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> "The name Diuqin means bird of prey in the Mapuzungun language; and lechiguanae in reference to Lechiguana, a witch from the Argentine film Nazareno Cruz and the Wolf, who foretold bad omens to Nazareno. So Diuqin lechiguanae means The Bird of Prey of the witch or The bird of prey of the Lechiguana," explained the National University of Comahue in a press release.
> "This species, unknown until now to science, was between 2.5 and 3 meters tall, weighed around 100 kilograms, had small, hollow bones, as well as sharp teeth, pointed claws and a very low but elongated skull"
> "The Diuqin lechiguanae is the seventh species of the Unenlaginos (half-bird) family to be discovered in Argentina. However, its particular anatomical features had not been recorded before in other known dinosaurs.
The fossil remains analyzed were discovered in the isthmus of the Mari Menuco and Barreales Lakes, in the province of Neuquén, and are part of the paleontological collection of the Museum of Natural Sciences of the National University of Comahue."
How can something be 10 feet tall and weigh 200 pounds?
retarded article mustve meant 10 feet *long* instead
Maybe it was built like a flamingo
And trannies whined when I said scientific names should only be in Greek and Latin like they were always supposed to be. Now you have thirdie mutts pulling shit like this every week.
>They hated him because he told the truth.
You're so brave and misunderstood
If only everyone else wasn't such a sheep. But they'll learn one day. They should have appreciated you.
This but unironically
This but ironically
>NO! They’re using the wrong nonwhite language and referencing the wrong nonwhite culture! The west has fallen!
Ok go discover trannysaurus loki sven stop complaining
he can't discover shit, he's here all day every day
/an/ is his prison, he cannot leave
All of you are idiots and names should be in Latin or Greek. Spanish is the shittiest language in the world.
You're right. Ignore the tourists.
Almost true. Except vietnamese exists.
Tell us all about the stuff you hate, paleoschizo

we're dying to hear all about the things that tick you off.
>the dookie milk lizard


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