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What does /an/ think of squirrels?
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They should all be destroyed.
I'm a fan
I like them, they never done me any wrong.
I like to watch them from time to time jump and run around the trees, looks fun.
Im kinda worried about gray squirrels supposedly pushing out red squirrels from their natural enviroment, but in the end there is nothing I could do about it so whatever.
I live in a house where my room's roof has an infestation of them. They scracth, thud and gnaw like rats but do so day and night. The landlord wont do shit about them since the last pest control guy bailed turning up 2 months ago. I have been on the edge of just sitting outside and shooting them myself as they come and leave the exit hole they have made in the guttering to a loose tile, but I havent as a moral promise to myself that I will never directly take the life of an animal unless absloutley necessary.

But despite my discretion I really do see them as nothing but tree rats. People who like them are people who have never had to deal with them as pests.
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Love the little rascals, high entertainment value compared to most other critters
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I hate gray squirrels but I tolerate red squirrels until they figure out how to get in my bird feeders, then I give them several chances and scare them away, try to grab them etc. to give them a clear message, then finally eradicate them. Red squirrels are pretty funny because they all hate each other but they congregate in the same place to eat, and make angry arguing sounds while they're eating if another red is too close.
And I'm talking about American red squirrels btw
it's fucking hard to get any pest control guy to do anything in your house anymore because of liability
just get a squirrel trap, bait squirrel trap, and get rid of them. They can be tremendously destructive in utility space.
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theyre fucking nuts
>"tail up, you whore"
They are highly successful in their position within the biosphere. Its up to predators to keep squirrel numbers down, lest all the tree vegetation be eaten by them
you kill animals constantly by just taking a walk outside. why forcing yourself to stand them instead of fixing the problem yourself for some moral obligation? Religious retardation? Veganism retardation?
>"unless absloutley necessary"

Besides insects and microrganisms are unavoidable. I dont do it on religous grounds or vegan shit. I just feel like there is a line that is crossed when you kill animal. Not a line of being a unredeemable monster, but the fact you can never take it back. My grandfather used to shoot pigeons and rabbits for a living after he retired from the army for local farmers and land owners. He was quite good at it and he made my grandma cook them up for food after each of his jobs, but as he got older and older he started doing it less. He quit in the end, apparently he was getting quite depressed because he started to appreciate them over time as living creatures and it just became too much for him to kill them all the time. Shit like that makes me apprehensive. I eat meat and believe in the human domination of animal husbandry but I also love animals in a general sense, its why post in /an/ after all. I just fear that I will become my grandfather, hell I even thought about doing pest control as a side job a few times. If someone else can do it instead of me I would prefer that option. As far as I am aware the tree rats dont have acess to wires or gas lines around the roof so its just quality of life (or at least according to my land lord).
One gave me a calculator in 2003.
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Kinda torn. They're cute when they're running around the park and the local slav feeds them brazil nuts out of his hands, but damn do they taste so fucking good.
Pine martens concur, grey squirrels are the tastiest. Find a wildlife centre in your area that supports martens.
I like them and always have unsalted peanuts outside for the grey squirrels in my neighborhood. Theyre great to watch for their acrobatics and daredevil stunts, and theyre also really cute when hanging out on the railing of my porch munching through a peanut shell.
What an ugly nigger.
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i like this one
Damn, Im impressed by the strength of that wire.
are squirrels capable of feeling love?
Chat is this real?
why does every faggot nowdays have to record everything? can you not just remember it?
>Verification not required.
fuckass squirl
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These chuckle nuts are just pokemon
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Yo, can a brother get an ID on this squirrel?
Japanese dwarf flying squirrel
>dog up my plants to stash food
>throw acorns at me
>make tons of noise
FUCK squirrels
Whoops. Meant to say "dig".
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>Yo wussup squiggas, itz ya boi ThuggNutz
>squirrel fell into chimney, gets stuck and dies without my family knowing
>chimney appears clogged
>hire someone to unclog it
>he gets the squirrel out, now a skeleton covered in soot
>he fucking keeps it in his office

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