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Your cat wouldn't hesitate to eat you if it were the size of a lion.
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What if I were the size of a lion?
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Someone post the webm of the lioness trying to seduce the zookeeper
Just like your dog would. See any domestic bears? No? Me neither. Any carnivoran that surpasses 150 - 200 lbs has too much potential to maul and then eat people randomly.
Yeah, because at that size, pretty much all Carnivores become doo-doo brains. There's not much need for complex thought meant for socialization and coordination when you're a fuck-off 400lb kleptoparasite who thrives off of being large and mean enough to scare packhunt-sois away from their kills.
God i wish that were me
...Wolves already are 150-200 lbs though? The reason wolves were domesticated instead of foxes is because they're larger.
Dogs are already big enough to eat us. But basically only pitbulls do unless its a clusterfuck of animal abuse and torturous rape rack/ai inbreeding. There’s a curious lack of other dogs eating their owners.

They typically wait for you to die naturally and wait some more until you start to rot, to be sure.
I don't have a cat though
Lion owners say otherwise. They don't eat you. They eat your guests.
Now look at the size of most modern dogs, anon. Not quite as big, right?
He's bullshitting you as hard as you're bullshitting. Most wolves are in the same size range as malamutes and mastiffs. Tons of dogs are big enough to eat you. They just don't want to.
But they’re not so they’re pets
Buddy, my cats won't hesitate to eat my body when I finally have a stroke and die on the floor of my solitary apartment. I'd rather be eaten by cats than buried or cremated.
Who? (You), or your boyfriend you're so eager to defend? Faggot.
>lose argument
>start reeeeeeing like a 12 year old girl
lol i am better than you
I accept your concession/Whatever helps you sleep at night, homo. Be sure to tell your e-boyfriend you fought tooth and nail for him in this thread.
Ok. And?
Yes it would, people have tigers for pets and they’re lovable companions… but just like a house cat if you scratch his belly wrong, a tiger will swipe or bite you, your house cat that’s cute but the tiger you’re dead.
Yes, and I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot it with a safari rifle before it thought to try.
>Just like your dog would
No he wouldn’t.
nuh uh. I would win
My cat is too lazy to chase anything and likes pets too much to kill me.
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So? I'd eat people alive if i had the size/power to. I don't blame my cat for that.
I have the size and power to literally eat any woman on Earth if I wanted to.
my cat tries to eat me and she's like 1/15th my size
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You are wrong. She would never!
Yea, he would. Cope.
There's a reason wolves and cats are the only carnivorans we bothered to domesticate. Again, see any domestic dire "wolves"?
I'll do you one even better, ever notice people taking their spotted hyenas down the street for a walk?
My cat struggles to win fights with chipmunks. Scale it up to the size of a lion (increase his weight by 20 times) and I'll bully him.
but he ain't
bro, you've never seen videos of russians with their pet bears?
>tard thinks tame = domestic
Many such cases!
No they really wouldn’t
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If my cat were the size of a lion would everything else be bigger too?
I had a cat who stopped eating whenever I did. Could never starve myself to death because she would refuse to eat unless I did.
Good thing I eat cats
>why yes I’m chinese, how did you know?
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Anon, are you aware of how many people get attacked by dogs each year?
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dont frogs eat eachother?
And my dog would kill me by accident if it suddenly grew to the size of a Lion.
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quiet humie you wouldnt get it

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