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Nande in the city
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Feral populations in Europe
A small population of rheas has emerged in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, northeastern Germany, after several couples escaped from an exotic meat farm near Lübeck in the late 1990s. Contrary to expectations, the large birds adapted well to conditions in the German countryside. A monitoring system has been in place since 2008. By 2014, there was already a population of well over 100 birds in an area of 150 square kilometres (58 sq mi) between the river Wakenitz and the A20 motorway, slowly expanding eastward.

The population grew steadily for several years. By autumn 2018 their numbers had greatly increased to about 600.
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Pachystruthio is back boys. Just wait till these fuckers make it past europe into Siberia.
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big adventure
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You left out the part where they're back at <100 because the dumb autist Germans decided to start culling them.
A small bird should not be let inside, much less a giant one
they should have just culled all of them, its better to have none than to have them be another game species
Keeping them is absolutely fine though, they're nigh harmless and biodiversity in mainland europe is nonexistant, so it would be nice to have a change of pace.
w-what does it want?
some glizzies to gobble
I want these to become the next domesticated animal
Why do they look so whimsical?
What if I'm blind and have a seeing eye emu? An eye-mu, if you will?
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