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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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>tfw you help an animal
I would sacrifice 100 humans to save one dog
bog standard normie white woman statement
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same, especially if they're brown
A couple weeks ago I spent about an hour trying to rescue a firefly from the kitchen sink drain but unfortunately it didn't work.
>Griffith if he was a white woman
depends on which humans and what dog it is. like no one should be sacrificed for a pitbull
>like no one should be sacrificed for a pitbull
true, i'd sacrifice every pitbull on earth to save a rock
I would kill a million pitbulls to save a bumble bee
what causes this reckless disregard for human life? can't just be autism alone
Isolation and lack of critical thinking skills.
Being surrounded by thirdies and christ deniers
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Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

They're taught that the molecules-to-man evolutionism is a scientific fact rather than a baseless theory which flies in the face of all observational science and all known history and many of the laws of science.

Man's just a beast to them so they'd prefer their own pet over another man who is made in the image of God. They don't even believe man is made in the image of God, they believe they're just beasts.

This is also where some of the worse veganist loons come from and also where the nonsense of "specieism" or whatever they call it comes from. It's where you get the nature-worshippers who want to force everyone into pods and eat ze bugs. They already signed that insane environmental treaty which has no actual legal constitutional ground over Americans. It's also why you have higher crime rates than decades ago, there's no fear of God before the people.

They're simply 1,000% demoralized.
Lots of religious nonsense and the return of the “caturday happened = i hate dogs” schizo lately. Whats with the schizo infestation? Did the nutters get bored with dinosaurs?

Are we getting another flood of vegan threads next?
go away christkike. you've been dunked on and banned so many times here it's hilarious you still rear your head
>depends on
based rationalist and critical thinker
based "thinking in ultimates" bee appreciator
If you evict a bug from the inside of your house, does it survive the outside?
None of us survive the outside indefinitely anon
But anywho most insects shouldn't be too habituated to your house to die from being evicted
As a fellow Christian I would personally drown 100 "doggos" and "kitties" to save one of my African brethren. I would offer him my daughter and a bed in my.house because that's what the bible and my pastor told me to do!!
Praise God hallelujah!!!!
monkey attacked me after I saved from Eagle
just let nature runt its course.
>working on a construction site
>there's a heat wave
>up on the third floor of the unfinished building
>a mourning dove is trapped
>must have flown in when the walls were open a day or two ago and couldn't find it's way out
>spend about an hour trying to catch it in a discarded tyvek suit I found
>end up staying late just because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left it up there to die of heat stroke
>finally caught it
>general contractor has a group of suits with him to do a walk through of the job site
>I'm holding a flapping bag
>smile like an autist and leave without saying a word
>release dove out by a tree
>it majestically flies off, hopefully to get some water
I felt so good for the rest of the day, I hate seeing wild animals getting caught up in our bullshit.
no you wouldn't you little keyboard warrior
Weird false flag. Our faux-pagan huskyfucker friend, maybe?
There is more beauty in a single forest than in a whole village or city.
You value human life so highly because you either see yourself as a problem that should be fixed, therefore eliciting fear for yourself and your loved ones or simply because you are too self-absorbed to realize we don't really have any worth or place to reside besides the ones we force ourselves to find.
There is no separation between the value of a cow or bird to the value of a human, our lack of simplicity gets in the way of our God given right to exist.
What is this hindu garbage?

Humans > *.

Weird schizzout, please stop writing stories about 4chan and touch grass. Whats next, bugguy and paleoschizo are here too?
not everyone who finds christian lunacy to be self destructive and nonsensical is your weird composite boogeyman made up of everyone who pissed you off and some errant fantasies, schizo.

would you save a dog, or a 50 time convicted child rapist who has found refuge in a foreign country that's too corrupt/in agreement to extradite him and has repeatedly stated he does not intend to stop, and actually believes he is in the right? a christian is obligated to save and forgive the rapist, or they are a murderer and will go to hell. after all he could be converted.
>hence the priesthood is not full of dogs
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>tfw you want to help animals so you get a job at the vet and eventually fail upwards to the emergency hospital and work 12-hour night shifts cutting the heads off german shepherds for money
>hindu garbage?
Hindus are pagans.
>Humans > *
There is no reasoning with human cattle, self-percieved value is as important as making them think everyone is equal on earth as they are in Heaven.
>is christian
>is not anthropocentric
You are a pagan.

