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File: IMG_3299.jpg (117 KB, 1200x900)
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Tagged pigeon on roof.
Won’t come down.
Placed food and water.
Don’t know what to do next
do nothing, live your life and stop bothering the pigeon
No. The pigeon should live.
It’s a racing pigeon, according to the tag. Not sure if I should call animal control since in Florida theyre likely to just put it down.
Racing pigeons failing to return and becoming feral is sadly very common. If the breeders are notified they normally don't give a shit about driving all the way to collect it either, they'd probably just put it down for being an invalid anyway while they breed dozens more.
File: spypidgeon.webm (3.9 MB, 960x540)
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Don't be fooled, anon. They're watching you
Caught him. What do i do?
adopt him and let him live in your house and become best friend with him
Cut the tag, release him to live or die as a free man.

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