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Fiery Fella Edition

previous: >>4836578

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions
>Humidity and temperature
>Type of substrate
>The decor you use
>How often you feed
>The type of food you use
>If your animal is wild caught or captive bred
>How often you handle
>Who you bought the animal from

Other Helpful Resources
I wish I had a heated greenhouse to turn into a mixed species enclosure.
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Unbothered. Moisturized. In his lane.
What would be a reasonable mix of species that could cohabit like this without fighting for territory or predating on each other?
>rock formation area and low shrubs for wall lizards
>palms, tall bushes and large driftwood for anoles or gold dust day geckos
>pond with musk turtles
>would nocturnal house geckos disturb diurnal species too much when they're running around while they are sleeping and vice versa?
I'm so fucking upset right now bros, my skink literally shit all over her enclosure.
The floor, the walls, the barrier, the glass, the hide, the water bowl, the basking rock. She laid like four solid logs and then like fucking rolled around in them or something.
It took like me 40 minute's to clean just her enclosure. Now I have to clean the enclosure I was keeping her in while cleaning and vacuum my floor after taking a shower because the shit got all over my arm.
That's a bad idea. These sorts of things don't end well. Respect their lives and give them separate enclosures.
why are skinks like this
stinky skinky
if you were a bearded dragon, would this be a cool enclosure to live in? (6' long by 3' high, to scale)
looks like a sausage
with mustard
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What should I name him/her?
Wild Isopod just gave birth on my hand.
I'll try to convert the video to a webm tomorrow.
If I can't here's a picture
That means you need to pay for child support now. Fucking sucker.
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>the child support
fuck no, I'll forever stay away from hots

just go with the discovers name: andrew
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that's not a mamba lmao
If you weren't already planning it, I'd recommend completely covering the back wall with a foam hardscape, a lot of herps like to have at least one opaque wall of some sort so they don't feel exposed.
sasuke the hedgehog with knuckles featuring dante from the devil may cry series with special guest appearance by ryuko from the critically acclaimed anime kill la kill

or saucy for short
I had a dream a giant black mamba chased me and ate me
I want a snapping turtle so fucking bad bros, I hate AZ FnW.
Yeah I'm doing that, as well as the sides, just not the front. The red rectangles are gonna be platforms that jut out of the background foam, just like how serpadesign does it
I'm not great at telling look alikes apart, so if it's something else ok sure I'm wrong (still not sure what else it'd be)
Been thinking about keeping reptiles for a while now.
I have space for a 77cm x 40cm enclosure. Room has a bunch of aquariums in it and sits between 50-60% humidity.
Any suggestions?
If you want a snake something small and probably a male, i.e children's python, rosy boa, hognose, african house snake. Lizards you could do a leopard gecko or an anole.
day 4 and still no sign of him, not a leaf out of place, any indication he's even moved, I got home today and despite temps being perfect the last 3 days the basking spot is way too cold as if the heat bulb is burning out 3 days after I fucking got it, Im so fucking worried I hate this
how fat was he when you got him? they can go for a long time without food (like weeks) if they have some weight to them
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this is the photo from the ad putting him up, (only the one photo cause the ad was for him + his tank) there was also a single cricket in the tank at the time that has since drowned in the cgd I put in and have now taken out
Im misting the tank even if he doesnt drink from the leaves before its gone and he has a water bowl, I now put a blanket around it like the one guy said, both to block and hopefully to keep heat in because I have no clue whats going on with the temp, it doesnt feel any colder than usual in the room and his spot is at 75 instead of the 81/83 it's been at the rest of the time.
It was a consistent 82-83 the first day, then 81 the second, and now it's as if it's just not working, I straight up think it's just broken now.
I just checked and its back to 80 with the blanket though
he'll be fine they're just scaredy cats
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Being eaten by a frog must be the most horrifying thing. At least with a giant snake you'll die by the venom before being consumed, but with a frog it just slowly swallows you whole, breaking your bones with its jaws as it consumes you, and then you'll be awake with a destroyed skeleton inside of it as it slowly dissolves you. I'm glad frogs can't get very big.
We're reptiles
I wanna hear the sound of my hand smacking against his back. Is it like a clap or a thud?
Patty (short for Patricide in case she kills you) if it's female, Hermes if male ("because he wants to give you a message, get closer :^) ").
are you niggas aware of skateboard turtle?
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It's a northern green bush snake.
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I posted here a while ago about how my crested gecko laid eggs despite not being near a male in months and here she is again making more babies without a male.
It's called parthenogenesis, and it's normal for your gecko, unless I'm not assuming the species correctly.
More likely that it was stored sperm.
I don't think cresties can do that
You want to seperate those babies, the mom absolutely will try to eat them. Theyre not too bright.
The fact that geckos can even survive in the wild baffles me, let alone become one of the most successful of all lizard groups
Well, in the wild the babies have the luxury of actually leaving and hiding.
New Caledonian Geckos live in one of the most sheltered ecosystems on earth, they shouldn't be considered a barometer of survivability.

