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Any reason why orange cats are unusually stupid and aggressive? We have one that has wanted to kill kittens twice, shoved claws in our dogs assholes and eyes and mauled my sister ripping her clothes and skin and making her cry. Moms a retarded cat simp and we cant get rid of it so im looking into ways to make him miserable.
The stupidity involves eating whole garbage bag straps, balloon strings and similar objects even though he throws up every time. As well as sundowning every day and acting psycho in the window because he knows other cats are coming out. He cannot standing looking at other cats. He likes dogs a lot more but still treats them like shit.
Cats are just like that, go get a pet rock goyim.
Cats don't really have "breed personalities" where you can just tell what they'll be like from color like that. I had an orange cat who loved people. Sweetest little chubby creature. Only ever hunted bugs, and cured herself of that quickly when she accidentally ate a stinkbug.

Siamese are talky, ragdolls and maine coons are chill, wildcat mixes are of course energetic and uncontrollable, but other than that I'm hard pressed to note major behavioral differences between types of housecat.
The liberals don't want you to know this but most cats can be replaced. You can replace them and people can't tell.

"Take them to training", come back with a new, nicer cat that's the same color from a shelter or craigslist. It's that easy. I've done this 3 times.
Why am I not surprised that someone who defends cats would end a sentence with that
Don't antagonize the cat, it will just make everything worse. Some just have a bad personality, our orange is kind.

Are you animal hoarders? Sounds like you keep a bunch of incompatible pets.
Nah its anecdotal, the stupid, aggressive and foolish cats I've owned were grey, while all the orange cats I've had were extremely chill.
Granted all the orange cats I've had were Maine Coons, maybe they break the mold.
Because cats are a Semitic pet
They're arianimals. You're clearly a jew.
>but muh dogs
>from north africa
>primarily associated with north africans and levantine people
>mesopredator that lurks alleyways and happily coexists with rats and mice long term
>spreads a parasite that attracts more of them
>leaves half eaten kills to attract even more
>only picks off sick or injured subadults, leaves breeding adults and burrows alone to ensure an excessive supply of rodents
>only benefits from an ever growing pest population and is basically naturally designed to flood the area with them
>meanwhile, actually depopulates slower breeding beneficial reptiles and birds
>this is supposed to be an "arian-imal"
your cat probably has anxiety or some shit, take it to the vet. or the side of the road. whatever
Hey man, it ain't easy being orange. Ginger humans are also retarded and are rightly the subject of constant bullying.
neuter it
Buy a husky. That should solve it.
I thought orangies were usually spaced out and chill as fuck.
>anon casually admits to practicing a form of beastiality
He's mad about Mondays
Yep, it's a pretty intelligent animal and an efficient hunter.
Your point?
in my experience orange cats are pretty friendly. in fact, most cats are pretty friendly. neurotic cats are usually a result of their upbringing. either they were ferals who weren't adopted early enough while they were still impressionable, or their owners shoved them into a chaotic household full of stresses. I have a cat that was feral for about the first 3 years of it's life and eventually it became friendly after about a year or two. then again my household is calm and quiet.
my orange is really friendly

if people come over he'll flop belly up on their feet expecting to be showered with attention
That's because they're cats. It has nothing to do with them being orange.
>I've done this 3 times.

Kek no way
>Egyptian royal heritage
>ackshually theyre semitic
eternal thieves of culture
I don't believe in the whole "orange cat stupid" meme going around nowadays.
>egyptian royal heritage
Egypt acquired them from the semites just like egyptians acquired dogs from other cultures (dogs originated in northeast asia). On the other hand, almost every living writing system except for some asian ones derive from egyptian script, so it was a fair trade.
>Any reason why orange cats are unusually stupid and aggressive?
It's unironically the people rasing them.
My orange shorthair is mellow and nice, hunts mice all the time alongside his black brother.
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yeah i don't know how it came about but these recent memes specific aboutu orange cats are puzzling. coat patterns and colors have nothing to do with their personalities. it's not like there aren't billions of cat videos of all colors acting goofy.
All cats are retarded, but orange cats are extra retarded.
I think the stereotype has to do with the fact that most orange tabbies are male, and most of the stereotypes of orange cats are male traits.
To my experience, orange cat are real love bugs, always want pets. The real nasty ones are pure white cats. They hiss and shy away when you get close. Black cats are usually chill
Written by female feminist
I went to a bird sanctuary on Malta and i noticed at least half the exhibitions had orange cats hogging on the feed.
Owner told me all of them are inbred and have been around since forever.
The clan's entire proud history consists of bird food and incest.
Ah yes, toxo which causes increased testosterone and leads to better success in life. Unlike the avian flu and salmonella that birds and reptiles carry. Based chad cats wiping out disgusting filth animals.
Orange cats aren’t a “breed”, they are muttoids, and not all cats are aggressive. Proper Pedigree Purebreds absolutely have personality traits.
Your cat is an aggressive kike, you should have it declawed and defanged. Lets see how dangerous he is as a nugget
Kek, no not historically. Fats are from MENA and brownoids from the area LOVE them. In europe they were historically frequently gotten rid of. It wasnt until the 19th century when orientalism kicked into fashion that they started to become pets.
This. Every cat I’ve ever raised has turned into a mellow sweetheart. They can pick up behavior like dogs can.
It’s retarded women making blanket statements in a false fashion. Women are children.
in my experience they're all quite chill. stupid, maybe, but aggressive? not one bit.
it was proved by hundreds of years of human experience to be effective rodent hunter
now seethe, toxoshizo, I command you and you will obey
>Effective rodent hunter
Cats have literally never performed any pest control function effectively. What they actually do is modify rodent behavior to hide more often and spend less time scavenging at each food source, significantly reducing visiblity, but not halting or reversing population growth.
>The SS Ethelhilda had rats in every portion of it. The photograph shows only what was found in the cabin itself: 1 cat, 24 rats that had lived along side it through the journey. The quarantine officer was good to stick to protocol, in the face of nonscientific assertions from the public that are still very familiar today.
>Upon arrival of this cat, the rats soon disappeared and were not seen running about as before. A little careful investigation, however, showed that they were nearly as numerous as ever, but much shyer, keeping out of sight. At the end of the year, notwithstanding the killing done by the cat, the number present had not decreased, as not enough had been killed to dispose of the annual increase...
>…[T]he people who asserted they had no rats really had them at the time, although they did not realize it, as there are many more rats than are seen by human eyes ... The village was canvassed quite thoroughly, and every place was found infested with rats, while in nearly every place cats were kept.
>Rodent activity in homesteads was significantly reduced in the presence of both cats and dogs (β = -1.10 [-1.76- -0.43]) (S1 Table and Fig 2). Rodent activity in homesteads with cats alone (β = -0.27 [-0.94–0.40]) and dogs (β = -0.08 [-0.75- -0.59]) alone was also reduced, but not significantly so.

