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What's the biggest/most fearsome animal you could fend off with a glaive? You don't have to kill it, just make it stop fucking with you.
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A glaive or The Glaive?
Ya mudda
That thing is nowhere near long enough to satisfy OP's mom
Gaundao are on average heavier than a zweihander. So it could probably kill anything smaller than a hippo if you're capable enough to maneuver it quickly and maintain a posistion where it can't lunge and trample you.
I’ve never played it but I reckon I could probably take a diablos with it, maybe even a deviljho
I was so fkn good at MHW back in the day dude, my glaive build was unmatched. I should get back into that game
>average ig player using all the mounts and wallbangs at the start of the fight because they only know how to do their aerial combos
I'll never not kick ig players on sight. Never bring healing powders, demon dust, bombs, tinged meat, traps or anything team oriented. Just look at fly wowooo. They'd be more help if they just stayed in the camp.
You can fend off an elephant with a twig if you know what you're doing.

Blue whale
Maybe a Turtledove.
Git gud fgt, lrn2dps
If people cared about purely DPS everyone would play hbg and solo hunt to get those stupid fast clear times and flinch that bitch so hard it can't retaliate. This is more about fluid play and executing a hunt flawlessly like a matador and getting the most rewards from a hunt through part breaks. But as far as dps in team play goes: If your teammates have to sheath to heal it's dps down. If they can't keep their gauges up because you're all too spread out and the monster is all over the place it's dps down. If you're not interrupting it's lengthy attacks it's dps down. If you're not immobilizing it as often as possible to get off big combos it's dps down. If you're not keeping them topped off to get peak performance or you're not keeping the monster enraged to get agitator it's dps down. If you're not keeping it's weak points softened it's dps down. Getting a fluid hunt and using mantles, items and statuses is all part of dps. Doing brain dead lala combos only stopping to sharpen or heal is in every way worse for the team dps.
An elephant
Quite a lot of them. I think maybe up to a lion.
After that is brown bears and tigers, and I think those would just have 0 fear of you and attack anyway. Could probably kill a tiger with it though. Spear would be better though, better stabbing at range than slicing.
Brown recluse

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