Tokays and various (mostly parthenogenic) house geckos' success makes perfect sense.
reminder that cresties get predated by 1.5 millimeter big ants in nature

>Salamandra algira atlantica.jpg
Is this b8? Salamanders are amphibians.
Yeah, retard bait and you fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Remember. Don't tread on them.
but those geckos are still retarded
Discoid roaches fucking love bananas holy shit
>Surprised insects like fruit more than potatoes and leaves
Yiff in hell, tourist.
the one ive caught is already separated but im still on the lookout for another one in the mothers cage.
yeah ive found all of my feeders go nuts for stuff like bananas and strawberries when i give it to them as a treat
how long can my elderly ball python go without eating before i should get concerned?
every few years she will refuse food for a few months with complete disinterest then she'll decide to start feeding again. normal behavior for her since i've had her. but now she's about 24yo and it worries me. she hasn't been eating for about 3 months now but she hasn't really lost much weight either and she's just as active as ever.
advice? when should i be worried? anything more i can do than monitor her weight and offer food every week?
bro its a snake it can eat once a year and be fine
Not at all the same species, but I had a sand boa go on a hunger strike for 9 months with no visible weight loss, snakes can just be fucking weird sometimes, so I can't really offer a good time frame before you should begin to panic.
You've got the the right idea though, monitor weight, offer food, if she starts to lose weight or you notice lethargy or anything amiss, vet.
You can also try to offer slightly smaller food than normal, sometimes that helps after a hunger strike.
thanks for the reassurance last time i posted about her not eating a few years ago anons were like YOURE ABUSING YOUR ANIMAL over a 5mo food strike and it planted a seed of doubt in my mind even though i knew i was probably just being trolled.
i have a track record of all my herps living to or exceeding their known max lifespans i wish to uphold!