For what purpose would an animal that has never been a captive pet, but a raccoon/fox-like urban pest, for 9800/10000 years of its history, exterminate one of its best food sources?
>For what purpose would an animal that has never been a captive pet, but a raccoon/fox-like urban pest, for 9800/10000 years of its history, exterminate one of its best food sources?
the delusion makes cat owners feel better about the pet they typically fail hard at owning
>average retard gets a cat
>house is now a foul smelling den of gravel dried up puke
>cat is afraid of them and most other people
>has already bitten 3 children
>wont come inside most days
it must be said that small dogs are deadly killers of any kind of small mammals, best if rats. i suspect they may be even more efficient than cats, since they can unburrow rats' nests (never seen a cat dig).
your ugly dogs kill thousands of children every year.
Another pest spammed by subhuman groids and women.
Ah and so he obeyed, and seethed, and posted walls of text, as commanded by his superior
He even brought up that ancient alcoholic memoir boasting as a kind of proof lmao
even a toxoshizo could be trained to react on simple stimuli, isn't nature beautiful?
>Make patently wrong statement
>get btfo
>I-i wanted you to prove me wrong! see, i am the master! i am in control!
You lead a genuinely pathetic existence. You are aware your behavior is identical to that of an institutionalized narcissist correct? No one is buying your position of dominance. You act like an idiot, you get shoved back down and your face is rubbed in the dirt. You repeat this incessantly. No one ever respect you for it.

The sole meaning of your existence is to be made to kneel in the mud so someone smarter than you can soapbox off your retardation. You are a foil in a real life political cartoon. Congratulations on playing the jester.
>b-but that was my plan all along
Toxoplasmosis kills 20x more children than dogs, and basically all dog fatalities are caused by people purposefully breeding more dangerous animals, or abusing them with rhetoric like "a cat chooses, a dog obeys" to back them up.

>yeah make me look stupid. i win.
do you also pay women to step on your balls cuck
What’s funny is that cats don’t choose either unless you’re a shitlib owner who lets them. My cat obeys. Shitlibs train their cats to be feral and aggressive basically because they thinks its heckin valid wnd independent and cute. If you train your cat to obey, it will behave quite elegantly.
Ironically shitlibs are better at training the animal they typically dislike (dogs) while conservatives manufacture bite risks in the name of all that safety their guns already guaranteed
>abused gsd sees delivery guy: chomp
Let’s be real here; Americans and anglokikes did this.
and now he is projecting
one step from the truth and yet so far
simple minds are akin to mechanism, working like a clock, amazingly unable to break the cycle of delusion which they think is reality
soon he will calm down, seemingly... until someone mention cats again, and he will start anew
you responded to two different people schizocuck
Associated with garfield being lazy -> oh they must be retarded (real life cats act retarded) -> le orange cat 1 brain cell meme
>For what purpose would an animal that has never been a captive pet, but a raccoon/fox-like urban pest, for 9800/10000 years of its history, exterminate one of its best food sources?
What an interesting lack of understanding how predators and the food chains work
You actually think cats are intelligent enough to knowingly or instinctively not eat as much food as possible when domesticated versions of these animals will eat themselves to death if given the opportunity? I can agree that maybe they're not the best at catching rodents though, that could always be a myth. Seems like there's small breeds of dogs WAY better at that out there
well do you know how ratting dogs work?
you literally dug up the ground and they catch and shake fleeing rats to death
a ratting dog would not have performed better on a boat than a cat. The rats would have been hiding all the same, and the dog would have been even less motivated than the cat, cats have incredible hunting focus.
Liar, no one would ever take a cat to be "trained" they're not nigcattle
No here knows how rating dogs work, that thing they stalk their prey or something
Cats can’t be trained?
No. They think for themselves and don't do as they're told, they don't have a slave mentality
Cats can be trained.

