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Im thinking about upping my dogs weight vest to 70 lbs, is it safe to give them creatine and will it have the same effects as it does in humans? I dont want to ruin his kidneys
why do u even want to do this ..
He's most likely gonna be fine, worst case scenario he has diarrhea
>speedrunning arthritis

For strength and utility and to crush at the dog park
You're already fucking up your dog by having a weighted vest period. Dogs aren't meant to carry weight on their back. There's a reason why dog sledding is a thing but not dog riding.

are humans meant to bench press and do squats? what part of nature has humans do clean and jerk?

My dogs are extra-natural, they are above and beyond anything you can imagine, just like me.

That's besides the point, can dogs eat creatine is what im asking
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get those gains bro
Dog kidneys/livers are different, but considering they're heavy meat eaters, they should be able to handle some creatine. Prepare for the shits big time to be honest.
To make him SMASHED and SLAMMED
if you want strong dogs feed him 1-1.2g per lb bodyweight in protein like a bodybuilder would eat. Good protein sources are egg whites, chicken, steak, depends what they digest best. Dont bother with creatine just carnivoremaxx your dog with quality protein
is this supposed to be funny? cuz its not

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