>You can also try to offer slightly smaller food than normal, sometimes that helps after a hunger strike.
dude good idea.
also you made me realize the hunger strike began around when my pet store changing their supplier for their rats. she ate 4 of the new ones but maybe that has something to do with it.
i'm also going to find a pet store that has a different species of rat or maybe try offering her chicks instead of a rat. do places that sell frozen gerbils exist? those are closer to bp's natural diet than rats right?
Anyone have rain frogs?
Gerbils and African Soft Furs are great choices and should be available through any of the usual mail order suppliers or at any """Good""" pet shop.
my corn's been a dick before and gone something like 14 months without eating.
carpet's decided to go on ~4 month hunger strikes.
I think they're just horny/brumating like retards.
wish they'd just give you some tell they don't want to eat so you don't have to try different colored rats/quail/live/etc
Looking up reptiles and breeders I've come to the conclusion that breeding is inherently evil and people who mass breed animals to sell them to people as pets to make a profit are making money off suffering.
I keep getting recommended that video of the pixie frog eating that big ass snake alive as it's mouth open flailing around and it literally makes me want to cry. It's clearly staged, some evil fucker went out an found a snake and fed it to his pixie frog to get off on it. He is not in the plains of the Africa recording it in nature and the fact that Youtube allows these videos because they're "educational" is fucking sick and I hope the worst on them.
NERD and other big Herp youtubers have called this shit out yet those google kikes don't fucking care.
It makes me actually upset.
Feeding live mise to baby snappers who slowly tear it apart as it drowns, or feeding guinea pigs to small monitor lizards who have to bite chunks out if it.
I like to think that hell isn't real because no God would send people there but when I see that shit I'm reminded of who deserves to go there.
No the druggie or alcoholic but the sick fucks who get off on the suffering of others.
>I like to think that hell isn't real because no God would send people there
How do you guys make distance with heat lamps? Is there some jerry rig crane setup people use?
There are lamp stands you can buy. The kind I have really only works for shallow terrariums though, it relies on being held in place by the tank itself. But I'm sure there are some that can affix to the side or top somehow.
Now just wait until you find out what cat owners think is funny, "essential mental enrichment", and "pest control" (that doesnt reduce pest numbers and therefore goes on forever)
I agree with both of you, but you're making insanely surface level observations, mass breeding of any animal is almost always awful, look at puppy mills and factory farming.
And yes, animal abuse in general is bad, in some cases I even put it on the same level as child abuse.
The world is full of unfair, violent, hateful, disgusting things, and there is very little we as individuals (or even a collective, realistically) can do about it.
The best we can do is be kind to one another, human or otherwise, and try to offset the bad by making as much good as we can for the ~90 years we get to do things.
After asking this I stuck it into an upside-down lampshade and it's worked absurdly well, turns out even a centimeter makes a big difference.
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my discoid roaches squeak
no one told me banded crickets sound like birds
I know most people recommend doing an enclosure where one half is a hot spot and the other half is a cool spot, but what if I'm doing a 6 foot long and 3 foot high enclosure? Would it make more sense to make the top part hot and the floor cool instead?
>bearded dragon enclosure guy
>day gecko guy
I like how you can tell when people have nowhere else to go about reptiles so you can start recognizing their posts
depends on the specimen. in a tank that long you don't need to make the entire top hot either. Have a heat lamp on one side and just normal LED lighting across the rest of the enclosure.
reddit is too slow
My dubias make weird quiet chirping noises sometimes
Hey that's me! I'm day gecko guy! The 2x2x4 I ordered is going to be shipped soon (in hind sight wish I got a 3x2x4, given how much my fella moves horizontally, but there's always the future)
Does anyone have experience with reptile safe spray foams, paints, silicone, etc. That can be used to make a good hard scape? I kind of want to go all out with the design of this one.
And gay
The regular hardware store foam is safe once it dries. Look for a silicone that doesn’t mention mildew resistance or say “Mold Free”. I am not an expert on what paints are safe. I have used tile pointing and Sherwin Williams concrete stain for “rocks”, but I generally just gorilla glue some substrate to background sections I want moss to colonize or that aren’t supposed to look like rocks, and anything I want to look like wood is actually wood. Most paints should be inert when dry, but don’t buy anything “antifouling” or mildew preventative.
Noted. The most I've heard about paint is how acrylics are good, but either way, paint might not be a factor anyway, I basically just planned on doing the whole "glue and substrate" deal in places where I don't embed cork.
Do note that gorilla glue and spray foam are basically the same thing, one is just aerosolized and one is straight liquid. You could realistically use both in the same setting if you want more dramatically raised portions in spaces.
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Is it possible for a snake to get attached to a hide?
My ball python has long since outgrown his current hide but every time I try to swap a new one in he won't go in it, he just sits between it and the glass. Even when I leave it there for a couple weeks he won't go in it.
I don't know what to do because when it's cleaning time I can't even get his fat ass out of the hide, I have to lay it upside down and wait for him to get out on his own.
Has anyone else noticed crickets being picky eaters?
I assumed insects would like rotting fruit more, but they ignore any food after they've munched on it until it's brownish, and love whenever I put something fresh in.
They also love fruit WAY more than vegetables. No clue how people get them to eat pet food.
my discoid roach colony got mold in it. I cleaned it up. Are they gonna fucking die?
you know, cat and dog food doesn't fucking mold
Roaches are famous for being very sensitive to changes in environment and needing a spotless home to survive.
google says mold can wipe out a colony
Google can eat my ass. The roaches will be fine now that you cleaned up the mold.
I pulled back a paper blocker on the side and
apparently he can get behind the ground and hide under the foam, which, if intentional, is both fucking stupid and really nice. I spent all day worried about if he was trapped back there or not but on the very same day I came home from groceries and he was out! I saw movement!
I think he immediately went back behind the foam but he can get out! progress is being made! Im not a failure!
bro is in the backrooms
not anymore! He seems to be staying in the enclosure now! I even misted it and he stayed! (I know I shouldnt have but it was for his health)
I just hate that he made all this progress at night so he can't enjoy the heat and uv for nearly as long as I'd want him to for his reintroduction into the world proper, but there's still tomorrow! I'm gonna try putting in some cgd for him again.
The day I got also has issues eating because hes new and nervous, like that anon said before they seem to just be huge pussies.
What seemingly works for me is putting some feeder bugs in a couple different escape-proof dishes and putting them around for him to pick from whenever he wants, he'll only take one or two dubias/crickets/mealworms at a time in my case. But he still seems healthy and takes full shits, so I'm not too worried.
I've also let some waxworms pupate, apparently phelsuma love hunting moths, so I figure I can try to give him a few as a special treat.
cannot recommend leos and hoggers highly enough

