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My mother has a Sonoran desert toad living in her garden which her stupid dogs will not stop trying to harass even after it's poisoned one of them. How do I catch it so I can move it to someone else's garden?
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grab it
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grab it
Okay but I was wondering how to find it first. Is it going to be hiding in the dirt? Will I have to dig for it?
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Look for it hopping around in the evening and night, especially if it's been raining. During the day it probably resides in some rocks, wood pile or whatever cool and moist hiding spot your mom's garden offers. If there's any water source in the garden it might bathe in it, or if there are light sources where bugs gather it could possibly move there for an easy meal.
>put it in someone else's garden
Get it a decent tank and keep it you mong. Free DMT
Buy a pizza, once you dispose of the pizza you can them cut the pizza box in two.
Next you want to get a bucket, put the bucket on top of the toad and use one of the pizza box halves under the bucket. Congratulations! your toad is now caught and you can move it somewhere else

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