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Yall didn't tell me these things could climb into bed with you
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Idk if I'll be the same..
What the FUCK are these things? I've seen one before when I lived in Illinois. Never seen them anywhere else. It was like 3am and this little fucker was crawling on the floor. I thought it was a retarded scorpion.
House centipede. They're literally everywhere. They mainly eat other bugs and spiders. They're also horrible.
At least they're usually pretty good at staying out of sight.
This is not what I need to be seeing on my computer screen on a summer night in the midwest. Cursed thread. Casting warding spell
its a house centipede
...whats with name OP...
>In 1902, C. L. Marlatt, an entomologist with the United States Department of Agriculture, wrote a brief description of the house centipede:[1]
>It may often be seen darting across floors with very great speed, occasionally stopping suddenly and remaining absolutely motionless, presently to resume its rapid movements, often darting directly at inmates of the house, particularly women, evidently with a desire to conceal itself beneath their dresses, and thus creating much consternation.
Absolute chads
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Yeah well I sleep on the floor and probably swallow one sometimes
My house when I was a kid had LOADS of these fellas. I can’t help but like them :)
Did you ever have to run them out of your orifices?
>be me
>haven't seen one of these cunts all spring/summer, which is weird
>see this thread
>see one the same night
>endeavor to kill it
>literally the fastest moving cuntipede I've ever seen, literally crosses the entire room in about 1 second and disappears completely

Fuck you anon, these things are mere nightmares manifested from my deepest dreams and I will defeat them
How come people hate them but the same people will also go, "Spiders aren't so bad, they eat other bugs! Spiderbros, unite!"?

I hate 90% of creepy-crawlies and more than half of them eat other bugs. That doesn't entice me to keep them around and I don't know why spiders get treated better than centipedes.
>How come people hate them but the same people will also go, "Spiders aren't so bad, they eat other bugs! Spiderbros, unite!"?
1. Spiders are nowhere near as disturbing-looking as centipedes.
2. Most spiders keep their distance at the corner of the ceiling, but I've seen centipedes climb up on walls right above my bed. I heard that these fuckers can give you a painful bite, so I really dread that one of them could fall on me while I sleep.
In what way are they horrible? They stay out of sight and murder annoying bugs, can't hurt you, and you're unlikely to see them unless they get stuck in a tub or other slippery area.
Not true in the slightest, lmao.
I'm actually not all that afraid of them based on appearance, not factoring in their ability to bite. And I'm afraid of some other bugs.

If there were multiple of them around at once, might be different.
I like his spiderman eyes
Fucking disturbing looking creatures.
The apartment I just moved into has these things everywhere.
Cute lil guys.
pin 1 is gnd
pin 60 is power
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>used to absolutely hate these things
>experience a bed bug infestation
>now refuse to kill them or even remove them from my house
I'd rather have one of these bastards climb in my bed and fuck me than deal with bed bugs again
They'll do much more than that, pretty boy.
Do they get rid of bedbugs or do you just have a fetish now
What did anonymous poster on 4chan mean by this?
Dozens of legs typed this post.
every individual house centipede has a different face marking, check google images
failed to grip the curtain behind my bed, fallen into my bed and just goes into a blanket fold like a little failure and seems sad.
good reason for sticky traps
wtf dudes these are worse than scorpbros and tarantulads
I think I'd rather see a house pede then a Scorpio or trentua
Theyre just gross. The width of their legs makes them look way too big for what they are. When I used to live in a place that had them, seeing one out of the corner of my eye was fucked up, it was like seeing a mouse not a bug. Put me on edge. They also have a gross colour.
I think I just saw one of these things fall off my ceiling and land behind a book shelf. Why are they so clumsy?
>When the mother opens the hood the hungry chick raises its head and opens its mouth waiting for some food
>The mother looks at its chick confused
>She sweared there were four chicks by the engine but now only one remains
>Under the car, three wiggling bodies tell a horror story
>The mother feeds the hungry chick a piece of bacon
>Now it's the only thing she has

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