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>every other insect
>EWWWW get it away from me! GROSS!
>MMMM, put this bee butt juice into my mouth! Yum-yum! Nests for larvae? Yeah, gonna eat those too!
it doesn't come out their butts
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I look like this and correct midwits like this.
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I look like this and fuck your mom like this(can't show full pic on a blue board).
lol it do be like dat doe
it does
Your thread idea wasn't funny and you almost certainly look more like the pic than the person you quoted. Let the coping commence.
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>got asshurt his "snarky" remark was mocked instead of applauded
>samefags now
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>Have veggie/fruit plant
>It grows flowers
>Bee pollinates the flowers
>Veggie/fruit starts to grow
>Flower falls off
>Veggie/fruit is now getting nutrients from plant itself

Acting as if I'm directly eating the residue from a bee is like saying I'm eating shit because my tomato plant grew in dirt.
Nice copium. Bees regurgitate the nectar to make honey so you're eating bee vomit.
And of course the honeycomb, which is also delicious and is eaten by humans, is a literal bee butt secretion.
I love bees
Honeycomb tastes like a candle unless there’s honey in it.
Well duh, it's made from beeswax. The point is humans eat it.
bees have two stomachs, though calling the honey crop a stomach is a bit of a misnomer. When the nector is in the honey crop the bee can spit it back up at the entrance of the hive so that bee's in their processing life-phase can take it into the hive to be cured into honey. Bees have what is best imagined as a little valve inside its honey crop that allows it to transfer some of the nectar from its crop into its main stomach to be burned as energy.
bee poo
I don't care what substance comes from which hole, if it's tasty then I'm happy
I'm still looking for a cute little girl to let me drink her pee
>it doesn't come out their butts
If honey came out of their butts, would you still eat it?
>every other insect
wrong. I love petting bumblebees
>other insect
Bee poo is different. It tends to be more greasy in texture and brighter yellow. If you put out white linen on a washing line near a beehive I swear the little shits use it for target practice.
It's all a matter of enzymes and processing. The nectar is mixed with an enzyme in the bees crop, regurgitated, passed onto another bee, who regurgitates it into a cell. The bees use their wings to create a draft through the hive to cure all the nectar and once the water content is reduced enough (20% water content) they'll cap it, at which point it is honey. Up until that point it's Nectar. Royal Jelly and Bee Bread are slightly different.
bee barf
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I eat honey that comes out of the butts of these guys, it's the best kind.
You ever eat shrimp? Because they don't typically bother removing the innards
Or sausages
i love snausages
Wasps are pollinators too
Bees are cute.
The reddit tier hatred towards wasps has made me into a wasp apologist. I have only been stung by wasps when I got too close to their nest. They are actually chill insects. I even had wasps land on my hand to drink my salty sweat.

And no, I am not a wasp.
>And no, I am not a wasp.
A wasp would say this.
You have failed to persuade me to end my personal quest to kill every wasp I see. I will continue to slaughter them by the hundreds at every opportunity until they are no more. Good day sir.
I like ladybugs, butterflies, and the big fuzzy moths too.
Normalfags are unable to think for themselves and only think "only thing I know good." I remember seeing this viral post about some people ordering wagyu beef at a high class restaurant, and with they dish they got a certificate with a print of the cow's nose. The internet's reaction was that it was weird and cruel and makes it hard to eat meat when you honor the animal you're eating in death. To normalfags, it's easiest to eat animal products if you are as far detached from their exploitation as possible. They short circuit when you call them out on that cognitive dissonance; that they only feel okay eating meat ground and wrapped in plastic or honey in a clear bottle at a grocery store. They would never be able to pull the trigger.
I can't understand how normies can be so... domesticated. Like golden retrievers that play with rabbits and freak out when they die.

I threw rocks at birds as a young child and my dad made me behead, clean, and roast them and then finish eating the whole bird myself. It never really bothered me. I actually enjoyed it so we established a backyard quail season and he taught me how to bait some in and make them a domesticated population like an early agricultural caveman. Birds are tasty.
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Shake that shit nigga gimme the bug shaker
Bees are protostomes, so the mouth hole is homologous to our butt hole and vice versa.
Wasps eat pests, only the super territorial ones draw my ire/fear any more

Take the vespid pill, anon, they really ain’t that bad.
I'm in Floribama and sort of rely on paper wasps for my food garden. Not enough bumblers in my area, mostly paper wasps and carpenters. It's a love/hate relationship. As long as they're not nesting on my house we're good.
Earliest form of booze was mead which uses honey. Bees get a pass because they helped hyperboreans brew their first grog. They are the Aryans of the insect world.
Honey is antimicrobial too. It's good for preserving other foods.
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>people have a positive perception of a bug that generally isn't a pest, has a direct and perceivable benefit on your local environment, and literally (literally) shits nutritious candy

no way
about this image, couldn't they just as well have done squares for ultimate efficiency? or are squares not bee-shape?
Squares aren't more efficient.
>Hexagons possess the highest surface/perimeter ratio, compared to other polygons that can be used for tiling the plane, suggested that honey bees build their hexagonal cells in order to achieve the best economy of material.
Bumblebee cute
Ladybug also cute
Both are also helpful (cuteness is God's way of telling you which animals to be friends with)
if cockroaches were fuzzy and colorful people wouldn't mind them
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i witnessed these BEES getting DRUNK in my yard. i evem had to save one from DROWNING
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This does not make sense to me. Squares work because almost all shapes of compareble size can be contained inside of a square's area, circles included. So if a hexagon is just a more efficent circle that must logicaly mean that squares still carry over as a more efficient shape right?
Hexagons have the shortest edge length that will enclose an area and tile the plane of any polygon. That's why it's the most efficient.
I feel like my understanding of reality has collapsed in on itself like a crumpled box.
It's not that difficult. The only regular polygons that tile the plane are squares, equilateral triangles, and hexagons. Which one has the shortest edge length of the three? Hexagons. The reason that matters is because edges are shared with adjacent polygons. That's where the efficiency comes from. You got hung up because you were thinking of the efficiency of a single cell.
>You got hung up because you were thinking of the efficiency of a single cell.
Yeah that makes sense.
>reddit reddit reddit
shut the fuck up already you contrarian cunt. what next, I'm supposed to like bedbugs too?
I like most wasps. I enjoy watching them pull crickets into their little lairs in the gaps of my aluminum window moulding. Not sure what species they are. Yellowjackets and paper wasps are fine as long as their nest isn't in or right around my house. They keep a lot of pests in check. Fuck ground nesting hornets though. Those assholes are way too aggressive. They get dispatched before they can get comfortable.

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