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File: acl-tear-dog.jpg (62 KB, 1050x700)
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I just found out my dog, 7 years old, has a ruptured ACL in his right hind leg. Surgery was quoted around $4k. I have him on pain meds now and some anti-inflammatory chews as well. I do not want him to suffer or even have his other knee to blow out. Does anyone have any good advice or gone through this before?

I was looking at knee braces for dogs to help brace the joints, hoping to ease the pain to let it heal. But from what I am reading, surgery is the real only option to have him get his full range of motion back again. He's too good of a boy to have this ruin the rest of his years.
Sorry to hear about that. How old is he?
not OP, but I used my telepathic powers to detemine their dog is about 7 years old.
OP here he is 7 like >>4833401 said. He is very athletic which is probably what brought it on, as he likes do spin maneuvers a lot. However the vet said that is probably what inflamed his knee and ultimately caused it to tear.
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>how old is he
Shiet. I mean to say, what breed is he?
surgery or amputation, sorry. these things don't heal.
Happened to my male boxer on both hind legs first one around 3-4 yrs second about 18 months later. Financially raped me but hands down the best money I’ve spent imo. Had a female boxer loose the use of her hind legs for the last cpl years of her life and spending the money on his surgery’s was the easiest decision I’ve ever made desu
You read right. A torn ACL is commonly known as one of those things you have to get a surgery for (atleast for humans)
he's a dane lab mix, he's about 96 lbs

Ya, I am feeling more towards that way as well, do not really care the cost desu as long as he's happy
Look into a pet brace. It's what we did for our corgi when he was 10 years old and blew out his ACL.
thanks for that link, unfortunately the website is showing a common database connection error, so either their WordPress took a shit, or the SQL server its on is crashed. Will have to wait until its up again to look

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