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File: grizzly bear vs hippo.jpg (17 KB, 602x174)
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If a billionaire paid you 10 billion USD to fight a fully grown adult grizzly or a fully grown adult hippo, which one would you fight?

Note: You don't have to win the fight, you'd still get the 10 billion even if you dead (can be transferred to your family or anyone you choose)
But a billionaire would never pay me that much money for that.
Grizz at least one person in history has won that fight. I don't think anyone has 1v1ed a hippo and lived.
Joe Rogan would if he had a couple billion to spare
Is it true?
The hippo would kill me easier but I'd be dead anyway, but the hippo is more likely to just be too lazy and sit around or shake me a bit then lose interest
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Lol. The animal that could beat a hippo is a rhino or elephant. Simple as.
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Hippo chads... I kneel
What about a giraffe?
can i fight them with napalm?
male or female hippo?
in what environnement?
are we allowed to use weapons? tools?
do we have to win the fight? or is the fight considered over once one of us loses?
Gentlemen, it was a pleasure sharing this planet with you. We had a good run. I'll see you all in hell.
>Can be transfered to my family
Hippo. It won't even take long and I would piss the hippo off on purpose if he wasn't interested in killing me. I'm too traumatized by bears to chose that one so yeah give me the hippo.
If I am to have no weapons, then I can see only one win condition: Suffocation. Hippos are far too thick and blubbery for this, whereas I feel like MAYBE if I SOMEHOW got on the bear's back I MIGHT be able to wrap my arms around its neck
male hippo
river/body of water
sharp edged weapons is allowed, but no guns or explosive weapons
you don't have to win, the fight is over when a party dies first
I get a sharp edged weapon? Brown bear. Both are unable with muscle powered spears and theoretically defeatable with a sword, but I know more about how to kill a bear than I know about where hippos are vulnerable, so I choose brown bear.

If he won’t let me have a 7 foot long hewing spear, give me an Albion Svante Nilsson Sture.
What? So do they take off like airplanes on a runway or something? What's this supposed to mean?
bear will always be the more winnable fight. Like anon mentioned earlier there have been cases of people killing bears with using weapons, meanwhile Hippos are the number one killer animal on their continent and everything I’ve seen tells me they’re impossible to 1v1.
I’ll probably still get mauled, but I’d take a small chance over no chance
meant to say without weapons

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