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does /an/ hate or love these and what's better between the two?
Weed is basically beer that grows from the ground, but humans have a really poor intuition for use limits because unlike beer, it is not literal poison and you can achieve a high peak of the active ingredient in your blood, repeatedly, without suffering immediate damage. Unless your brain is still developing it takes years to affect anything so really stupid humans get really stupid with weed. 0.1g = 2 beers. Really.

Shrooms are a naturally occurring, unrefined psych med and should be used recreationally like penicillin should - not. at. all.
Literally just had one of the worst trips in my entire life 18 hours ago. I would have told you before then that mushrooms were far better and that weed was a slow psychosis machine. I had the greatest emotional high I ever had and a lot of barriers were lifted to make me accept fundamental facts that I would never aknowledge before. In other words, it made me into a total uber racist. What followed from this high became mania, and then everything just sounded wrong. I looked at my hands and all I could think about is that I could, if I wanted to, kill people. Then the sound and buzzing got worse and it became a horror show of me becoming terrified of my own thoughts and fighting the urge to leave my room. I watched the latest wendigoon video on loop regarding the M14 and AR15 in order to redirect my thoughts and to fill my mind with something mechanical. The mechanisms of the gun to replace the intrusive images of psyche mess and flesh.

I havent slept, and I am unsure if I will be able to. I was horrified by what I became on mushrooms.
psychedelic fags be like
>i know better than the MAN, man
>purity? that's not what nature intended man
>im gonna see odin man
>dosing? follow your gut man
>therapy? its all up in here man
>*downs a whole bottle of haloperidol*
>The mechanisms of the gun to replace the intrusive images of psyche mess and flesh.
Really interesting. You were focusing on something specific and repetive in order to overcome whatever you saw at the moment?
This. I think weed could have been accepted better if it wasn't for the smoking lore
>Really interesting. You were focusing on something specific and repetive in order to overcome whatever you saw at the moment?
Exactly that. I was trying to redirect my thoughts and forcing myself to focus on a specific thing to make distract my mind and imagination. Also having a narrator in a structured video like that gave me some semblance of order
>I havent slept, and I am unsure if I will be able to.
kek i had this with a bad acid trip when i was a young fella
you'll be fine big lad dont worry about it, your body will sort you out even when your mind is on edge
>Really interesting. You were focusing on something specific and repetive in order to overcome whatever you saw at the moment?
My go to in this scenario was always singing
Terrance McKenna used to say you could sing to keep the elves in the attic happy
this guy fucks
>This. I think weed could have been accepted better if it wasn't for the smoking lore
For centuries it was. The most popular form was lozenges infused with a small amount of hash. It was prescribed for migraines, insomnia, and taken for evening parties.

The smoking lore was created by prohibition, which was a reaction to mexican and african american usage patterns, which caused those usage patterns to become dominant in an act of broader rebellion. Those patterns being: smoking fat joints. Most people didn't even realize it was the same drug.
Thanks man
great post
I thought these were chicken bones from the thumbnail.
Never tried mushrooms but I’ve used weed to wean me off my alcohol addiction. I’ve been two months alcohol sober thanks to it and have begun slowly ceasing my cannabis as well.
>used a feminine drug to get you off a masculine hobby
Tranny (repressing) mindset
I love weed because it makes me zone out and I can just chill out without thinking about anything complex. Just turn on a documentary or old 70s or 80s cartoons and zone out for the evening. I love shrooms because of the giggling fits they send me into on the come up and how euphoric and talkative I get, since I mostly just keep pretty quiet in my friends group. Also the color enhancement and breathing effects are hypnotic and distracting in a good way
Weed alone is a recipe for psychosis long term, but the fact you do both is a ticking time bomb.
alcohol causes estrogen production you fucking retarded autist
you were molested by a stoner weren't you, faggot?
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The only manly substance is pic rel
based and cigar pilled
>boosts cognitive function
>improved memory processing
>simultaneously increases alertness while also creating a sense of relaxation
>correlation with increased testosterone
>herbs enhance taste and have fine aroma
>all natural
>only side effect is shrinking of the veins
It truly is the only real brain overclocker. Psychedelic fags and pot heads take note.
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>"smokes will kill you bro!"
>mean while the oldest men in the world:
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had the pleasure of meeting him at his birthday celebration in 2018. gave him a bottle of bell's whisky, his eyes lit up and he said "thank you young man". one of the coolest motherfuckers i'd ever met.
>Weed alone is a recipe for psychosis long term,
Makes you way more liberal and annoying, makes you really lazy. A black man's drug
Heals the brain through neurogensis, helps makes your brain work more efficiently too, energizes you and fills you with positive energy, can be microdosed for healing and productive properties, you can take as much or as little as you need. A white man's molecule
Weed is demonstrated to cause measurable IQ loss with semi-regular smokers over the cause of 5 years. Weed is also a leading contributor in young adult psychosis and every former smoker or person who knew a weed smoker will tell you that it makes people ultra paranoid.
OP here. I hope you're talking about the actual tobbacco plant and not the shitty cigs and cigarette brands i see like fucking everywhere. If so then i'm in
Tobacco sucks, tastes like shit, and is for dumbasses. Enjoy sucking on that big brown shaft.
Booze or weed are all you need.
Fucking retarded pseud shit. If you ascribe feminine properties to weed it's your fault; maybe stop getting stoned and dressing up in your sister's pantyhose.
Younger and younger people nowadays are smoking weed and it's causing a lot of mental problems. It's really something that should be avoided until someone is at least 18 years old. Even then, a lot of people are bad at moderating themselves.
No, not really. This only applies to people who start smoking regularly before ~23.

Then again this thread has been derailed by an actual tobacco shill. They must not want you to know tobacco causes impotence.

Brace for more disinfo and dated/shitty studies from the cult of andrew tate (a mixed race sex criminal and /pol/‘s hero).
>Enjoy sucking on that big brown shaft
That applies to weed too, in addition to the hundreds of stories that start with the line: "weed made me gay"

Keep beaming with pride pothead
I'm a hyper-heterosexual white nationalist and bioessentialist homophobe and I vape weed

I literally can not get a boner unless a woman is in her kitchen first

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