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What whale is it?, Does it exists?
I don't believe for a second that you actually read Moby Dick, third worlder.

here, now your thread is over
It's a
he just wanted to protec
Yes, whaling is an exceptionally cruel and inhumane practice. Hard to believe people are still doing it now, mostly the Japanese and indigenous eskimo asswipes who think torturing sentient animals is a fucking tradition.
Japanese eat them because they’re like fuck it we want to eat whales which is their business but don’t eskimos literally need to eat whales to survive and kill only a certain amount like 5 per year or something?
Inuits basically have "waste not, want not" codified in every aspect of their culture, so yeah they probably only kill like 5 of them a year on a heavy year and then use every single fucking part of the whale or they'll get cursed by the whale god.
They could just live somewhere that's not a total fucking icelocked shithole.

5 whales is 5 too many. It's fucking nonsense. It's like eating monkeys. It's gross, primitive, and now that it isn't need based (it absolutely is not, I don't care if those inuit fucks don't want to shop at Aldi) it is simple cruelty.
as for the Japanese, I think we all know what dark imperial samurai hearts lurk under those sparkling anime googly eyes
An exceptionally large albino sperm whale
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>Just give up your culture and homeland, and become cosmopolitan wage slaves and get all your nutrition from a supermarket, because I love animals and I know best.
perhaps the real whale was the friends he made along the way
Correct. It is pointless for them to engage in this living museum, bon vivant fantasy. Their culture is recorded, there is nothing gained by repeating it endlessly, it is not being developed further, it is, like American indians, utterly stagnant.

They themselves know it best, that's why all the youth are moving away.
>Unless you're using the latest tech to extract more and more resources from the planet you don't deserve to live!
>Muh whales!!!!
LMAO. Choose one, retard.
ok kike
>the only option besides living in an ice shithole surviving from inhumane practices is soulless corporate living
wow... it's like... places with temperate climate where you can grow small scale crops and actual livestock don't exist...
bought by Bill Gates
you're american. you're less than human. stop talking
>you share a massive and highly diverse roman-empire-esque country with one piece of shit
>therefore you cant criticize a culture in which everyone consistently participates in and emphatically supports a barbaric activity or gets pressured to leave
This is a weird thing to post when you yourself get all of your nutrition from a supermarket.
>Displace them. Give them some shitty land to farm, alcohol, and maybe a casino to shut them the fuck up if they get uppity. It always works.
Bleeding hearts and their genocide... how cute.
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Do I?
Your crab in a bucket mentality is fucked up. I'm happy for people who haven't been completely conquered by the beast financial system.
>all of your nutrition from a supermarket.
Not him but I have two vegetable gardens, half the seeds are from last years crop. :)
I come here for a comfy whale thread and American obsessed third worlders like you have to shit it up.
Didn't most of the whaling ended up being the Chinese though? It makes sense since Amerisharts rely heavily on cheap chinese labor so they can consooooom more.
didnt even think about how close whale is to bayle.
Miyahacki at it again
NTA but I remember there was another fantastic creatute in that book, one that appears once and it's never mentioned again
A very surreal part of the book
Something like a kraken, probably much bigget than moby dick
I thought that was very weird
Does anybody remembers that part of the book?
It was a demon
Ahab was in the right for wanting to kill that goddamned whale.
Hope you never had a burger, cause bud I’m telling you, they are sentient too.
I do agree that whaling is unethical and abhorrent. So are zoos.

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