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File: Gaiasia jennyae.jpg (391 KB, 1200x1582)
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New Stem Tetrapod just dropped
he cute
Dinos arent real you fucking kike
Falseflagging yid do not engage
Whenever you see a disruptive false flag post like this, simply respond with "Eglin Air Force Base". That tends to shut the glowniggers up. When it stops working, move onto naming other "intelligence" (incompetence) bases.
I like the teeth in the palate, more animals should have that.
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For anyone wondering how big it is, it's hella big compared to every amphibian alive today.
>gay asia
So this was not a temnospondyl, or was it?
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Nowadays have more stem tetrapods than STEM women.
wait, why does it have two types of teeth, isnt that a little weird for non mammals

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