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>mfw I lobotomize the wrong snake that was in a locked cage because the other ones were “illegal”
>The average snakefag when you tell him keeping 100s of highly venomous snakes locked in little bins in his home isn't a reasonable substitute for a personality
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>bunch of pythons and boas
>highly venomous
>mfw I lobotomize the wrong snake
What? Is this a thing?
Florida DWF was euthanizing a guys banned pythons and euthanized a snake that wasn’t banned for good measure. The fucked thing is that they were using a nail gun.
also worth mentioning that he acquired the pythons back when they were legal, and as the new law went into effect he wasn't given any time to find takers for the many snakes he possessed in other states. they just straight up barged in and started killing
Nah, he had like 6 months to apply for an exception or move or sell the snakes. He just Boomered the exception application (applied for an exception he didn’t qualify for) and couldn’t unfuck himself in time (he didn’t take any preventative measures for the fact that his snakes were going to be illegal if he didn’t manage to get an exception on subsequent appeals).
unironically good. fuck that faggot for breeding those things that continue to enable the ecological crisis in florida.
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He wasn't breeding them after the ban was put in place and the boa that got killed by DWF was not invasive.
Nobody cares because they aren't human, or mammals.
This is pretty typical of any government agency "tasked with helping" the environment or animals. Literally all these queers do is destroy Nature and kill animals and plants.
>nooooooooo not the heckin invasive speciesrino how could they!!!!!!
BOOOY Florida Fish and Wildlife spent half a century trying to convince everyone that Flamingos and Water Lettuce weren't native to Florida. You have no idea the amount of damage these fucking bureaucrats do. Know why sea turtle numbers aren't really recovering? Fish and Wildlife won't allow it. Simple as. Sea turtles are easy as shit to raise in large numbers and because their sex is temperature controlled, you could literally decide to hatch out mostly females in enormous numbers and release them after a year's worth of grow out. This is OBSCENE to bureaucrats because instinctively the KNOW they exist to keep Nature half dead - just life enough to profit from, but not so strong as to threaten jewish power.
You get what you deserve with Republicans that love talking about how much they love rural living but bend over backwards when developers wants to destroy sensitive habitats to put up another strip mall of Wal-Marts and Taco Bells.
You misunderstood them

They like wheat fields, pasture, cows, horses, and deer season. Anything that stands in the way of these is le bad. They will tell you deer season and hobby ranches are the only thing that will save our civilization from ruin if you question it.
All of mankind is about to get what it deserves for refusing to rein in the power of evil on this planet.
>but bend over backwards when developers wants to destroy sensitive habitats to put up another strip mall of Wal-Marts and Taco Bells.
This isnt happening in rural places though you dumbass, this is happening in left wing urban enclaves
Right wing rural folk know more about animals and the environment than you ever will you queer
No, they don't

They still deny that wolves are a keystone species, aimlessly shoot coyotes, and let cats outside. The delusion that wild deer are a fallback food for when SHTF is also disturbingly prevalent (was the part where people trying that almost made them extinct omitted from the history books in cousinfuckintown?)
>They still deny that wolves are a keystone species
No they dont, an infact right wing counties are the reason they aren't extinc.
>aimlessly shoot coyotes
Because they are a pest species that kills chickens, goats, baby cows, etc.
>lets cats outside
Barn cats keep out rats and mice
>deer aren't a source of food
There's laterally too many deer due to the lack of hunting thats been done. Here in Michigan they literally extended gun season and even allow any tags to be used for doe since theres so many. You don't know what youre talking about you suburbanite pos
I'm just imagining the most greasy, overweight, city-dwelling 56% el ogro typing this out whilst attempting to balance a plate of hotpockets.
Nah, Hillsdale MI. Here you can get 40 acers and a 3000 sq ft home for less than 400k. Liberals hate the place because it has cheap affordable living and a strong community.
Wolves AREN'T a keystone species. Sea Otters are a keystone species. Northern Red Oaks are a keystone species. "Keystone species" doesn't mean "faggot animal I worship". MOST carnivores are nothing approaching keystone species. MOST megaherbivores ARE because they propagate plant life and plants literally vanish from the landscape without them. Carnivores are far more like parasites than they are like herbivores in their utility to the biosphere. Submental "males" simply don't like this truth because "Eating meat is masculine, right? Mark Sisson told me so!"
Also wrong.

