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Thoughts about human zoos?
those are called prisons
humans are animals
probably just as ethical as regular zoos
This might be nuked as a troll or a psyop, but I think this is a funny story that fits well itt
>grew up in a jewish family in the states
>convinced to go study in israel because new immigrants essentially have all expenses paid (found out it was a lie but whatever)
>dorms are brand new, so new that they still don't have blinds, despite them having very large and revealing windows
>Basically shaped like a zoo's reptile section
>Every once in a while, there will be a fucking tour group going around and literally watch us as if guided through a zoo
>A few times decide to try talking to them
>They ignore me like I am not there
>pretty sure they are instructed not to
>some of the shit the tour guide says really does sound like they are walking through a zoo

Didn't stay there long
Was there a time you felt like a zoo animal, anon?
In the absence of goyim, the Jews start jewing each other. Many such cases.
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hasn't that always been the case? israeli jews look down on american jews? this is no different than any other subgroup within a larger designation looking down on each other (protestants vs. catholics, the 2 biggest buddhist sects that i don't know the name of, etc.)
Make of my story what you will.
Also, the students were the Israelis
My wife studied in one of the two big prestigious universities in the UK. Tour guides would be taken through the colleges and look at and take pictures of the students as if they were exhibits. It pissed my wife off.

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