Animals are not rational actors. None of this fantasy character archetype shit you lifted from other pseuds applies.

Cats are simply not very intelligent so it takes more effort to get them to learn basic things. Add that to the fact that cats evolved to naturally conserve energy since their wild ancestors could not rely on anyone else to help provide food, so they have very little motivation to perform, and it appears that cats can't be trained. This last part is the actual hard one. Even rats have sufficient intelligence for basic obedience, it's energy levels that determine it. Think - rats are active scavengers so they're easier to motivate than cats, but cats can learn more sophisticated tasks due to being more intelligent - if you can motivate them to do them

See: Dogs! Huskies and german shepherds are equally intelligent but only one of them is consistently obedient.

It is just an animal. And training it is more difficult because of its ANIMAL nature. Simply solve the motivation issue by habituating your cat to cooperative tasks from a young age instead of letting nature take its course and turn it into a 20/7 coma patient, and cats can be trained

Here's a video then.
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>A dog obeys because I abuse it, a cat chooses because I let it
Ok, but cats can be trained.

Granted, cats are not learning to interpret grammar, manage livestock, drive cars, fight wars, detect cancer, help manage epilepsy, or guide the blind, but they can sit, shake, and roll over.
>a ratting dog would not have performed better on a boat than a cat. The rats would have been hiding all the same, and the dog would have been even less motivated than the cat, cats have incredible hunting focus.
Lmao you have never had a dog with intact hunting instincts

I can't even take my dog into the backyard to train them without them losing all focus and jumping into the bushes to dig up mice. A cat is content to sit in one spot and sleep with one eye open while waiting for a particularly retarded rat. Dogs expend lots of energy because they're cooperative and can rely on others if they tire, cats can not and naturally default to conserving it. They're like this naturally, without thinking about why. It's their instincts.
On a boat though, a ratting cat is generally a better idea than a ratting dog. If not, they would have used ratting dogs.
No, a ratting cat is not better. Ratting cats are proven to be ineffective in all situations.

Some sailors were simply stupid. Like you.

Cats are not working animals. They are companion and entertainment animals for people who can't take care of dogs.
catfags you would have no enemies here if you stopped making all these stupid claims
>durrr they are effective pest control
>durr they are smarter than dogs and free thinkers
>durr they belong outside
>durr litterboxes don't smell and only need scooped once a week
>durr humans were meant to worship cats durrr
Crazy cat ladies will NEVER stop being crazy. Just look at the pitbull version - nuts!
Thinking about this for sec, it's true. Too bad catfags are too stupid to accept it.
The crazy cat lady ego is derived from their opinion of the cat. If the cat is not an amazing animal and equal to man - neither are they!
>they are effective pest control
Used in trenches even to this day. Even if they are not as effective in terms of rats per day when compared to very specific breeds of dogs, they are still the superior hunter for an average joe simply due to their lack of maintenance, individualism and the fact that you don't need to train or supervise them to do their job.
>they are smarter than dogs and free thinkers
They are neither smarter nor more idiotic than dogs. We just simply see an animal that expresses any form of "free" thinking and immediately assume they are smarter than X or Y.
>they belong outside
Every animal belongs outside. If you don't have the land, don't have the pet.
>litterboxes don't smell and only need scooped once a week
Litterboxes are still preferable to inside dogs, but once again - if you don't have the land, don't have the pet.
>humans were meant to worship cats
The Egyptians really did a number on you, didn't they?
Pets are to be taken care of, they serve the purpose you give them and you give them care in return. Cohabitation is necessary for any kind of relationship.
>Used in trenches
Anon, cats are not used at all. They are not effective pest control. They are passive ambush predators that eat sick and injured rats. Dogs destroy nests and course healthy animals. Cats have literally never, do not, and will never be a pest control animal. Ever. They just don't do it. They don't halt or reverse rodent population growth. They do not move rodent populations. They mooch off a persistently growing rodent population that adopts more cautious scavenging behaviors in order to coexist with the cat. This is actually a consideration in wildlife management - coyotes (hunting behaviors similar to terriers) will totally exterminate small mammals, so a functioning ecosystem needs a large predator that excludes coyotes from its territory but sees the rats and the like as below their notice. Native cats do not exterminate anything. Now, invasive cats... they exterminate a few slow breeding birds, amphibians, and reptiles that depend entirely on one specific habitat that humans are also disrupting. But with anything fast breeding and adaptable they live in perpetual coexistence.
>They are neither smarter nor more idiotic than dogs.
They are provably more idiotic than dogs by a significant margin. Spare us the agnosticism cope. Cats can not even reliably pull the correct string to dispense a treat. Dogs can occasionally pass sally-anne tests and understand actual language.
>Every animal belongs outside. If you don't have the land, don't have the pet.
You know full well what "outside" means in this context. It doesn't mean lounging in your backyard, it means roaming outside of your property. NO animal belongs there.
>Litterboxes are preferable to inside dogs
What fucking shithole do you live in where dogs shit inside?
>The Egyptians really did a number on you, didn't they?
No, but cat "people" sure say this a lot as a last ditch defense for how they can't cope with mittens not being a perfect animal.
when catredditors say "cats are still used" they mean some 40 y/o childless white woman wrote on her blog that her ratting cat does an amazing job because she sees it with one rat a day and sometimes a bird
>rat population on her hobby farm: 250 breeding pairs producing 1000+ offspring every 4-8 weeks
Nah. Catfags who agree with all that are subject to dogfucker harassment. Happens in threads all the time.
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catredditor redflag word. you will no longer be assumed to be a rational actor with opinions worth considering. sorry, lady, that's how it is.

