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Gabriel Ugueto's artwork is getting shittier in quality at the same time he's jumping on the speculative bullshit bandwagon more and more. Coincidence?
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Don't worry, he will burn in the lake of fire for all eternity
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buy an ad faggot.
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>I'm watching the Acolyte
Dear god, it's worse than I thought.
I want to be clear. Ugueto has never not been openly gay, but now he's turning into a FAGGOT like brian engh.
I never seen this guy before but now I have. Thanks for showing me his art so I can follow and support him
Oh he used to be one of the best current paleoartists, but now he's starting to do the speculative bullshit and the quality of his work - even the more normal looking stuff - has noticeably taken a downturn.
That's not real. It's a trick to pacify victims until they are dead.
In this case the victim is me for opening this shit thread.
>guy is supposedly falling off as a paleoartist by making speculative sloppa like engh
>no actual proof of him making speculative sloppa posted itt
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I've seen some of his spec and it's pretty good. He's only done like 2 spec things though
I follow him on Instragram, let me go find it.
Also yes the guy is a massive queer and he posts selfies of himself wearing short shorts and stuff, but he looks like a chad so at least he's not obnoxiously hideous to look at like when trannies post their mugs all the time.
Also his art is thus far good enough to outweigh any fagshenanigans he posts.
Kinda weird to see him get gossiped about on /an/ though.
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All I can find is some stuff on his twitter, he doesn't call it speculative evolution from what I can tell, just "fantasy creatures"
I wonder why OP has a hateboner for this guy
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>I never seen this guy before but now I have. Thanks for showing me his art so I can follow and support him
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I'm not a simp or anything and the queer stuff bothers me too but could it be you're envious of this man's looks and sheer talent?
oh hey paleoschizo
your entire personality is just hating stuff, huh?

why you gotta punish the board with 12 threads a day about things you hate? Nobody cares. Die in a fire.
No, you're wrong. I'm pretty sure all of those are older works. He's putting feathers on Ornithischians, neck flaps on Prosauropods, it's getting bad. His more normal work is suffering too.
Yes, women.
Paleoart is not paleontology
It's childrens fiction

And paleontology is not a real science. It's a hobby.

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