Re-read your genesis or find a new religion.
>You are a pagan
One God.
Your definitions seem a little lacking, brush up with a dictionary.
pagan cope
>be me
>riding bicycle to next town
>see dead puppy on side of road
>keep biking
>stop and turn around
>wrap it up in my sweater and take it to a grassy clearing under a tree
>say a few words
I just couldn’t leave him there on the road like trash
His matter has been returned to the cycle of life. It would have happened anyway, but you made it easier. Good on you.
Living in india
You are a hero anon. Thank you
that's why I usually spoonfeed anons in this site
>tfw animal doesn't want to be helped
Impressive. Can’t think of anything I’ve done that tops your actions here.
>be at uni
>get call from my cousin
>he is panicking hard
>he tells me his dog has ran away
>our grandma held the door of his house open for too long and it bolted out
>He is working so he can't go to look for him
>"He will get run over, I am certain of it"
>the dog is a white labrador that is dumb as a rock
>His name is Max but I call him Pachi just to annoy my cousin
>tell him I got it
>I live in a 10 minute drive from Uni so go home
>I don't have a dog so I don't have a leash to use on him if I find him
>Grab a thin extension cord from my garage and get out to look out for him
>go for a walk
>It was a weird feeling looking for Pachi
>I was calm despite the chance of finding him run over was pretty real
>Pachi could also have gone anywhere since it was roughly 20 minutes that he escaped
>Luckily I spot a white spot
>it is pachi
>he is casually walking alongside a wired fence sniffing around
>walk towards him
>he spots me
>he is ecstatic to see me and comes running towards me
>I greet him and tie the extension cord gently around his neck
>actually walk it about a bit more and then go to my cousin's

My cousin was so grateful for it. It felt really good to help both Pachi and my cousin. Being relied upon in an emergency and delivering is great. I love my cousin and Pachi.
I'll post another story about a white labrador. Not pachi though.
>be 12-13 or so
>Some friends asks us to take care of a dog of their friends
>The dog's owners are from very far and they came to our town to attend a wedding
>The dog is a white labrador but I don't remember his name
>My mom tells me about the dog and I go check him out in the garage
>My mom advised me to not get close to him since it was aggressive
>He is hugging a pillar and looks at me intensely
>I approach him and imediatly he barks at me once
>I stop and instintively crouch down
>The dog instantly comes towards me and licks my hand
>The dog was just scared
>The owners have taken him hundreds of miles from his home and then dumped him into a strangers house, I'd be scared too
>Leave the garage and play vidya
>Hours pass
>It's nighttime
>Suddenly I hear my mom screeching
>She opened the garage door and the dog bolted out clearly searching for his owners
>My mom is terrified at the thought of explaining to the owners how she lost their dog
>I get out and see the dog panicking not knowing where to run
>He is running away from my mom, for him she is just a stranger
>I approach him but he runs away from me too
>Crouch down again like I did before
>The dog returns to me
>gently walk it back to the garage and close the door

If I hadn't stablished a connection with him we would have never found him. Nervous dogs like that are guaranteed to get run over. I spent some time with him until he fell asleep after that. The owners came for him the next day.
Don't take your pets traveling if you are gonna dump it somewhere strange. Just leave it with family or a friend.
Both of you are wonderful, my dog ran off in the woods behind my parents house when she was a little puppy, came home from work, and my parents told told me it happened an hour ago, they were a bit older at the time so I didn't blame them for not blasting through the underbrush to find a hyperactive border collie puppy. Didn't stop them from being absolutely overwrought.
Searching through the woods for those 40 minutes was honestly the most stressed I had felt in years up to that point, millions of awful scenarios playing in my head of what could have happened.
I eventually just found her sniffing around a shed 4 houses down, she realistically probably didn't even go in the woods and just followed the treeline, and we only didn't see her because she was simply too far away or behind something. Little fucking dickhead took off the moment she saw me thinking we were playing, luckily she ran up to some guy who just happened to be outside because she's still mystified by new people at this point. I was then able to scoop her up and take her back home.
Anyway, the fact that you guys were able to alleviate that kind of terror for someone else is absolutely saintly.
Both of them are me. While writing the first story I remembered the second one which was many more years ago.
>Little fucking dickhead took off the moment she saw me thinking we were playing
Keked hard, typical puppy behavior. They think life is just another dream of theirs.

And thank you. I always loved animals and feel like they are way easier to communicate with than people. With animals you don't have to check for lies or incomplete truths. They are pure instinct and thus very honest with the environtment that surrounds them, including you.

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