dog website go back
Feels like you've really got 2 options for predation based rat control:
>willing to destroy things to allow your predator to get to the rats
ratting terrier
>unwilling to destroy things to allow your predator to get to the rats
several snakes
Areas of Florida with Burmese pythons have seen 98% declines in rat populations, surely there are many other species that could do the same job. Terriers really speak for themselves.
>oh n-no you insulted me and so anything else you say is immediately wrong!
Grow a backbone.
>some sailors
The majority of sailors.
Face it, in some situations, a cat is just a better idea. Boats are a dark, enclosed space, where the rats will emerge mostly at night. Cats are objectively better night hunters than dogs. Ratting dogs have a lot of expendable energy, which is hard to work off on a boat. Dogs need more food, again, can be difficult on a boat. Dogs need to be trained to a higher extend than cats, which can be hard when everyone working on the boat is incredibly busy all the time.
Ratting dogs are better in basically every other situation, you're right. Not boats though. Logically, cats are just the better option. Sorry that upsets you.
>A cat is just a better idea
But they don't work. They just don't.

You can cope all you want but ratting cats have literally never worked. In every case, wherever they are deployed is found to be persistently infested with rats.

The majority of sailors switched to using dogs eventually. Intelligent ones, specifically the dutch and various nordic people, were breeding ships dogs before that. Why?

Because cats don't work. They do not halt or reverse rat population growth. In every case where cats are deployed, rodents breed faster than cats kill them, and refuse to vacate the area over a cat.
It's not your insult. It's that you say "dogfucker".

Only redditors even think of fucking dogs. In fact, all the bestiality shit on 4chan only showed up when reddit purged all their bestiality sub-boards ahead of their IPO.
>But they don't work. They just don't.
>stealing catchad memes
Dogfuckerredditors can't meme.
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>You can't steal my revisionist catchphrase from 2020 and make it accurate nooooooo
Dog website, go back.

Also, cats have no working purpose except warming laps.
>it's not the insult it's just the insult
I don't care what you think it represents retard.
Oh, I'm sorry, retard is a bad and naughty word brought over from the great ifunny invasion, and using it means I'm an ifunny tourist and should go back, my apologies sir.
>noooooo stop pointing out my bestiality obsession
go back
>Anon, cats are not used at all.
They are.
You only have to look for russian or ukranian accounts to see how wrong you are.
>that eat sick and injured rats
That's just outright false.
>Dogs destroy nests and course healthy animals.
Under supervision and only when they are specific breeds that need a very specific regiment that your average layman will not be able to provide, hence my initial point.
>They don't halt or reverse rodent population growth. They do not move rodent populations.
Neither does your average dog by themselves.
You'll see a more visible decline with your average shorthair left free in the wild than in with any kind of run of the mill mutt or non-pest control focused breed.
We are not talking about wild animals. Without any kind of natural predator, plants can be a cause for concern in any kind of ecosystem.
>slow breeding birds, amphibians, and reptiles
I have yet to see any significant decline in bird population anywhere due to solely feral or non-inside restrained cats. It's often a sign of a larger problem rather than the cause.
Contributions to the issue must not be ignored, but the point still stands.
>Cats can not even reliably pull the correct string to dispense a treat.
Social learning =/= Intelligence
The same way that communication, at least currently, does not imply language.
>understand actual language
Correlate would be a more appropriate word.
>it means roaming outside of your property
Don't have the land? I hope you know the answer by now. Sorry about your economic situation lad.
>where dogs shit inside?
Never implied. They still smear shit and dirt everywhere, even when trained, just like any animal. Especially if you're one of the retards that allow them to sit on couches or beds.
>cat "people"
Define cat people.
Your vitriol for an animal and your participation in this mental console war is not healthy nor rational.
Seek help.
I don't really need to respond to every point

You're simply wrong and cite the passing observations of idiotic third worlders to support a thoroughly disproven belief: that cats are pest control, or smart

They are not either of those things. Sorry.

A lone terrier will exterminate a rat population if given free reign to hunt. A cat will not. Dogs are smart. Cats are not. These are simply facts and no "but a hobby farmer in ukraine swore that-" matters.
>I have yet to see any significant decline in bird population anywhere due to solely feral or non-inside restrained cat
"i have not personally observed this exact thing in my back yard so every ecologist is lying"
climate change denial levels of idiocy
>A lone terrier will exterminate a rat population if given free reign to hunt.
A ratting pack will exterminate a rat population if specifically trained to do so and specifically encouraged to do so by their trainers. A single untrained terrier could not.
Hunting is instinctive. Dogs don't need trained to chase after rats or dig up burrows. They do it on their own.

