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Found this kitten a couple nights ago, appears to be about 3 weeks old. Seems too old to have its ears still folded. Does this mean it's definitely one of those folded ear cats that gets bone and cartilage problems down the line, or is there a chance they can still fold up and he's gonna be OK? I'm worried about him, I want him to be OK.

Pls halp
please take him to a vet
We will, we just haven't had time yet. But he seems healthy otherwise. He's eating, pooping, peeing, using a litter box, running, playing, the whole 9. We bathed him, got rid of all his fleas, he's like a brand new kot. ATM just worried about his folded ears and the health implications down the line.
Thank you for taking care of him OP. I like you
If not me, then who?

We already have 2 cats in our tiny condo, so we are not looking to keep him. We are going to try and find him a home. But was wondering if any anons had any insight into this issue beyond what google says "it might be a Scottish Fold". I guess that's possible, but that's weird considering he appears to be just a regular alley cat that wandered away from his nest. Seems like some low odds, but still, possible.
Any cat expert Anons able to give me any insight onto whether this guy is a Scottish Fold or not? Hoping he isn't, for his sake. The ears suggest it, but his long pointy face seems opposite of the flat rounded ones that I see in pictures of them.
He's very cute OP, please take care of that little guy.
I'll make sure he's taken care of. He a good boy
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looks closer to four to me, anon. Pretty much got him at the perfect time, just starting to eat solid food and use the litterbox by himself.
Still you definitely want to take him to a vet ASAP, and bring a recent poop with you to check for parasites. the faster you get that stuff treated the better.
That's my cat.
Will do very soon.

He can be yours for the low price of $0

Any thoughts about the ear situation?
>vet vet vet
Vets are ultra kikes.
Vaccines are unnecessary and you can deworm most things yourself. Vets should be the absolute last resort for any pet owner.
You sound like a poorfag.
Better tell some anons where you live if you want to offer the kitten here.
Not trying to give him away here, but appreciate the sentiment. I doubt anyone on this website lives anywhere near me.

>We already have 2 cats in our tiny condo
imagine the smell
This >>4843918, where are you based?
Without giving my exact location away, I'm in Asia. I don't expect to find someone on 4chans to adopt him.

Wife slept in today, and I fed him and let him do whatever he wanted in the room while I went downstairs to make coffee. Came back up and he had climbed up onto the bed on his own and crawled into her arms. He's such a good boi bros.
You are too beautiful for this world, anon. Thank you for taking care of this lost soul. May you all give each other great joy and much love in the years to come.

Sorry I can't answer your other questions. Professional vet is the answer you need here. Possibly there was some sort of a nutrition problem ..? Or maybe he does have a Scottish Fold cat in his ancestry.

Anyway. I needed to say that. So many are lost and tragically never know a moment of kindness and wonder. Really made my day during a time of great stress and exhaustion. On behalf of lost souls everywhere, thank you.
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Thank You!
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I am heading out of town tomorrow but my wife will be taking care of him while I’m gone. I will post updates here in case anyone cares, and as long as the thread is still up.
Regarding the ears, it seems that the gene for folded ears is passed down roughly 50% of the time from a parent with folded ears. He could potentially have a scottish fold somehwhere in his ancestry, or it could just be a random mutation that has the same effect. Either way, he probably won't be too badly affected by it, and if he is, not until old age. The real danger comes from breeding a folded ear with another folded ear, the gene mutation is doubled, but those kittens usually don't live this long, most of them are born dead, their genes having folded their whole bodies from the very base of the cell, like some nightmare fortune cookie.

He looks very handsome and pretty healthy, but a couple of pictures make me think he may be a little deformed in the head. >>4843740 >>4843869 >>4843950 his eyes look a little bulbous and his pupils look funny, though that could just be the angles and the fact that he is probably still quite skinny. His nose looks a little bulbous too. A vet check would be good, but doesn't look at risk of dying.
If it is just wonky head, he might end up being a little bit retarded, for lack of a better word. If so, I doubt it would affect his adoptability or quality of like all that much. Whether or not his folded ears have given him the slow mindedness, hes a very charming and unique looking guy, probably has a better chance that if he had normal ears. He catches the eye
more pictures very cute
>>scottish fold
You have a valuable cat on your hands, you could make some money on him. People pay up to $2000 for purebred scottish fold kittens
Agreed, it's a retard cat probably abandoned by its mother.

I found one like this in an old abandoned house as a teen and took it home and cared for it. She lived healthily and happily for a few years but her kidneys gave up and she died in the end.
RIP in peace Gizmo.
>I'm in Asia
RIP, kitters.
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>his eyes look a little bulbous and his pupils look funny,
that's just the age, he's pretty young deveopmentally, as in "only barely independent of mom and even then just barely so," so he looks a little undercooked from the normal kittens you see. He'll shoot up in a few weeks and take a more kitten-like appearance.
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Hey guys, OP here. Im still out of town so this pic is about 5 days old now, but I video chatted with my wife earlier today and showed him to me, and his ears are starting to perk up a bit more now. They aren’t straight up but they go out to the sides like little wings now almost.

He’s doing quite well though, only pooping and peeing in the litter box, he’s getting socialized around people and other cats, and he’s going to become her office cat. Super friendly little guy.
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Poasting moar pics 4 you guys
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Another one from a few days ago
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I don’t think he’s retarded, he seems pretty normal. Just super young.

The pics I just posted are several days old now. Like I said, I just saw him over video chat and he looks bigger now, and ears stick out to the sides a little more now, but not sure if that tells me anything. Still a little early to tell.
Starting him young on boxes.
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Couple pics from today. His ears look normal because he’s laying back, but when hes rightside up, they hang to the sides like wings. Better than before, but not quite normal.
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damn right lol
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His ears have gotten a little bit less floppy
He's such a cute kitty, wish you the best
He's so fucking cute
What will you name him?
What department will he be starting his business career in? You should incorporate that into his name

Brian from Accounting
Connor from Advertising
Joseph from H.R.
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Since it’s my wife that’ll be taking care of him, she’s naming him Peanut. I don’t care for it that much because it’s not super original. I wanted to name him Jefrey (with one F) after that one song by the Pixies.
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Can I smell it?
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I don’t know, can you?
Peanut Jefrey Attorney at Law
Super cute, OP!

I'm only guessing, but I think he might have a bit of Oriental Shorthair in him, enough to give him a slightly funny face (it looks quite long for a kitten) and floppy ears.

If he's indeed stricken with the Scottish Fold condition, then it's not as bad in him as it is in breed standard animals, the kittens have ears much more tightly folded ears than his.

Either way, I think he'll be okay. Good job helping him!
I don’t think the ears are caused by that breed, I think it’s more likely just a mix of Scottish fold and a long-faced domestic short hair. His ears are small and floppy
Remember to neuter it BEFORE it reaches sexual maturity
If you allow it to mature it will turn into an aggressive pissing monster

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