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The only reason why I haven't kms yet is because of her
Do you have any pictures of her as a puppy?
Hello Anon,

I hope you are okay. I'm just a little worried about what happens if you lose her.

Maybe consider getting a new pup sometime? I feel like I was in the same position with my cat. As she started to get older, I felt like I'd have a breakdown if she was to pass. I bought another cat as she got older and slowly integrated her into the life of the older cat. It was a struggle but it helped me when eventually I had to lose my cat.

Having someone to live for is super important. Make sure you have someone or some animal to lean on in times of distress.

ps, this is my new pup, having an animal to care for is so important!
cute pups I'd die for them
Unfortunately no, she's adopted and the humane society guessed she was around 2 when I got her.

I think about that too. Shes 7 now which means she getting up in age. She still has puppy energy but now I see that she limps a bit when we go on long walks. I would totally get a new puppy if I had someone to let it out when Im at work
I know that feel bro, stay strong

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