What does need trained is a hold and release command for telling the dog to start and stop hunting and a recall command for getting the dog out of ratland and back in the truck.
The want to hunt, yes. A terrier will try to catch the rats it sees. Will it succeed? Without training, not as much as you need it to. Scenting, hunting, etc is a skill you need to teach your dog. Suggesting that professional ratters don't need to teach their dogs anything is incredibly insulting.
>catredditors think dogs need trained to hunt
remember these are the exact same delusional women that say toddler mauling isnt inherent pitbull behavior

a dog that needs trained to hunt is a really shitty dog. they sniff out, pursue, and kill prey such as rats and cats on their own.
No you don’t need to teach a dog to hunt you fucking retard

Cats dont cause rodent population reductions either
>no you don't need go teach a dog to do a skilled thing
This just proves you retards don't know what you're talking about.
>I don't really need to respond to every point
Why put them on the table if not for contention?
>You're simply wrong
Please, do prove me so.
>cite the passing observations of idiotic third worlders
You can confidently say this with what information exactly?
>that cats are pest control, or smart
>They are not either of those things.
Missing the point here.
>A lone terrier will exterminate a rat population
That is false, a lone terrier is incapable of doing that on its own. It needs to be trained and nurtured to realize the task efficiently and properly and that's without mentioning the need of the owner or selected training assisting the breed to be able to do the task that it was trained for.
>A cat will not
Neither will your average dog.
>Dogs are smart
Dogs are easier to train, therefore easier to assume that they are smart*
>Cats are not
Cats are harder to train, therefore easier to assume they are lesser than other creatures festered to be trained for thousands of years*
>but a hobby farmer in ukraine swore that
Nobody swore anything.
They just demonstrate that cats, if left alone, will, on average, hunt more pests than your average untrained, non-pest focused breed.

Once again, you fall into black and white views. This is far from healthy and you should reevaluate the type of media and self-reassuring content that you consume.
You don’t need to train a dog for a natural behavior like feeding itself unless its lab levels of retarded. They hunt rodents and rabbits on their own.

And yes, dogs are smarter than cats you essay writing coping catredditor. We’ve heard and BTFO your “no cats just ignore you” cope already. Dog website go back.
I'm not >>4847456 you seething cunt. And yes you absolutely do. I'm unsurprised you don't know this however, considering none of you rambling retards actually know dick about what you try to talk about. Maybe try talking to your local ratting packs? Maybe get some training tips? Maybe ask them how they trained their ratting dogs? Like I have. You dumb fuck.
>That is false, a lone terrier is incapable of doing that on its own. It needs to be trained and nurtured to realize the task efficiently and properly and that's without mentioning the need of the owner or selected training assisting the breed to be able to do the task that it was trained for.
No. They need trained NOT to hunt. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about. I got a dog and they instantly started hunting. Shocker. Predators hunt on their own. You can encourage their existing behaviors to make them more enthusiastic than they would be, but that just gets the job done faster. Dogs naturally hunt.

The difference is dogs are active hunters that over-kill and cats are passive ambush predators.
>Dogs are easier to train, therefore easier to assume that they are smart*
>Cats are harder to train, therefore easier to assume they are lesser than other creatures festered to be trained for thousands of years*
No, dogs are simply smarter than cats. This isn't about training. They are dumber. We've been over this many times. Cats have smaller, sparser, simpler brains with less developed areas related to cognition and more developed areas related to visual-motor integration. Dogs achieve cognitive feats cats can not, even if their lives depend on it. It's not that cats don't want to. It's that even when they want to, they get confused.
>They just demonstrate that cats, if left alone, will, on average, hunt more pests than your average untrained, non-pest focused breed.
A cat will hunt more pests than a dog that has been bred specifically not to hunt, but it will never hunt enough to halt or reverse rodent population growth. They never have, and never will. Dogs that aren't retarded, on the other hand, instinctively destroy burrows the day they smell a mouse in there.

Dog website go back.
bbbbut some 93 iq russian from kiev said that after he got a cat, he stopped seeing rats!
>Upon arrival of this cat, the rats soon disappeared and were not seen running about as before. A little careful investigation, however, showed that they were nearly as numerous as ever, but much shyer, keeping out of sight. At the end of the year, notwithstanding the killing done by the cat, the number present had not decreased, as not enough had been killed to dispose of the annual increase. After the cat had been in the barn six months, I set eleven old rusty traps one night and got six rats; two sprung cats and got away. This one night’s work of old and rather ineffective traps equaled six weeks’ work of the cat.
The fact that cats are not pest control has been common knowledge among educated people for centuries. It is will proven that while cats do hunt SOME rats, they never approach the volumes needed to begin reducing the rat population. They happily live together with rats in perpetuity. Did you think cats survived the first 9000 years of their domestication by the good graces of the medieval kibble industry? No, they had a limitless food supply which they naturally do not take too much from. Cats have certainly been seen killing rats and mice. Every single day. Until they die. They never run out. In fact, no matter how many cats you have, it seems that they never run out of rodents to catch. Could it be... they're not reducing the population, and actually reaching equilibrium with it? Yes.

