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What is the proper sized aquarium for a creature?
As long as it can turn, its big enough
you don't even have a rhyme for it?
something like,
>if it can turn it can learn to love its habitat.
obviously that's shit but I thought of it in less than 30 seconds. what's your excuse?
I'm not a retarded redditfaggot who can't go two sentences without attempting a shitty joke or reference.
if it can 180 it's big enough matey
if it can do a spin you've got a win
>you don't event a rhyme for it?
lmao what a rhythm loving faggot
kek thank you anons
Dogfag logic.

Real answer

10 sq feet for 1 guinea pig with adequate resources and enrichment opportunities.
Anon lives in 1 square meter room
10 square feet for a guinea pig is fucking nuts
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You are a fucking retard.
Says the faggot who devotes an entire bedroom to a guinea pig
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>10 sq ft bedroom
Uh oh poorfag.
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>he thinks aquarium only means fish tank
>Doesnt reply directly
>Reddit spacing
Bruh, pigs need like, 3 hideouts and a plushie at best. And you can make the hideouts with old clothes. Just make sure they dont have semen in it. I learned that the hard way with my rats.
Nigga, 10ft is the size of the average amazon fucktoy. Even new yorkers can spare 10ft.
T. Bronxfaggot
Your not wrong. But pigs are good money makers, so no reason not to keep em happy.
>Just make sure they dont have semen in it. I learned that the hard way with my rats.
may we press you for an anecdote?
Bigger than the universe
Are you the retard that absolutely lost his shit and sperged out for weeks, reposting the same thread about how /an/ was being unreasonable for suggesting you can't put a hamster or guinea pig in a tiny ass aquarium and that they actually need space? If you are, the fact that you aren't getting different answers should tell you something about how stupid you are. If you're not that guy, then I assure you others have asked this question and found the answer not to their liking, but no amount of whining on your part is going to change the answers. You do not need or deserve a pet. If you cannot adequately care for it, just don't get one. It's that simple. It'll save you time and money to boot.
I have never seen empirical evidence that a hamster needs space. "But in the wild-" is a naturalistic fallacy, and the best they can do is an is-ought fallacy tainted with ARA nonsense. In the wild, dogs and humans range over mountains and valleys but we do surprisingly well living in cities as long as employers know their place as the ones that serve us.

Is there any empirical evidence of consistently truncated lifespans and elevated cortisol levels when a well cared for cuy/hamster is not kept in an entire fucking room? This is assuming you take it out and let it explore shit outside of its cage, not assuming you just leave it in there all the time.
Aquariums aren't great for rodents. They tend to drown
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>he thinks aquarium only means fish tank
Bro that lil' faggot is spoiled
NTA. What do you think the aqua part means?
Anon was make ng a joke, but if you want to be autistic about it, then what you need to put your hamsters in would be a terrarium or - since that usually means a sealed enclosure and plants only - a vivarium.
You might be thinking of a glass tank, sweaty.
yes, I am
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Nope, that's not me.
I was browsing Amazon for aquariums and I see the OP pic.
I'm worried someone will see that while shopping and think it's an appropriate size for that critter.
>/an/ in 2024 doesn't recognize Hampture
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my first small pets as a kid were two white feeder mice in a cage like that in the top left

they were the best 2 dollars I ever spent

I miss them so much
you recognized it
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>Reddit spacing
That's not reddit spacing, tourist
Yo this fucking SUCKS
What the fuck is that aquarium with a blue wall in the middle?
I recognized it anon
we're still here
just lurking
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Yes it is you stupid faggot.
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someone cant have any fun
>gaslighting this hard
you have to go back
>literally in the name

I hate american education.
isn't it funny how they always mysteriously vanish when you post proof that "reddit spacing" predates reddit?
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for that particular creature, this oughta do it.
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bare minimum? 2 square ft a guinea pig

don't actually use an aquarium anon the glass walls will turn it into a green house full of ammonia. use a caged or fenced enclosure with a flat, non-wired bottom.

https://vet.purdue.edu/hospital/small-animal/primary-care/documents/CareofGuineaPigs.pdf is a good resource
Thing on the bottom left tho goes HARD for keeping inverts especially very young tarantulas.
In fact, what other reason would someone even have to buy one?
>someone cant have any reddit

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