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From the domestication of the dog to the concept of werewolves to even pagan deities, canines occupy a special place in the human mind. Why is this?

(And about werewolves, why are they the go-to for animal-man hybrids and other hybrids like human-bear/lion/fish/boar/etc. creatures aren't nearly so popular?)
Humans back then were apes with wolf souls

These days humans are macaques with husky souls and every now and then one is born with enough mental disorders to classify as a rat soul or a cat soul
Aesthetically pleasing and socially similar to humans
When technology advances far enough we will finally finish what our ancestors started and become one with them
I think it's only the amount of familiarity
a dog is a pet that you get more contact with than any other animal you keep
you don't let horses indoors (cave, tent, whatever) and associating with livestock is degrading

also, they have a similar social structure to humans, so canines are way more sociable then anything else you meet
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They don't
"Dog" is an insult in virtually every developed nation's language except negro-American
They were once useful tool with no more "affinity" than cattle or sheep, and every developed nation recognizes that comparing someone to a dog is fighting words at the very minimum
lucky dog
top dog
puppy eyes

plus personal names like Wolfgang, Vuk, and Lupo, to say nothing of Native American naming conventions
Because we have been working together for countless generations
Child is an insult. Children bad?

You bet rabbi. Dog hate is semitic.
he did post a comic based on a jewish myth so why wouldnt he be expressing some objectively wrong sand person opinions
that region of the planet produces amazing amounts of delirium. it’s the heat.
The humans that did not form symbiosis with dogs continued to be prey upon by leopards and giant hyenas. Primitive human expansion into siberia didn't happen until they domesticated dog.
ok so why were human back then apes with wolf souls? why wolf? we're not so related taxonomically.
At least from what I gather it's because wolves and canids in general are one of the most familiar animals to us, and that wolves were often seen as prowling predators of the night (& the whole howling at the moon thing) so it would make sense for multiple cultures to develop a werewolf myth.
Also I guess it's the name and animal sounds better. Werewolf sounds a lot more appealing than say a werelion or weremonkey
>"Dog" is an insult in virtually every developed nation's language
Such as?
some regional dialects of english lol

if that's a strike against dogs, god forgive whatever female cats (aka pussies), women, children, and old men did for their terms to be so insulting
I feel like this is based, but I genuinely cannot understand what the fuck it's trying to say. Can you turn ESL off?
Desert people are retarded so they have retarded customs & opinions
>img name
Yeah I agree ngl, They are a testament to how utterly dogshit Toriyama (God rest his soul)'s world-building can be sometimes. We're somehow supposed to believe these utter, looting, murdering, empathy-defiecient, planet-stealing space-negroes somehow had a society capable of space-travel, despite being so dangerous and unpredictable? They would constantly be trying to murder their associates/higher-ups/family members/ etc. I have no sympathy for their plight by Frieza's hands. Oh well, at least OG Dragon BAll's Oozaru still looks cool (the ones shown in Z just look so goofy and stupid)
You have said this before in your "cats are aryan" thread not long ago. It was retarded and still is. Calling someone a dog infers you are above them in terms of respect. Calling someone a pussy means they are a coward and not a man. Even when used in its inteneded purpose "dogs of war" are still men doing masculine things but in a barbaric manner, but you dont have "pussys of war".

So sit your ass down faggot.
because man best friemd
This, it isn't a far stretch to say that humans and dogs evolved together to the point where most humans just have an instinctual affinity towards them.
>catfag thinks he's so smart with his dog hate
>gets intellectually beat to shit and has his proverbial face rubbed in the mud
This has happened over and over and over again for almost 100 years now, starting with the likes of lovecraft.
>throw a stick and the dog... but the ca-
>*ties feather to stick* you were saying
When will catfags simply learn to stop starting console wars? If they just left well enough alone the only people they'd have enmity with would be "bird people"