Meanwhile dogs are notorious for, without any training, completely removing a prey population from wherever they live and that population only rebounding after they move on
>Dogs naturally hunt.
Dogs naturally scavenge if left alone (feral).
They don't have the drive present in wolves or foxes, hence why they need to be fostered to display such behaviour.
>Cats have smaller, sparser, simpler brains with less developed areas related to cognition
This is not a measure of intellect.
>It's that even when they want to, they get confused
Same with dogs, they need to be trained to be coherent.
If left alone a dog will become sick and weary, you can probably test this yourself by looking for strays or feral dogs in your area.
>bred specifically not to hunt
Dogs do not have training to not hunt, the opposite is true.
>but it will never hunt enough to halt or reverse rodent population growth
Neither will cats.
>Dogs that aren't retarded
Dogs are inherently retarded. They are meant to be.
Otherwise we wouldn't have dogs.
>Dog website go back
Never was, nor did I ever claim the opposite.
You are mentally ill.
I've never seen a greater concentration of objectively wrong opinions in my entire life.

You actually think dogs don't naturally hunt. Lmfao. Fucking idiot.

Go the FUCK back to your home site (reddit), WOMAN.
>don't naturally hunt
Hunter breeds have a drive, but don't hunt by themselves.
Hunter breeds are also the minority in huge parts of the world.
>A woman is speaking
>It's time to stop listening
Lmao this retarded bitch from reddit actually thinks dogs don't hunt. They're so good at hunting we can't allow them to exist outside of civilization.

>A woman is speaking
A man with more land than you'll ever see in your life is speaking.
Perhaps it is time to listen.
>They're so good at hunting we can't allow them to exist outside of civilization
Makes you wonder why they mostly scavenge when left alone. It's almost like they are not fit for lone survival anymore after millennia of selective breeding.
>linking MSM
Oh, you're retarded. I get it.
I apologize for trying to make you come to reason, it is clear you've chosen a side in your mental war against a fictitious foe. My bad.
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>Dogs aren't fit for lone survival
They are very fit. They have self sustaining wild populations on every continent and a common complaint among dog owners and others is that dogs hunt too much.
You lost.
>noooo it's the MSM
>i have tons of land i promise
Then you know dogs kill more livestock than wolves.

Again, you lost.

You can only repeat this: "Dogs are dumb and helpless scavengers who can't do anything!"
I will let a source that disproves you trickle into the conversation every now and then but make no mistake:

You don't exist here to make your case.
You exist here so I can waste time at work and shit directly onto your face. You are a soapbox. You're made for people to stand on and pronounce their views.

You say something retarded. I prove it wrong. I insult you. This is how I blow off steam after dealing with managing retards at work. Now, repeat "dogs are dumb and helpless scavengers who can't do anything!" so I can continue using you to relieve stress generated by volunteers and interns who need to be taught to do a basic task 100 times before achieving a 50% success ate.
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>as soon as the flynn effect really started to hit, cats totally vanished from most pest control applications and were replaced with "just throw a terrier in there, magic"
>catfags: *mental gymnastics about how dogs are somehow the total opposite of what they are in reality*
dogs exterminate rodents, cats survive off them
the territory of a dog is 10+ sqmi
the territory of an outdoor cat is 1/5th of a sqmi
clearly these animals hunt differently
>catfag: i need to believe dogs don't hunt because if cats are going down dogs are going down with them!
oh but cats aren't going down. they're just going inside, where they live twice as long anyways.
>They have self sustaining wild populations on every continent
Surprising how they are always close to population centers, almost like the scavenge for scraps.
>dog owners and others is that dogs hunt too much
My GS doesn't hunt, he just chases. Never for the kill, only for the thrill.
I've seen him chase hares for hours on end, but never kill simply due to the fact he was not trained for it and it serves him no purpose to do so when easily available food (ie; scavenging in the wild) is easier to obtain.
>more livestock
I don't own big livestock, the biggest threats are foxes and birds.
Never had an issue with feral dogs because they are just not fit for lone survival. Had a litter of ferals huddled inside a fallen tree and not one chicken went missing in the time they were there. Had to keep my dog from going there, they may not be hunters but they are still defensive.
>Again, you lost.
Your mental crusade is never-ending.
>American statistics
You might as well show me lynx statistics from Great Britain.
>I prove it wrong
You've yet to do so.
Maybe you should go back to typing, mr.shekelberg will not be happy with how you are spending company time.
>relieve stress generated by volunteers and interns who need to be taught to do a basic task 100 times before achieving a 50% success ate
Sounds like you are bad at teaching.
I've taught literal children several subjects, from physics to english and they've all succeeded in their tasks.
Maybe it has to do something with the genetics or intelligence of the teacher, who knows.
Domestic dogs can hunt, they have the hunting instinct, but to get them to eradicate entire rat populations you need to train them to hone that skill. Hunting is an instinct. True ratting is a skill you train into your dog. Like herding, guarding, chasing and basically every other instinct we've bred into dogs over the years.
Do you truly, honestly think that an untrained collie dog could hold its own in a herding competition against a herding champion just because of instincts? Really? Because that's what you're arguing here.
cat tranny still denying that dogs hunt lmao, after ignoring every source that says otherwise

how stupid are you catredditors? and you wonder why /an/ is anti-catfag. you are the stupidest faggots here.
Dog person means “i like dogs”
Cat person means “i think cats are the best and dogs suck”
>this somehow means cats arent ineffective lazy asses that get mogged by a random jrt
whatever you have to believe to think cats have value besides being cute lol
I never claimed otherwise.
>lol things only have value when they're useful to me
Psychopath speak.
>cats are only good for being cute
>this is psychopathy according to redditors
DogGODS won

