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The absolutely dumbest most midwit take on featherfaggotry is that dinosaurs can just magically have feathers if the climate "feels" cold to the midwit, regardless of ancestry. They'll even claim some species in the same family "must've had feathers" because they lived in a colder climate than other scaled members of their own family. This is the level modern paleontology is working on.

>Oh but it's not the researchers that think this way!
Yes it is. Researchers are no smarter than the general population. They are reddit incarnate.
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>aimlessly seething about an irrelevant field of "science" thread no 2? 3? 4? 9000?
I see someone is having a melty

Oooooh noooo the paleoart! Some
drew feathers on a distant relative to modern birds THE HORROR!

if you went into something worth dropping out after failing at, like marine biology, you would be depressed about the field you failed to enter instead of mad about irrelevant junk that's merely adjacent the field you failed to enter. Maybe since you like acting like a monkey you could have been a good primatologist...'s assistant?

PS: The game
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I didn't read your post and hid it. A woman is speaking. It's time to stop listening.
>A woman is speaking
OP, I know you want it, but you'll never be one.
Hush now. This isn't the cosmo letters to the editor section. We're not talking about dieting, lipstick or tips on stealing men's money. We're talking about dinosaurs, something no woman on Earth is qualified to discuss.
>paleoschizo argues with himself again thread number 68,930
What trigger words do I need to use to make you lapse from this persona to the "paleowhore" one who hates white men or something? No real interest I just think the contrast would make your mental illness seem more humorous
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This is a real dinosaur. If you do not believe this your IQ is clearly room temperature.
Dinofags are probably the worst autists on /an/
>Dinofags are probably the worst autists on /an/
only on /an/?
I feel like they could compete in bigger arenas than just /an/
In real life there's only two, at most three dinosaur autitsts on /an/. You may be one of them for all I know.

Back in 2012 I got tired of /sci/ constantly spamming
>a hard science
so I brought serious dinosaur discussion to /an/
at one point we had 3 vert paleo students on the board, and discussed topics such as
>the frame shift hypotheis
>horizontal gene transfer in the conservation of Theropoda
>Mechanisms for the reduction of the vertebral series in bird evolution
>Maniraptorans as flightless birds
>Polyphyly in Tyrannosauroidea
>the size of the facial foramen as indicator of cheeks/lips/trunks
>the fossil record of skin in tyrannosaurids
>history of dinosaur paleontology in relation to bird ancestry

however bugguy/paleoschizo soon chased them off and lowered the level of conversation to crayon munching retard. It has remained at this level since.

someday someone will assassinate him and 4chan may again become a place for actual paleontology to be discussed. We all wait.
The funny thing about STEMniggers is they honestly believe the two most fake sciences ("high" physics and math) are the best, when they're the fakest and gayest. Biology is still real science that takes real work and has a tangible connection to reality, that's why they hate it.
It's just autism.

physics and maths have neat rules

biology is messy. emergent properties from chaos. Deterministic limits to stochastic phenomena. Irreducible. It hurts the mathematical mind.
the only reason math and physics is hard is becaue it's fake. It's not reality, it's human language. Language is hard but false. Reality is soft but true.
"Higher" physics and math literally don't apply to reality. They may as well be shipping fiction written by a teenage girl.
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>They may as well be shipping fiction written by a teenage girl.
it's semantics, not nature
>dino lady: PHYSICS IS FAKE
Recent comments about fusion reactors being delayed by midwits studying irrelevant lizards have elicited a change!

Paleontology is a worthless non science. Go be a botanist or something fuck
What a sloppy whore.
Most people call that "women".

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