juvenile AFT ate a pinky today. boy is gonna GROW (yes I'll keep these exceptional, maybe every other month)
Are Tyler and Chandler finally done for?
What happened
Today is my snegs 4th birthday
How long do these things live for anyway? Lol
Rip and tear, until it is done.
For real though, check your humidity, it's too high. You may need to tear apart your entire roach bin and clean it with a mild bleach solution to get rid of spores. If you do that just make sure everything has completely dried off so you aren't just throwing your roaches back into a bleach pit.
Depends on the snake, but probably 20 years at least.
>like that anon said before they seem to just be huge pussies
why does every single source talk about how friendly and brave they are like that's their defining trait then?
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who the fuck is calling day geckos brave?
Every care guide, text or Youtube, waxes on about how active they are and how they'll come up to you in their tank turtle-style like "do you have food?" and how its such a total shame that you can't handle them, Cl*nt said he had one escape, but he was able to find it because it just came up to him to say hi.
I put in a bit more heat and my crickets are chirping a lot more now, it used to be very occasional one or two chirps but now it's near constant and louder, does this mean they're happier?
It means they wanna fuck
I'll mist them more often then
>gmod ragdoll.mp3
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there are little guys that specialize in exactly your problem.
>didn't drop the tail
seems brave to me
reminder that springtails dont actually eat mold in any significant amount on the off chance they even do eat it over something fresh
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Mine is getting braver, he was a full adult when I got him, and while he still skitters away even after a month if I'm not careful, he's pretty receptive of licking treats from hand.
They are very active (once they are comfortable being observed by you) and they will come to take treats from your hand or glass surf to get your attention when it’s feeding time (once they are sure you aren’t going to eat them). But these are behaviors that reward the keeper for good socialization and husbandry because they are skittish little fucks who are expecting to be eaten by a bird at all times. Day Geckos are brave in the sense of the old cliche about how bravery isn’t the absence of fear, but action in the face of it, because they are terrified 24/7 until you habituate them to you and your home.