Cats confirmed cute pets
Dogs confirmed cute pets but also badass rat exterminators
Funny how a single cat supposedly "destroys the ecosystem" but at the same time completely useless against rodents. /an/ logic full of falsehoods. Cats are great hunters of rodents. They will keep them in check, but you will not eliminate a rodent infestation with a cat.

And ratting terriers are incredibly effective, using terriers is not like keeping a terrier dog and letting it do it's jobs however, it is an OPERATION:
You will find many videos like this. Terriers are used to catch fleeign rats and eliminate them quickly one by one. You can't use other animals for such an operation.
These people use mustelids and dogs together.
Only sane person ITT.
Cats dont even keep rodents in check.

They cause ecological harm by hunting slow breeding and ground nesting birds that never adapted to small cats. Cats do not do this to rodents. Rodents are fast breeding and very well adapted to thriving and expanding even with cats.

A ship’s cat or barn cat is notoriously useless and the FDA has barred cats from facilities because they just add to the negative effects of the rats they consistently fail to keep in check.

>muh videos
That’s a way of getting it done faster. It doesn’t mean dogs won’t hug and dig on their own. Anyone who thinks they don’t has never had a real dog - because real dogs are as smart as monkeys and as voracious as wolves. Stick to labs but save us the “dogs drool cats rule” delusions. Cats have no function outside of being pets.
pathetic samefag

cat trannies lost. stop making stupid claims. cats are not pest control. cats are much dumber than dogs. cats dont belong outside your property. cole.
Male phenotype. They're the male version of calicos and male animals are generally dicks.
The rat terrier will kill rats if it catches them but it's the same as the barn cat situation. Your dog kills some rats.Rats hide. The infestation remains. Oh and a terrier will obliterate lizards, snakes, fledgelings just as enthusiastically as a cat.
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>Funny how a single cat supposedly "destroys the ecosystem" but at the same time completely useless against rodents.
Weird how an invasive species can kill off native animals in a foreign ecosystem but not kill off animals from the ecosystem it originally came from. Like, hows that work? How do cats kill off endangered voles but not invasive norway rats? magic! Or, try not being stupid.

>Cats are great hunters of rodents. They will keep them in check
They provably do not do anything of relevance to modern man who sees total rodent death as an achievable option. If you're a medieval third worlder with a tiny brain from eating nothing but grain so you can't even conceive of a pitfall trap, so a ratocaust isn't even conceivable, a cat is an upgrade from no cat because the more cautious rodents are less likely to spread fleas and their excreta, being contained to out of sight areas, is less likely to be disturbed and inhaled. However, in this situation, you must also avoid the cat despite its affectionate nature, because cats are a vector species for black plague, rabies, ringworm, and a variety of other parasites, most of which they acquire from rats (and will not transmit to you if not expected to waste time hunting). Not a great solution for you or the cat.

The largest difference is terriers don't care if rats hide. They will dig up burrows of their own volition. It simply takes longer than is financially acceptable to a professional service. If you leave a terrier outdoors and don't feed it, every rodent burrow on your property will be eradicated eventually. This is why smarter sailors used ships dogs, and ships cats turned up alongside rat corpses during fumigations. A dog is an insistent hunter that expects its energy expenditure to be made up for by the entire pack killing more than each dog needs. A cat is a passive hunter that waits for food to appear, which conserves energy and most valuably, water (cats evolved in arid conditions).
>Cats dont even keep rodents in check.
It's hilarious how redditors keep repeating this line as if we don't have thousands of years of history proving the opposite
Your entire post is absolutely fucking retarded (you lost and continue losing) but this deserves a response.

>Sounds like you are bad at teaching.
>I've taught literal children several subjects, from physics to english and they've all succeeded in their tasks.
A schoolteacher, which you larp as for some reason, knows little of actual work. Lab techs are notorious for skirting basic safety protocols and simple precautions for avoiding tainting data. Students can exhibit this behavior and still do well on standardized tests and basic exercises. After all, they only have to do those tasks a few times, while a lab tech needs to work on schedule every single day. It's completely different. People who did excellently in school turn out to be useless faggots on the job because the ability to excel for a handful of tests does not reliably translate to the will to do things by the book day in and day out or the ability to accept that their two cents and "improvements" are never going to be considered without being submitted for proper review and scientific evaluation.
We have thousands of years of history of people BELIEVING the opposite, but every attempt to find proof of this believe has come up with: The rats are just hiding.

