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I think this continent breaking up was the biggest travesty in the prehistory. That's why I propose we move a bunch of animals from Australia to South America (including their respective surrounding islands) and vice versa. Think about how close their ecosystems are to being complete already.
>australian animals need an apex predator (komodo dragons, green anacondas, and jaguars)
>south american animals need a dedicated pack hunter (dingos)
>south america could use a few more large herbivores (kangaroos, galapagos giant tortoises, and cassowaries)
>australia needs a giant herbivore of some kind (tapirs)
>australia could use some more giant birds (harpy eagle and andean condor)
>south america could use some wolverine like animals or arboreal predators (tasmanian devils)
Hell, you could probably even find a way to work marine iguanas, weka, and echidnas into this new place.
i have a better idea

airdrop spotted hyenas on every continent
I support this idea and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Kinda rude don't you think?
marsupials are the shitty mammals to every exist and literally need their own sanctuary so they dont get out competed by placentals
and this isnt even getting into all the other retarded stuff you said because the base ecology of the south america and how drastic it is compared to australia
>Virginia opossum
>south american opossums in general
Nice slander placentard
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>australian animals need an apex predator
Water animals don't count nerd
>Antarctica has become an uninhabitale frozen shithole
>Africa and India are traitorous cunts that can't be considered part of Gondwana anymore
>South America already lost most of her Gondwananess during the Great American Interchange
>Australia has managed to mantain a great chunk of her Gondwananess, but this won't last long as she too is headed north

It's over Gondwanasisters, Laurasiachads have won.
I prefer Laurentia
Poorly thought-out post. You appear to have zero understanding of ecology. Just leave well enough alone.
Also, dingoes aren't an Australian animal. They're just a scrawny Asian street dog.
Komodo dragons are from Indonesia, not South America.
The Tassie devil is not arboreal.
What the fuck do you think tapirs would eat in Australia?
Cassowaries aren't herbivores; they're omnivorous frugivores.
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Don't give up yet, the placentals are gonna cause their own mass extinction by warming the place up and nuking it. This means that we can come back and rule the world and stuff.

Oh yeah? Then how do you explain this then smart guy?
That's a quoll
>moving a bunch of fucked up animals from australia to my homeland
no thanks
The worst thing to happen to Earth was the extinction of the Dinosaurs and the uplifting of the Himalayas.
What's wrong with the Himalayas and how are those related? Are you referring to the contact of the indian continent with Asia as the bad thing?
>Poorly thought-out post
Do you seriously think he was actually going to airdrop tapirs into the Daintree?
>Komodo dragons are from Indonesia
They’re from Australia
>What the fuck do you think tapirs would eat in Australia?
Do you think Australia doesn’t have plants?
The death of the Dinosaurs ended Earth's redemption cycle. It went down the path of death when

>a literal fucking snail

ended the Vendian and brought death into the world. Dinosaurs were Earth's chance for greatness again. Instead we got the age of rats. Then the fucking Himalayas started eating everything in site and getting fat as hell and froze the planet. By law ALL stone should have to come from the Himalayas whenever quarried stone is necessary.
>Um axchually there is no such thing as a herbivore because I saw the jewtube video of a horse eating chicks
There is no such thing as a carnivore because lions eat melons. Enough.
The Himalayas don't eat nothing
It's a mountain range.
That bitch is fat as hell and needs to lose weight.

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