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I do not know who started it, but I keep seeing anons talkd about how Borzois can kill "x" dog or large animal because apparently they can kill wolves. This is retarded. So I am just going to leave this lost here to show why its retarded and hopefully put this meme to rest. As much as I like them, they are not super dogs

>Strike 1: Their form is shit
I like how Borzois look, but their bodies are not designed for any real confrontation. A dog having a long muzzle and slanky body is brilliant for small game. It allows for high speeds and bounding over obstacles when chasing prey. This is why almost every sighthound follows the near exact same body type, its the meta for total rabbit/cat/rodent death. But Borzois are not bred for that. They are bred for that. They are bred to be long and lanky for the sake of being long and lanky as an aesthetic. Its why they are physicaly delicate dogs that take on physical injuries quite readily and live shorter lifespans compared to other sighthound breeds. Their form is the product of designer breeding practices and is incredibly inbred. Its a pug with the scaling sliders reveresed.

>Strike 2: Borzois are not "Borzois"
The Borzois that anons talk about killing wolves were virtualy destroyed by the end of the bolshevik revolution. The few that remained were then picked up by the new pseudo middle class of mid to late soviet union. This created the "modern" Borzoi with heavy inbreeding to create the distinct look anons assume to be universal throughout the dogs history. However from pic rel you should see how different the old breed was from the modern one today. The Borzois that could take on wolves are long dead, their Hapsburg-esc descendants only remain to be compared to deranged murder mutt hounds in power level threads.
>Strike 3: Wolves killed Borzois in droves
Remember earlier when I said the sighthound form was optimised for small game? Borzois were used to hunt wolves, plurally. Borzois could not 1v1 wolves in any match up and hunted wolves in large hunting parties. Dozens apon dozens of Borzois would be used during wolf hunts because it was common for a good number of them to be killed or badly injured during the maulings. Its why such vast kennels were established by the nobility to maintain working Borzoi numbers up to absorb the death count with wolf hunts. So when some fag says Borzois killed wolves therefore it can kill "x" they are sputtering out shit. Not even actual Wolfhounds could 1v1 adolescent wolves.

>Strike 4: They are not Shitbull terminators
With all of above applying you should put 1 and 1 together on why thr meme around Borzois killing Shitbulls is retarded. An American Shitbull is as optimised as a dog can be to kill other dogs without being Mastiff sized. They are broad, muscular, incredibly strong around the jaw, resilient to abuse and to amplifiy everything else they are neurotic. Thry dominate dog fighting because there is nothing else that can compete and sighthound body type dogs have never competed well in the history of bloodsports against other dogs. How on earth will a heavily inbred one somehow change all that?

Borzois are lovers, not fighters.
all very good points OP but don't expect to change any minds. people here don't like facts, they like narratives and they like when social media posts and other worthless anecdata bolster their narratives.
I thought that was common knowledge. They aren't stronger than wolves, but they are intimidating and they attack in packs like niggers.
Wait till you realise wolves themselves hunt in large packs because they are not über predators and regularly job/run away from medium sized animals in 1v1 situations.
This is what happens when you take a meme seriously.
Nice digits though.
Turns out most predators can understand risk vs reward and don't just kill anything and everything they see.
So they were just slightly smaller wolfhounds? So cross a borzoi with a wolfhound and done.
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>So they were just slightly smaller wolfhounds? So cross a borzoi with a wolfhound and done.
Pretty much, but crossing them wouldnt do much. As badass as wolfhounds are they are almost a total fabrication if we are refering to the Irish ones. They were made to try and replicate the extinct breed from old folk stories and legend as an expression of Irish nationalism.

There is the Bankhar wolfhound which was known to be an effective deterant to wolfs in Mongolia. But the breed is almost extinct because of former Soviet extermination programs and fur trade. While the west were killing Racoon Dogs and Foxes for fur pelts the Soviets were killimg actual dogs for fur. Wolf populations have even gone down in Mongolia as a result because farmers and nomads are just poisoning bait for wolves to eat so there are no wolves to threaten their livestock. In fairness though while the Bankhar was a wolfhound and is reported to be able to fend off wolves, I dont think they were used in a hunting/offensive capactiy.

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