We also have thousands of years of history "proving" that a magic jew in the sky created all life as we know it exactly as it is today and that the earth is flat. After all, everyone believed it. It's traditional

Speaking of belief, the people who believed that cats kept rodents in check thought this extended to their corpses, even processed corpses, so embedding live cats in brickwork and scattering cat mummy dust in fields were common even in england.
>proof of this belief
And on the evolution and flat earth front, we also have thousands of years of people telling these retards that the bible is not to be taken literally, and that God is not a magic hebrew that floats on a cloud either.

Just like there were also people insisting that cats were not useful at all.

Today, there is one clear right answer to all these questions. It's time to let go of the wrong one - stop coercing your cat into eating diseased meat. Feed them actual food and get rid of the rats with superior human technology - or a dog.
Dogs burrow. Cats are able to wait hours and hours for a rat to emerge from it's hiding place.

A terrier will also not burrow your barn's wooden planks preferably.
Cats are better hunters in closed spaces because they ambush their prey. Dogs dont ambush rats, they assault and chase them. In open spaces or plain nature dogs are better, but inside an home, barn, ship, whatever, cats are better hunters.
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>A terrier will also not burrow your barn's wooden planks preferably.
You know absolutely nothing about dogs. It depends on how durable the planks are.
>Cats are able to wait hours and hours for a rat to emerge from it's hiding place.
Very young rats don't emerge. Adults have multiple exits. Subadults are very fast.

The end result is cats mostly kill sickened subadults but don't put a dent in the population. And why would they? Cats, rats, and mice have been co-evolving for thousands of years. Domestic cats weren't even proper pets for most of their history, so this relationship hasn't changed. Cats sustain themselves off pest populations, they don't get rid of them or keep them in check. If they kept them in check, what would the cats offspring eat? Cats benefit from an ever-expanding food source to support their own expansion. Natural selection favored a less prolific hunter.
It's time to stop coping

Cats don't exterminate or even keep rodents in check in any of these environments. You would need enough cats for them to be pests themselves to make an attempt, and the removal of any possible long-term hiding places (ie: crawlspaces, gaps in walls).

Hence as civilization developed cats were moved from ships to studies as dedicated lap-warmers.
>Cats don't exterminate
Sometimes pest control is enough. Cats cant exterminate rats anyway, rats are smart and fast, they eat anything and breed like rabbits. Unless you can fuck up their nests (like dogs do) you have little hope to wipe them off as long they have something to feed of.
A dog won't exterminate rats either.

If it would, rats wouldn't be a problem lol just have a little jack russel.
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Cats don't control them either. All you do is go from 1000 rats running across the floor in front of you to 1000 rats living underneath the floor.

I will be fair to cats here
For ye olde retard this would be a massive upgrade. He'd just have to avoid the cat - especially black ones because it's hard to tell if they carry plague fleas until it's too late. Cats in general would be an animal to avoid, as would any patch of dirt they shit in. Rats are sacks of disease and anything that eats them raw is too. He'd still have rats but he'd get sick slightly less often, granted e also avoided the now "cursed cats carrying evil spells from witches" and the specific way cats alter rat scavenging behavior would mean insead of losing a shitton of grain all at once, rats would nibble on many other food sources. For us, it falls short of what we can do with some funny green rat treats and a silly bucket lid.

And what a wonderful thing it is to be us, modern man. We don't have to make our pet cats eat diseased meat. That's actually a massive improvement granted you like cats as pets instead of as a team in an internet console war.

When I call cats useless I mean that affectionately. People who expect more of cats actually harm them.
that's actually how it works. it still takes them a while and rats entrenched in artificial structures present additional problems, but in a dirt floor barn situation a dog will either exterminate rats or actually keep them in check. but by the time people wised up to the cat scam and started using dogs, the realization that animals in general are a filthy and inefficient pest control method was not far off.
A terrier operation is extremely efficient.
But a "barn dog"? That's ridiculous. It will simply kill some prey, not much more efficient than a cat (but arguably better at killing larger animals like big rats and rabbits)
It will be way more efficient than a cat

It also won't bury its poop and will leave holes all over. No rats tho!
What about a mouse infestation, who would win, cat or dog
Control/removal: dog
Nothing happens but your brain worms tell you to get more cats: cat
Reliably altered scavenging and exploration behaviors: cat+dog
I think a barn cat is more efficient than a dog barn, mostly because cats have good nightvision and are skilled ambushers. Also dogs cant jump on hay balls or whatever, their hunting ground is limited to... the ground. And barns are always full of stuff.
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Barn cats kill very little and don't destroy burrows.

>Dogs can't jump on "hay balls or whatever"
Lmao. What's with catfags and thinking every dog is a fat golden retriever?
I know many dogs are great jumpers, but it's different than fast climbing on an hay ball or the tall tire of a tractor. In a place full of stuff where both rats and cats can climb on, small dogs have a disadvantage.
And yet they do a better job because they are significantly more intelligent and driven than cats, which function more like snap traps that roll to a different corner sometimes.

That's another thing dogs do that cats don't. Hunt intelligently. They can just model things in their heads better so it's far harder for a mouse to escape a dog, while running between a cats legs has a proven track record for them.
Terriers are way more efficient than cats but cats are lower maintenance and you can leave them outside. Get both if possible and have the dog do the day shift and the cat do the night shift.

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