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He will be boiled soon inshallah
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I am not one to hold a prejudice against any animal, but it is a plain fact that the spotted hyena is not well served by its appearance. It is ugly beyond redemption. Its thick neck and high shoulders that slope to the hindquarters look as if they've come from a discarded prototype for the giraffe, and its shaggy, coarse coat seems to have been patched together from the leftovers of creation. The colour is a bungled mix of tan, black, yellow, grey, with the spots having none of the classy ostentation of a leopard's rosettes; they look rather like the symptoms of a skin disease, a virulent form of mange. The head is broad and too massive, with a high forehead, like that of a bear, but suffering from a receding hairline, and with ears that look ridiculously mouse-like, large and round, when they haven't been torn off in battle. The mouth is forever open and panting. The nostrils are too big. The tail is scraggly and unwagging. The gait is shambling. All the parts put together look doglike, but like no dog anyone would want as a pet.
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Based hyena hater. Not to mention the whole masculinized female thing those creatures have going on.
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It's just like me
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>but like no dog anyone would want as a pet
Have you seen what "dogs" people have as pets? Not even talking about SMASHED and SLAMMED, other breeds are also equally ugly or disgusting. If you compare the hyena to them, it comes out on top by far. I would rather have a hyena as a pet than some psychotic small dog.
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I think Hyenas are neat.
Chihuahua looks like rats with mange. I've seen sewer rats that look better than those little shit.
Good documentary
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>no hyenas pictured
What did he mean by this?
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Please add me to the screencap.
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