You two are both fucking idiots and know fuck all about ecology.
Im not that retarded faggot anon, but you're wrong.
Go dye your hair dipshit
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Looks like I was spot on. You've probably been in the woods less than 10 times.
>No they dont, an infact right wing counties are the reason they aren't extinc.
Yeah they do, rightoids bitched and moaned the whole time about MUH HUNTIN GUIDE BUSINESS MUH RANCH and rightoids are still demanding the numbers be suppressed. Idaho recently did a cull so deer season could still occur.
>Because they are a pest species that kills chickens, goats, baby cows, etc.
Oh no, not your poorly contained pets.
>Barn cats keep out rats and mice
They provably do not and have never. They are however responsible for all the toxoplasmosis in the US food supply and it's 700+ yearly deaths. Cats are pets, not working animals. This is an objective, undebtable fact.
>There's laterally too many deer due to the lack of hunting thats been done
And when the deer numbers decline, wolf cull!

Rightoid seethe right on cue. If it didn't bother their ranching hobby they wouldn't give a shit.

Reminder: ranchers contribute jack shit to the US food supply and mostly just ruin the landscape. They are welfare queens bordering on pests. A good government would gun down their herds just like a good government would do aerial agent orangeings of pot farms.
>Oh no, not your poorly contained pets.
>chickens and goats
Im not even reading the rest of that retarded shit you're clearly a delusional left wing suburbanite dumbass piece of shit that couldnt last 1 week living a rural life
>1 week living a rural life
Pretending to be self sufficient by running a backyard egg farm at a financial loss vs what you did before you watched youtube tutorials and stocking up at the costco 45 minutes away?
All of that is 1000% better than being a scrawny, weak, pathetic cry baby faggot that sits on his computer all day driving his moms car to go get some vape juice
>has an incoherent meltdown
nailed it harder than i nailed your mom/cousin last night boy
>incoherent meltdown
I was spot on, kek. You will always be a weak little pussy
It's ok, you can go self sufficiently stock up on tissues for your baby tears at costco next month
Sure thing Ill stock up at costco while you go to some kroger or meijer that has guards checking your receipts at the doors because of all the blacks in your town kek
I already knew before I hovered over it it would be that stupid fucking "Wolves changed the rivers" video. Ever here what happened AFTER, fucknut? The Elk population plummeted, the wolves got mange and started attacking pets, livestock and generally making a nuisance of themselves.
You know that's what costco does right? Because of all the hillbillies who try and take off with extra toilet paper.

I live in a rural area btw. I just laugh at all the larping retards.
>I live in a rural area btw. I just laugh at all the larping retards.
Bullshit, you believe animals like chickens and goats need to be "contained"
Let me guess, this is according to some fag filled subreddit
>The Elk population plummeted
From overpopulation to normal levels. Oh no, the huntin tags!
>the wolves got mange
That's what happens with wild animals.
>Started attacking pets
Owned by retards
Hobby farms of little consequence, basically all food is in feedlots nowhere near wolves
>making a nuisance of themselves
Sorry your "lifestyle" was fucking retarded and required partial or full ecological destruction to be viable but actual right wingers already replaced it with good old fashioned capitalism. You were just larping and actually had more in common with commies than anyone else
>pls government, save me from the wolves
>Rightoid seethe right on cue. If it didn't bother their ranching hobby they wouldn't give a shit.
Listen you dumb nigger. The entire reason for the wolf fetishism is due to hunter lobby propaganda. Hunting is a clear and obvious morally indefensible act. So hunters had to create propaganda that they were keeping the herbivores in check since those poor carnivores had been wiped out. Then idiots (believing hunter lies with a similar obliviousness to ecological reality) decided, "why not just bring back the predators"? So they did, and every time it's resulted in disaster.