Maybe this doesn’t apply to captive bred, IDK.
>Cl*nt said he had one escape, but he was able to find it because it just came up to him to say hi.
Wasn’t that an Emerald Tree Skink and not a Day Gecko? Emerald Tree Skinks are as close to fearless as it’s possible to get in a small pet lizard. Day Geckos are not.
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To be honest, I've never really seen a day gecko that didn't run from a hand, but if you pour a fuckton of time and patience into an animal, even the ones written off as impossible assholes by most of the hobby, a lot is achievable.
I dont mean this in the condescending way it will come off as, but how do you socialize an animal you can't touch in a way that isn't just existing in the same room as them and waiting? what kind of work can I put in? He still doesn't like if I get reachy with the enclosure or make sudden moves. I'm slowly cutting portions of the side cover off for us to see each other a tiny bit more each day
Not condescending at all. From what I can tell that's what you do to socialize days, basically just move small things around in their viv, attempt to feed them by hand, essentially make it known that you are not a threat since you can't do it the easy way by holding them to show you mean no harm.
Don't worry anon, it's all good. I'm guessing with these guys it's a long term project of spending time sitting near the enclosure doing activities that don't make too much noise, and, when you do have to get into his terrarium, offering/leaving the foods he likes and working around him a bit. So I think you're on the right path. It just can take a while.
basically everything in the ancestral environment of that lizard that is bigger than it wants to eat it, so you have to have a SHITLOAD of incidents of "the giant monster is around and isn't trying to eat me" before you can start working on "the giant monster is around and I can hop on it if I want to."
this is mostly for animals that can freeroam, but the early steps generalize across.
Remember NOT to do stuff that predators do. No staring, just hold his gaze for a second or two and let your eyes drift around him rather than at him.
No sudden movements - use gentle, smooth movements, but dont creep or freeze when he reacts either.
Also, though this sounds fucking stupid, talk to him. It obviously wont undertsand you, but we are NOISY creatures, and they can hear, so even if he can't see you, your voice is an indicator of your presence.
Should I save talking for later? I know getting him used to my voice is important, but I figured I should keep it as quiet as possible until he gets more comfortable
Nope, quieting down in the presence of prey is predator behavior. The instinct to be quiet is your brain going "we dont want to spook the animal because then we wont be able to catch and eat it," you need to kind of unlearn everything your brain tells you about not startling an animal (no/low noise, slow movements, freeze if they notice you) because all of it is hunting behavior. You obviously dont want to be blasting dragonforce or whatever, but a normal conversational tone is good.
I'll take note on talking, but I'm going to keep moving slowly, I got up from my chair too fast today and it sent him back behind the ground. He moved so fast it was the first time I've ever heard noise from the tank.
Never thought to try talking but I guess that does make sense
slow movement is fine, even preferable, it's CREEPING that isnt. Gentle movement is the key - you dont want to move like you're trying to sneak up on something or make as little noise as possible, but you dont want to just pop up like a jack in the box either. Like 50% normal speed is good.
Any tips for preventing dubias from escaping the viv by climbing up the thermostat probe wire?
Feed dubias out of a shallow dish or bowl, or just seal up the hole the probe goes through.
hope my crickets are gravid as opposed to just really plump, I really dont want to give pet stores more money
Odd question, but has anyone tested vivariums for air quality (CO2)?

My snake sometimes seems absolutely desperate to get out, which is mostly normal, but half the time whenever i open the glass it'll just happily sit next to the opening instead of actually exploring.
You can buy a silicone sealant tube from any hardware store for like 8 usd equivalent. Waterproof and inert since it's just silicone.
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I spent money on springtail cultures and isopods and don't see them anywhere.. how do I know if they're dead or not?
>spent money on shit you can pick up outside
oh no no no no no
Are misters worth it for tanks that aren't huge?
Check under rocks and wood, they like to collect in places where it's constantly humid.
Checked, coulnd't find any.

Re: springtails. How do I even get them out of the culture? I just kinda of buried them in the substrate.

I have a coco coir base substrate with coco husk above it. Maybe that's why? Because the ground is so much less humid?

