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Can anyone help me pup?? He’s been getting these allergies for awhile now. Even when I took him to the vets office they give him allergy shots but they don’t help. These spots only act up during May-October and I feel bad for my puppy. Iv taken him to 3 vets and the protocol is always the same. Iv started to give him Benadryl 25 mg daily but it’s not helping either. I know it’s an allergy and I think it’s grass related but It’s driving me crazy. I hate having to scold him anytime he itches. If anyone knows something please help, I can’t figure this out
>allergy shots don't help
what if it's not an allergy then

what if your dog keeps getting fleas/ticks/etc
He does pick up Tics but iv been tentatively looking all over his body. I can’t find any. He did get a bite not too long ago but I removed it. Do Tics get inside paw pads? I haven’t checked his feet but he licks them alot
Could be a yeast infection but I'm just guessing off of the photo and what you described. Go to another veterinarian for a different diagnosis if you can afford it. Low dose treatment for dogs can be bought without a prescription if you can't.
Giving them regular bath with Dawn dish soap, followed by a thorough rinsing, then a good long soak in a bath with baking soda can often help reduce allergies and other minor, skin issues. Just mix in enough to make the water nice and cloudy then drench and soak puppy all over for a good 5-10 mins, or longer, if you can.
Just towel off and and air dry.

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