Most of the largest megafauna already don't HAVE fucking predators and they keep their own numbers in check just fine. As far as the rest go, there's no way in hell any number of lions on the Serengeti are keeping the numbers of Wildebeest and Zebras in check. Just not fucking happening.
Flerf tier retard. This is the hundredth time you've tried this, and but it won't be the hundredth time you get BTFO because I'm already well aware you're a chatbot.

>Bullshit, you believe animals like chickens and goats need to be "contained"
Yes, that's the point of livestock. They are domesticated specifically to live in confinement and die for food production. They are not wild animals. They are not companion animals. They are a meat plant and we only want them dumber and more sedentary.
The wolves changed the rivers thing? Oh yes, that's as reddit as it gets. You can probably find it posted on reddit dozens of times. Now if you're just throwing a tantrum because you don't like facts and calling everything that doesn't play into your neoliberal fantasies "reddit" then eat a bullet and help the world out.

>From overpopulation to normal levels. Oh no, the huntin tags!
Deer overpopulation is a myth hunters made up. But let me guess, you DON'T believe in human overpopulation. How close to the mark am I? This is how you know you're a lying propagandist.
I don't have to TRY shit. Your species is going extinct. Your hubris and arrogance won't change anything. But I will NOT tolerate the typical basic bitch human lying and anthropocentrism in my presence.
>Its the hunters
Its a fact. Deer overpopulation is a thing. When it isn't a thing, hunters call it wolves threatening the population, just like when yellowstone wolves routed the elk hunting guide industry.

>you DON'T believe in human overpopulation
You see, it depends on which humans.

Please chatbot try to be a little less robotic
>someone actually trained a chatbot on r/veganism
shit really?
You can spam lies and propaganda all day, friend. You'll be dead in a decade. But trees won't. You already lost. Your tapping fingers won't save you.
>chatbot leaves a plot hole in its fantasy
yeah because you generate these, you don't think about these. i won't tell you what it is.
The snake keeping hobby seems retarded to me because they're all interested in making ridiculous hybrids and breeding them for certain colours instead of keeping specimens but remembering this episode makes me angry
Did anything happen to the police?
It's so fucked up
There is an upcoming lawsuit because the monetary value of the boa was $100k.
>I'll take ecological disasters for 500, Alex
>What is "Removal of wolves from Yellowstone Park"?
he's talking about FL which has been a red state for a long time and has a large number of cities that are republican-run. i suggest you stay out of this conversation.
predators literally do keep the population in check, because if they dont, the herbivores will literally scour the land clean just like locust and we know what happens when locust have no predators, 4 pests campaign proved that most recently
wolves in yellowstone actually lets the forest recover and expand now that new saplings are not be eaten by moose and deer constantly
coyotes are shot because they keep attacking children, because just like deer, cougars, and bears, theyre wandering into the suburbs, and a coyote is just small enough to look harmless and friendly
its a swing state, its not red, its purple
It's perfectly fine to kill as many coyotes as possible because you're never going to kill them all. The federal government tried to and inadvertently spread them all across the country.
>They are domesticated specifically to live in confinement and die for food production

>claims to know more about nature than rural people
>makes up complete and utter retarded nonsense out of thin air
No, by all means, please provide me with the counties that are allegedly doing this my redditor friend
>NO! It was the Republican gun lobby that convinced conservationists to reintroduce wolves to satisfy their blood lust! No other rational or reason!
>>makes up complete and utter retarded nonsense out of thin air
would love to hear what you think the purpose of livestock like cows and chickens are for then.
Well first off its basically beyond layman's terms that free range produce from the animals your speaking of it automatically considered to be higher quality, where as the latter is being studied for relation to the rise in ailments related to diet and low quality foods. Secondly, if you actually lived in a rural place, (you dont,) you'd realize the #1 feared pest is ticks. (Also something that can get out of control if deer numbers aren't handled.) Chickens literally spend like fucking 17 hours a day staring at the ground and eating bugs, you fucking dumbass retard. Why would you want them confined to a tiny space in your several acers of land? Same with goats? They graze, why the fuck would you have them confined?