Oh, I know the problem. Outdoor cats keep getting eaten by dogs hence the bitterness, right? Just keep your cat on your property lol imagine people being bitter about fence climbing dogs being eaten by well contained pet tigers lmao they'd look like idiots
Is it bad that I fully believe it? There are still wolf souled humans around, but they're rare. From what I've seen, wolf souled humans are way more "real" than other people. This isnt alpha or sigma male bullshit, I really think humans are divided by wolf soul vs dog soul.
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You are describing IQ. The presence and self awareness of people around 120+ is noticeble compared to the baseline of 90-110 that is common in general populations. It is not something you can fake either. It is easy to spot pseudo intellectuals because over time you will discover their self awareness or presence is nil. This does not make low IQ people lesser, but it does contribute to how they act and live their lives. Making poor decisions that they would not do if they were capable of having deeper insight.

So from a more materialist you are right. There are wolf souls amongst sheep, to put it into another allegory.
That could kinda be it, but not exactly what I meant. Wolf souls are wild. There are smart wolves and dumb wolves. Wolves are way more sentient than dogs, and even a dumber wolf will act in a more calculated, intelligent way than a smart dog. Hope you get what I'm saying, I've never put this into words before
>why do humans have an affinity for a persistence hunter animal that lives in pack with strong hierarchy
it's a real mystery!

neolithic grug love biter
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dogs fall in with slovenly wolves and foxes and jackals and coyotes and dingoes and painted hyaenas,
whilst cats walk proudly with the jungle’s lords, and own the haughty lion, the sinuous leopard, the regal tiger, and the shapely panther and jaguar as their kin.
Your pic is a cat stuck in a tree. No further comment is needed.
Wolves are pretty cool, exclusively heterosexual, and live in family units resembling hunter gatherers, while lions are matriarchal africans and have gay sex so…
dog + spearman = apex predator
I've always thought "dogs of war" was just a colourful euphemism (or dysphemism) for mercenaries. Which I suppose is a strange choice, as "regulars" would theoretically be the "useful animal loyal to its owner"
Also cats are the Semites of the pet world, and Semitic choice of pet through and through.
Not in Germany and Germanic countries
>catfags try to console war TWICE in a thread with 0 mention of cats
>get btfo hard each time
They never learn, do they?

Do catfags actually hold these gay reddit opinions or are they just mewling for dogchads attention?
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A term for a dog used in the hunting of boars that was once used to describe snappy people and is currently rarely used to describe a lazy person with a lack of drive. If you tried to insult a German by calling them a dog or even a Schweinehund they would laugh at you because dogs are heavily intertwined with German culture and society. They'd also probably view you as some American GI time traveller with a poor grasp of the German language and culture
3 times now
They just appeal to hooman brain aesthetically and emotionally thus despite being obsessed, hoomans also always wanted to have sex with them. just take a look at furry porn, it’s almost all canids.
I don't think about furry porn at all but clearly you spend a lot of time doing that.

Are you sure that's not because most furries are homosexuals, and conversely, most homosexuals are pedophiles, and bestiality and pedophilia are highly correlated because animals are child-like but can't tell their parents about what the furfag is doing?
trvth nvke

furfag tried to insist fucking dogs is natural or traditional, lmfao. bestiality has always been punished with death, going back before the caveman days. pre-christian pagans have murals of people reacting to zoosadists with abject horror and disgust.
lol, do you even know about the turks?
While i'm not going to argue that it's natural or traditional or whatever, to say that pre-christian europeans didn't fuck animals is kinda silly. Indo-european cultures are rife with rituals involving things like a king shagging a horse, or gods turning into animals and siring divine children.

The historical consensus is that it wasn't extremely common, but also wasn't a big enough deal to be legally forbidden before the introduction of judeo-christian moral standards. People in antiquity just weren't the same as we are today in many ways.
Not enough people did it to necessitate a law (unlike the middle east). Just common sense: dont do it, kill those who do.
If something was worth killing someone over, it almost always entered a kingdom's civil laws. You see this reflected in christian and medieval europe up to the 19th century.

