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the most retarded animal of all time. even after aliens do a bunch of experiments on it it just stands around like a dumbass

>caca poo

Sirocco is based
They can't be so retarded considering how long they've been around and still are. So they must be doing something right.
They would be long gone if New Zealand didn't have their program where they give them predator free islands
Fat birds are funny
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That's not panda
They wouldn't need that if humans didn't come to new zealand in the first place so yk
You're both wrong. If you can't adapt to humans (animals) then you're a failure as an animal, but these animals adapt by appealing to a percentage of humans, guaranteeing their continued survival.
will people ever grow out of the loving cute animals phase? I fucking hate cats but people seem to love those little murderous parasite bags
Selectively breed them into apex predators who hunt humans.
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>.t mad whiteboy
Will people ever grow out of not letting me exterminate 99.999% of the globe's human population?
I fucking hate normalfags, but people seem to not want me to.
Based NZers.

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