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File: dead-budgie-pet-W3PH4F.jpg (184 KB, 865x1390)
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184 KB JPG
>tfw actually feel bad for tormenting budgie as a child
Don't feel bad, Anon.
As you should
Budgies are disposable, Anon. It's okay.
Its your parents fault
Budgie puncher, is that you?
Good. That means you aren't a psychopath
Budgies are disgusting, stupid creatures. They deserve the worst.

I used to do the same to my grandma's rabbits. :(
I used to go to the pen to fucking torture them and I regret it so much. I still remember swinging them by the ears like the evil retard kid that I was.
Describe in detail what you did to budgie
I want to eat their little wings
Imagine sitting down to a bowl of 200 budgie chick wings. Perfect lol so quirky Millennial restaurant idea.
Get help before you start harming people
not op, but i used to torture a nymph parrot. His crest poked out of the cage and i used to trick him and pinch it. It was verry pissed.
I had a chinchilla too. He was bought as an adult and was very scared. As i child, i didn't understand why he doesn't love me so i poked him with a freshly sharpened pencil. Once he cried, i felt really bad and never did it again. I'm sorry, pet, my parents should've beaten the living shit out of me, i never intended to make you suffer, i just wanted you to love me back. I sincerelly am sorry.
Regrets makes us better

To look back and never feel sorry is to be a living corpse uncapable of finding fullfillment or peace
>being an archetypal psychopath
>feeling guilt
You are doing it wrong.
>nympho parrot
>poked out
Clearly asking for it.

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