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Boobies are very important
I want to touch a booby
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I'm more of I tit man myself
i like the tight assed sexparrot
The name's not lying.
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i have a huge cock
so huge it set off false alarms in the metal detectors at the airport
For me, it's the red-breasted nuthatch
Anybody like a nice long pecker?
i love tits
These things are fucking irl muppets. They even get their name from sailors for being particulary stupid birds.
i love cocks
tits or gtfo to prove that you’re not gay
I am gay THOUGH
i want to cuddle with a cute girl with big tits who appreciates the importance of birds
wanna stroke my BBC? ;3
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>thread up this long
>noone posted this
morning wood
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alright luv ya fancy a shag?
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For me? Its Cock of the Rock.
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birds are not that important (BANTI)
you are not that important
jiggle physics

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