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Since evolution is about reproduction and passing of genes, we always talk about birth and replication. But what about death? I always assumed every living organism simply die of old age. But then I learned about Octopus that starve themselves to death on purpose after breeding, or certain species of female spiders that allow themselves to become food for their offspring. What other kinds of death are there in nature? What's your favourite?
>What other kinds of death are there in nature? What's your favourite?

OP's death (soon)
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the suicide bomber ants that blow themselves up and coat their enemy in a sticky poisonous substance
How could you think every organism died of old age? Do you think that chicken your nuggets came from died of old age?

after salmon breed they literally decay into goop while still alive to fill the water with nutrients for their spawn
>What's your favourite?
the fig wasp:
You actually believe your ancestor is a rock and you're related to a potato? That's stupid. You're stupid.
what the fuck
This is exactly how our society should work. Equal pain and death for all genders.
Also what the fuck, fruits have genders? What's a female fig look like?
yeah some plants can be either male or female.
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I spent 30+ years of my life without knowing of that factoid.
Uh, I love figs but ahah I don't want to be gay. How do I avoid make figs?
but anon you are already gay
your boyfriend

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