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Deer Thread
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Thats fucking gross
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You know when you post a deer on /k/ and the /k/ommandos start to talk about pheromones that they are cut from the same cloth as those who post on deer gen. Personally I prefer .22lr but the deer over here are tiny.
Haha look at him go

Just wash the counter after he's done
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The muntjac is a type of deer, so here is a muntjac
Sir thats an alien
No it's a muntjac, it has scent glands on its head, those are things that are moving
All I see is an english xenomorph
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>open the door
>see this
What would you do in this situation?
Drive down to the bar and sell them for 50 bucks a pop
probably take them to all things wild because they're way better equipped to raise deer
Get on the floor
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Can a goat and a deer make a foal?
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>hunting deer with a .22
even roe deer call for .223
Cuddle time
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Dont want to derail into a /k/ thread, but head/neck with high velocity/hollow point is effective.

Here is another muntjac.
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please apply a .22 to your own head/neck you absolute retard
and to be clear, you're even more retarded than that guy on /out/ who bragged about always headshotting deer and then got chewed out by every other anon for being an idiot. at least that guy had the sense to use a .308. not that that matters if you hit the deer in the jaw. either way they'll die a painful drawn out death from dehydration unless you find them
It works. Neck will hit spine or carotid arteries for fast bleed-out if you do not have the confidence for head shots. Its not impossible just because some states in the US makes it not legal.
it works until it doesn't
Do people really pretend hunting is ethical? Basically every way you can kill an animal that is distant and actively trying to avoid you will be painful. A double lung and heart shot results in prolonged enough suffering for a bloodless corpse to panic and run for a mile.

The only ethical way to hunt is to take sport 100% out of it. Bait, and regularly feed the deer so they lose their fear of you and then brain them. It's the only way. But according to hunting fags, this is the least ethical way to hunt because despite exhibiting peak human ingenuity it isn't "sporting".

I'd also wager wild animals mind death the most because they see it and need to avoid it every day. A domesticated cow is the least likely thing to care about dying. They're so dumbed down they might not even comprehend it anymore.
No point arguing with hunt fags. They are the most wrapped up on hunting mysticsim lore and half truths. They are as Fudd'ed out as you can get with people with firearms.
>A double lung and heart shot results in prolonged enough suffering for a bloodless corpse to panic and run for a mile
yes they'll run for a bit, but they won't live for fucking days like they will if you aim for the head and don't hit right
>regularly feed the deer so they lose their fear of you
that's a good way to cause more traffic accidents
>Yeah I tortured the deer for an hour not as bad as torturing it for a day
>that's a good way to cause more traffic accidents
If you feed the deer for months. You only need to use the salt lick for 2 or 3 days to get one specific deer to calm down and stay in safe headshot range.

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