Unfortunately, I live in a city and the only insects we have here are roaches.
That's more or less how you seed springtails, yeah. No problems there.
And your soil sounds okay, I always mix in some long fiber moss and maybe some soft leaf litter from house plants to add some organic matter for them to eat, and then top it with live oak or magnolia leaves as a top leaf litter to provide cover and lock in more moisture. So you could be missing that extra organic matter.
Do you need to cull moss somehow? I'm looking into different kinds and all the pictures have them looking longer than grass, I get its advertising, but I just want a carpet, not a forest
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So cute
My new dream lizard
i think it already has a regenerated tail, look at how weird it is compared to the other ones
How can you compare me being upset about blatant monetized animals torture and some retard who thinks all breeding is bad?
they can drop regenerated ones anon
I was more talking about mass breeding, not breeding in general.
And I wasn't comparing you two, I was just killing two birds with one post, both are obviously bad to the point where it basically doesn't bear mentioning, outright senseless torture is also obviously worse than mass breeding, if it were a contest.
wondering this too
Cutting PVC to build an enclosure. I have become micro plastic man.
If it makes you feel any better, you were DEFINITELY already full of microplastics before cutting the pvc
How to keep soil moist with high heat other than spraying it constantly? I feel like the leaf litter stops the water from even reaching the soil more than anything else
direct watering, but keep in mind that plants dont really need the soil moist 100% of the time, and if you value your animal's life you dont want to swamp the enclosure out. water per the care directions of the plants you have.
After spooking him back into the backrooms for an entire day by getting up from my chair too fast, I am attempting to "force" interaction by opening up the panel and doing the reccomended sitting around in his presence thing. He can and eventually did crawl into the backside of the tank and return to darkness and out of view (its probably warmer back there too) at any time. Is this forcing things too hard? I didn't stare at him, but he knew we could see each other, I just went on my phone and occasionally looked around, away from him, passing my glance over him but not focusing, etc.
Is this trying to force things too hard? Am I robbing him of his safe space and going to overly stress him? I feel like this should be a win because we sat there, knowing each other were there, and he eventually crawled away of his own accord, but didn't sprint or anything.
not forcing things, that's actually precisely what you want to do - give him an interaction that wires in "the big monkey opened up the door and looked around and I didn't die" in his brain. the more you do that, the stronger that connection will become. You're gonna want to do just that like two or three times a day for ten or fifteen minutes at a time - once he doesnt seem to care that you're there, try moving some stuff around in the enclosure (not near him obviously) while you're there. Not like you're looking under/over stuff, just like changing the position of a stick, or fluffing the substrate, that kind of thing - "the monkey does stuff in the enclosure and I didn't die." after that, put you hand in there, again not NEAR him but close, and just leave it there - "the monkey's gross tentacle hand is in the enclosure and I didn't die" etc. he will eventually check you out. let him. from there you're basically gravy.
also dont lose heart if he gets skittish about some stuff, just move a step backward in the process. you're working to override some INCREDIBLY strong, OEM-installed neural pathways that are crucial for the animal's survival in the ancestral environment. that's gonna take some time.
I just feel bad that I destroyed his mental so hard that I have to completely resocialize him all over again, the guy giving him up (who ABANDONED ME and stopped replying to my messages) said he was active, ate from tongs and had bred before
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>the guy giving him up (who ABANDONED ME and stopped replying to my messages) said he was active, ate from tongs and had bred before
Sounds about right. Why can’t people just be honest about the reptiles they sell?
Dont feel too bad. New thing scary. New thing always scary, because new thing might kill you. Him being scared and needing to adjust is just a natural consequence of a big change.
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Do they still require keepers to breed snails at a huge scale or do CBBs nowadays work on different diets?
I'm not watering plants I'm trying to keep the dirt wet enough for crickets to hatch. I thought my soil was great at holding water until I had to start heating it
Can they eat aquatic snails? Those fuckers are super easy to breed en masse.
Yeah in the wild they seem to be majorly specialized on hunting apple snails, with adults eating 20-30 of them per day. Some caresheets say they can also be fed stuff like fish, shrimp, mussels on the side. Still, having dozens of large snails available per week must require a decently sized breeding tank.
Ah. In that case you might want to get like a plant watering spike or something. As the soil dries it'll seep into the soil to replenish.
Yeah that's probably more than is reasonable to breed yourself, you'd need several large tanks with clutches hatching constantly to make it happen (an apple snail clutch is well over 100 snails, taking 2-3 weeks to hatch then 3-6mo to grow to size).

Feeding them mussels would get expensive quickly, but I'm guessing they don't do great on mostly feeder minnows (or goldfish but nothing does great eating goldfish)
caught this little fella in the backyard. he was very cooperative for his photo-op. goodbye pepe *releases*
Is running away better or worse than sitting still? I tried twice in one day and he clearly wanted nothing to do with it
>didn't even know he was out
>didn't even know he could see me
>move arm down to computer mouse
>hear SKWGSSGHH as he bolts back behind
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I have 1000 crickets coming in the mail tomorrow.

I have:
>two 41.6L Plastic Storage Bins
>Vermiculite (for substrate layer)
>~30 cardboard egg cartons
>couple of paper towel cardboard rolls
>small container of the calcium cricket food
>small, shallow bottom of a plant pot that i put a papertowel over and lay ice on periodically
>some juicy fruits like mandarins
>some veggies like carrots

