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what is this
Wrong animal.
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The negro of animals.

>cat hating redditor is too low IQ to get the obvious pun of Rabbi-t
They're not sending their best.
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we're not falling for it redditoid. i found this from your home site just by googling jewish cat. wat nou?
When a kitten decides to study scripture, they grow up to be a rabbit?
>im not the redditor! uh... you are!
wow good one, you really destroyed that libtard with facts and logic
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As we all know Israel is the bride of YHWH and since all cats are girls then cats are jews.
We must let the wolves in or the forest will not survive.
Wolves are native europeans however. They’re notoriously patriarchal and monogamous.

Did you mean “we must rewild hyenas”
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