People care too much about people being killed to just not mention it.
Even in the famously gentle 19th and early 20th centuries most of europe had stopped killing people over it
What this bestiality condoner isn't telling you is that the vast majority of animal fucking targets large herbivorous livestock

It's sad but there is very little we can do to protect them from this. Dogs on the other hand can't be fucked without sustaining obvious injuries and it's very common for dog abusing zoophiles to be caught with CP and horrifically injured animals because most of them are just homosexual pedophiles coping with a lack of access to children.
>It's sad but there is very little we can do to protect them from this
Total ban on ranching. All livestock kept in factory farms with video surveillance. Suffering issue mitigated with constant THCa infusions directly into the CSF.
Look man you're the one spouting historical claims which aren't backed up by the facts, that's all the point of me replying was
>"Dog" is an insult in virtually every developed nation's language except negro-American
Wrong. Were that true, Big Momma would've never performed
Have you considered seeing a therapist for your violent fantasies?
Because they're about 10,000 years older as domesticated animals than cats and beasts of burden, OP. Wild wolves literally started eating the scraps from human societies in prehistoric times and started coming around more and more as they realized that doing so was more productive than feast-or-famine hunting.

Humans have been working together with canines for a truly incomprehensible amount of time, and they're one of the few species on the planet to come to us and join our societies, rather than having to be selectively bred to be more docile.
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From an anthropological perspective canids are social animals and therefore resemble humans in their socialization. Humans and dogs can bond on a level that both are capable of udnerstanding empathetically.
From a psychological perspective dogs are our idealized selves. They live uncomplicated joyous lives and take pleasure in all the little things. They bond deeply and love unconditionally.
20 to 30k
Lol somebody just got IP wiped
Humans have an ability to care for others, beyond or closest family and even our species. That is what makes humans able to build a civilisation and not just a small society. Low trust, dog hating societies do not go far.
>(And about werewolves, why are they the go-to for animal-man hybrids and other hybrids like human-bear/lion/fish/boar/etc. creatures aren't nearly so popular?)
They're from around the medieval period and the idea of a half wolf half man nonste was horrifying to people because wolves were a very real problem to them
This, it's no wonder that most third worlders hate animals, they're just from inferior and backwards societies
We evolved to fill the same niche: Social predators who while alone aren't a big deal but preform amazing in a group
Wolves and jackals were also deeply hated and exterminated with no mercy for a large part of human history.
so were any humans that didn't bow to the same statues or make the same funny monkey noises as each other
Humans don't just love canines. Once upon a time humans loved all animals and lived in peace with them. Canine worship is a recent thing. There is nothing special about dogs. You can easily befriend any other animal, it's just that we wiped all of the other species off the face of the earth and now they only exist in zoos where they are caged, understimulated and depressed
This. Certain canines like coyotes, jackals, wolves, bears and pitbulls are either or hated and exterminated or both in the modern day. Its stupid to think there's anything special about dogs/wolves that endears us to them. If anything, it's because we've bred them to be unnatural, pathetic creatures with little resemblance to their natural species of origin. We've trapped them, bred them and made them nonthreatening. This doesn't apply to pitbulls though which is why they're so widely hated
>Wolves and jackals
If you are talking about livestock sure.

>Its stupid to think there's anything special about dogs/wolves that endears us to them. If anything, it's because we've bred them to be unnatural, pathetic creatures with little resemblance to their natural species of origin.
Dogs were essential as far back as early nomadic cultures before the advent of agriculture. Their social structure and practicality is what makes them endearing along with thousands of years of societal/cultural evolution alongside their own evolution into different breeds. Regardless of how stupid modern dogs may be, they are still highly intelligent in comparison to most other companion animals humans have domesticated.
“We” are not a bunch of malnourished peasants and sheep fuckers. Those were dark times for everything.

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