and all the meds they're on.

Just pay attention to /an/ over several days. They basically run on a cycle
>dog hate cat hate dino lips vegan vegan vegan
It's one guy repeating himself forever, posting inflammatory shit so often that the responses themselves become repetitive, at which point he absorbs that response pattern as a new persona to perform as, which helps occupy more time, and complicate his larp, so it's harder to believe it's a samefag. I'm pretty familiar with this pattern from moderating imageboards and forums with loose account creation policies before. It's actually EXTREMELY common.
>It's actually EXTREMELY common.
which makes it possible that bugguy took credit for another troll's exploits.

It's possible the persona we think of as bugguy was actually bugguy/paleoschizo and may have included other trolls as well.
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mesozoic faggots
>i found a tooth

paleozoic chads
>i found this weird shrimp
>ahahaha yeah
>weird shrimp!
It doesn't matter who he is

What matters is his plan
I like to think after a decade of being told to get off the internet and go do something with his life, he finally listened. Perhaps he started a successful tree trimming business and took up fornicating with a lovely dutch lass. Gave up hating cats and took better care of his grandma.

but who knows. Maybe he's still wasting his life here. That would be very sad.
I think he's talking about himself right now, shuffling personas about and trying to pump his ego.
>rent free

I think we have a newfag that sounds a bit like him but never heard of him,
who's now accusing other people of being him to make himself seem like an oldfag.

What better way to convince people you're an oldfag than bring up bugguy, a person you've never actually interacted with?
>i was right
nailed it
please get off the computer
or just make another thread about hating dogs
or being vegan
or vegan dogs

maybe you should go claim cats belong outside or that they're smarter than dogs and then accuse whoever disagrees of hating cats that's a funny one
hit a nerve huh?

an actual oldfag wouldn't just remember bugguy. He'd also know his more useful personas. Might remember madsci and hampture, or roll calls, or caturday. They'd definitely remember some of the much better tripfags. Or moot's cat. Or that /an/ loved cats, and was mostly women.

I expect we have no oldfags left. They have moved on to greener pastures and bigger things. Bugguy is just a touchstone people use to pretend they've been here a while. They never bring up anything else. They are new.
>keeps talking about himself
yes yes the schizo headmate gang history lesson is your thing we all know you do this in every other dinosaur thread

shut up. no one cares. get a life.
I hurt you very deeply at some point, and that's satisfying.
You're a piece of shit. You shouldn't be comfortable here or anywhere else.
schizzy boy having a melty and doesnt know hes talking to two people lol

going to make another vegan thread schizzy?
Dont prod him too much or he'll start larping as financially average and requesting dog butthole photos again
He has a whole gang of people in his head, you're just one of them.
>Saltriovenator reconstructed as Ceratosaurus beta release because it was a ceratosaur
>while more derived averostrans like Sinosaurus and probably also Cryolophosaurus were essentially congeneric with Dilophosaurus
Have these pasta munching wops never heard of phylogenetic bracketing?
Shitty excuse. Greeks literally invented comedy.
>le virgin shaming ad hom
why? why did they have to remove the poster counter? why?
jesus that got hard to read fast, imagine seething that hard from being called a man-child too many times
>optimism makes you a femcel
Don't forget all the cultural tribal names lmao I'm glad anons have caught on to this cancer. It has to stop.

This was evil and disrespectful. Names that aren't relevant to the source material should be disqualified, like all the shit on that list. Tyrannosaurus rex was Lizard-king Tyrant. Befitting for the King of the great reptiles of Maastrichtian Laramidia.
Tell us about the things you hate, paleoschizo

tell us hundreds of times every day.
Pretend we can change the things you hate. Pretend we like you enough to change the things you hate.

No scientist has ever heard of you, but if they did they'd make some stupid names just to piss you off. Because you're a fetid little cunt.
Tyrantlizard King.
its actually disturbing how much thought incels put into trying to decide on "feminine thought patterns" and superficially, it makes no sense

but one day, you might accidentally end up on /lgbt/ by misclicking and hitting a banner ad, or you'll go there to troll hard while on your friends wifi, and you'll probably see something. they are very, very concerned with what's "fembrained" or not, either because the homosexuals are repressing their troon urges, or because the troons are grasping at excuses to ruin their bodies. and it'll click. a disproportionate amount of incels turn out to be trans or gay. incels are actually all fags. the reason women don't like them is because women can smell and subconsciously sense mens sexual arousal, and homosexuals don't exhibit it around women. to a woman, a gay man trying to be straight is in a sort of uncanny valley so incels never get laid. gay men also have no instinctive drive to pursue women so they rarely ever try.

i literally can not imagine how a straight man could go more than 25 years without having sex with a woman at least once. it's like a dog that never barks.

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