I normally have issues with keeping 300 crickets alive in one of the aforementioned bins past 3 weeks. I don't want to lose these 1000. So what am I doing right and what am I doing wrong?
Just picked up a pair of Northern Spiny-tail gecko hatchlings. Had them two days now. One is eating, one hasn't eaten yet. Should I be worried? They hatched about three weeks ago. The one that isn't eating is a little bit smaller.
I wouldn’t worry too much for the minute. Could try smaller feeders and see if that helps, what’s the setup like?
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small glass enclosure, paper towel substrate, 5w heatmat, measures to about 29 celcius in the enclosure, feeding them extra small crickets.
>bought 1000 crickets when you cant keep 300 stably
>what am I doing wrong
for a start, "getting 1000 crickets when you cant keep 300 stably."
I dont know how many times I need to say "scale down and see if you can get a lower population stable first, then scale up" before it sticks.
So Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth
i have iron coated teeth
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Meet Betelgeuse
Hello Betelgeuse
Seems alright, might just be settling in. They were definitely eating with the seller?
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based pyxichad
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>I'll pour this leftover cgd out for the bugs to eat, I'm such a genius
>instantaneous mold
He took a vid of their last feed with him (two days ago), and one was eating, but the other one didn't take the feed then.
I wouldn't normally worry, but they are just so small.
What’s a rather large lizard I can get to serve in the stead of a cat because I am allergic
Mold is just springtail food, so it should work.
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Ctenosaura pectinata, mexican spiny tailed iguana. Friendlier than their green cousins, smaller and easier to care for than cyclura iguanas.
Second best roach after dubias?
I don't mind cricket sounds and they don't smell at all, but they're high maitenance and I'm finding dead ones even though I'm trying my best to keep them properly
Additionally, are mealworms a good staple food? I remember people saying you shouldn't use them as a main food source because they're fatty or not as nutritious or something? But that might be superworms.
discoid roaches are pretty comparable
Do they burrow? On top of the fact that they're sold out everywhere I'm learning practically every feeder insect EXCEPT CRICKETS will burrow and become inaccessible while my girl hides. I want her to have to forage, not get food on a plate
Nta but what's the size on theseguys?
There's never a clear answer.
3-4 feet, tail included
Red runner roaches shouldn't burrow. If you want some active feeders you could also order blue bottlefly maggots/pupae and hatch them, or waxworms and let them turn into moths.
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Came home today and noticed her lips and nose are yellow.
Not sure If it's because she's close to shedding or from rubbing but it wasn't there last night.
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The actual inside of her mouth is fine it's just the scale right on her lip.
Also don't worry I didn't force her here, she's cool with me opening her mouth so I can check it I just need to hold it open with my fingers.
I think red runers are also illegal here, and they're another I can't find in stock anywhere, BUT, I have found someone trustworthy selling "feeder roaches" nudge nudge wink wink
Could try fruit flies since you can just leave them in there without worry of them chewing on the geckos
sadly, he deaded last night.
Breeder has agreed to give me another one when his next batch is ready.
Sad to hear, at least your other one is eating well.
Sadly he was probably never going to make it if he was that young and you just got him
Why do bugs dislike frass if dirt is 90% insect shit and 10% other things' shit
"you dont shit where you eat" isnt just an aphorism.
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Can anyone identify this tiny lizard i rescued from an aircraft? I think its a type of gecko but I'm not sure, it's so small
>juvenile mourning gecko escaped almost a year ago into my animal room
>searched for it, didnt find it
>surely shes dried up somewhere or the stupid cellar spiders got her
>take care of my houseplants in the animal room
>find two gecko eggs in one bromeliad, look relatively fresh
>gecko must be still alive between all those plants, must have grown up and probably ate all those annoying fungus gnats, silver fish or escaped feeders, moisture from the plants
>after searching no sign of the gecko, but found shit on some other plants so shes still somewhere, eating pest and shitting out eggs
>tropical south east asia/pacific island mode unlocked

hardy litte bastards. i wonder how many eggs the gecko already laid. didnt see her though since she escaped as a juvenile. funny thing is, thats similar how i got mourning geckos in the first place:

>2022, buy new wooden terrarium for ball python
>my reptile store has free roaming mourning geckos un purpose in their premises
>terrarium was ready to be picked up for a few days now, but i had no time
>pick it up, set it up, install the tech
>find a gecko egg inside near the lid/roof
>i immediately know what it is, put a container on it so the hatchling doesnt escape into the big terrarium to be never found
>feew weeks later: Free gecko
>one year later: Have five now

Life, uh, finds a way i guess.
I'd love to have mourning geckos because they're cool, interesting, amd able to thrive in a small enclosure, but I wouldn't have the heart to cull their numbers when they start multiplying.
It is definitely a juvenile gecko, but I'm unsure of the species.
Nobody puts the food in the egg crate though...

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