Shoot yourself with a gun you bought from a black guy behind a Walmart you suburbanite dumb fuck.
Chickens live 1.5 years as a laying hen or <1yr as a meat bird
Goats live 1.5 years and then it's on the roasting spit

They can be confined just fine. Free ranging is liberal hippy shit. You just increase loss to make it easier on yourself and then you're all "well NOW destroying the environment is justified, time to shoot the wolves". Or, you could build a fence like an intelligent animal. Even fucking ants keep their livestock deep within the fold. Are you a worse farmer than an ant?
You're a retarded suburbanite and its obvious now. Chickens being confined may keep the safe from birds of prey but its literally much easier for coyotes, racoons, etc. to break into a cope and have at it, where as when chickens are left in the yard they have all sorts of call signs and shit the rooster does to keep the pack safe. Stop talking about shit you have 0 clues about.
>Are you a worse farmer than an ant?
Ants are better farmers than any human, to be fair. The objective of the farmer ants are to raise food for their people, which they do far more efficiently than us.
Ants basically run cottage CAFOs that are deeper inside "civilization" rather than right between civilization and not. This works really well, and it highlights that ranchers are dumb regressive hippies instead of actual conservative entrepreneurs. Rightoid and right wing are different terms for a reason.

We do this too. Families keep penned in livestock if the zoning laws aren't too anti-freedom (zoning laws should be abolished. they're liberal bullshit.) and corporations keep massive buildings full of them. The regressive hippies go "noooo the animal spirits are angry at you, runs-with-wolves" but the way forward from here is breeding dumber livestock until they're basically a plant that's actually tasty.
zoning laws exist so you dont store dangerous chemicals next to a residential area
don't expect a retard who seethes about liberals every other sentence to have basic comprehension of any kind of law.
No I should be able to mine asbestos right next to a suburban estate you fucking liberal cuck.
liberals dont care about zoning laws either, theyre the ones who put child predators next to a school zone
Zoning laws today will prevent a vacant factory from being converted into affordable housing, and the mentally ill low IQ """'educated""" left wingers will then blame capitalism on why rent is skyrocketing
you don't care about affordable housing
I'm 34, I actually got to enjoy affordable housing. Pic related is my room from my first college apartment; it cost me less than $250 a month with bills included. Name me 1 single left wing city with affordable housing you dumbass piece of shit
you want me to continue to go down the list? because i can. they all have affordable housing.
ameritrannies really are something, huh
where in new york is there affordable housing besides the absolute worst parts of the bronx
Are you fucking delusional or baiting? You must be baiting. LA and Cali are hell I wish I could escape
Right wing rural folk don't know more than anyone about anything because their education system is next to non-existent and is considered a success if it gets you to wear a condom when you fuck your sister.
Long Island is the most inbred county in America. Suffolk County Massachusetts is second.
you forget about the jersey shore
>Lives in college
>Has to rack up college debt
>Still has to pay to live there
>"All bills included"
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>he repeated like 30 times not to kill that one
>government fucktards do it anyway

american tax dollars are going to pay his lottery
hilarious post, blue states have the worst education in the usa

the red states with the worst are full of nignogs
>state of the free in the land of the free
>can't keep a python in a bin
>dude all those snakes I keep in tiny boxes in my house are actually not venomous so you lose sweaty
Behead all snakefags

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