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Change my mind
No, I wont. You will just have to deal with it chud.
Cats do not benefit from having their gonads in any way. If anything neutering cats is preventing untold amounts of animal abuse because an intact cat is purely a pest animal. They can't live indoors, and they are a complete nuisance outdoors. You have no idea how good cats have it now. People used to round them up and burn them for fun, and the people who "liked" and even worshiped them would round them up, kill them, and grind them into magic rat warding powder.
Intact cats are way less friendly, smell like piss and scream all the fucking time. Total opposite of intact dogs (more friendly and confident and less likely to bark). Its always the fixed female dogs that smell like piss.

Catfags your pets are nice and i like petting them but intact cats are awful fucking garbage animals
Introducing feral species is ecosystem abuse.
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If it has a jowl, it is ready for the dog bowel
Abusing cats is good change my mind
having a cat to begin with is either animal abuse or bringing an invasive species to commit wildlife genocide around your house, so if you can cut their balls off to make them less annoying and stop breeding it's a full win
Depends on how you do it. Is the vet using a scalpel, or a cheese grater?
Quite the turn of phrase; top kek.
even if it were it's a necessary evil as cats don't belong in all the places we put them.

cats represent an invasive specie that destroy native wildlife and do damage to eco systems across the planet, just because we like them doesn't mean they aren't. The least we can do is not leave them intact so as to not leave ever reproducing cats around everywhere we go..
if nobody got their cats fixed there would be fucking strays everywhere like some third world shithole and bird populations would be suffering as a result
Yeah, but if nobody spayed/neutered, the number of unwanted and uncared for kittens would increase. Dying slowly of starvation sucks way worse than being sterile, so stopping the practice would result in more suffering overall.
i declaw cats and release them into the wild :3
no you don't.
1. Spaying female cats before they go into heat can greatly reduce chances of getting mammary cancers and uterus infections.
2. A heat cycle is very uncomfortable for a female cat and never getting the relief by mating just means you're making your female cat will have a slightly more stressful life.
3. Neutering male cats can greatly reduce their aggression, making it easier to live with other cats.
4. Both male and female cats have a greater desire to escape houses to roam and look for mating partners for relief.
5. Cats are not part of the ecosystem and we do not need more kittens in the world. Spaying and neutering helps with the cat and dog overpopulation problem.
6. Male cats will spray if not neutered, which leads to a very strained relationship with your pet.
7. There are zero benefits to NOT fixing your cat. There are no health benefits, no personality benefits, no hygienic benefits, nothing. If you want more kittens, there are a shit ton of fosters and adoption centers available in every State that make that possible.
All these problems can be solved by just having an intact male and female cat in the same household
How does that solve the problem of spraying, aggression, ovary cancer and an increase in kitten population in an overpopulated cat/dog world? Mating does not decrease the chances of uterine infections. The female cat is also still uncomfortable during the start of a heat cycle and during mate. Mating simply provides relief afterwards, but the first two stages are still very uncomfortable and unnecessary stress on a female cat.

Male cats do not make for good fathers. Felines tend to isolate themselves and their kittens from their communities, so it's not as if the male becomes "bonded" to the female and makes him friendlier. He will still have a hormonal increase that will make him aggressive and he'll probably consistently take it out on her or possibly her kittens that she'll ALWAYS feel the need to have to hide from him.
Having kittens actually reduces the risk of cancers in cats. And no, not always not all tomcats are aggressive and all cat families should stay in the same household, neutered or not
But now you need to get intact partners for all the kittens in under a year before they hit their first cycle. If you let them breed with each other, you risk inbreeding side effects. Having that many cats in your household will definitely create aggression and tension. Throwing the kittens out on the street or taking them to a shelter means you're contributing to the overpopulation population, the stray problem, and dwindling the songbird population if you just put them outside. Putting them outside also increases their chances of death and disease.

So having an intact male and female is not a solution unless you plan to abort the kittens every single time and at that point, how is that less cruel than just neutering?
Kittens can be given to other households that need breeders or studs then afterwards taken back and possibly neutered after having or siring at least one litter
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Breeders aren't looking for random domesticated shorthairs. Anyone looking to breed might be running a kitten mill which are often cruel since they prioritize fast profits over the health of an animal-- even if that means inbreeding and not doing vet checks.

>possibly neutered after
But you said this is animal abuse. How is it suddenly less abusive because you decided to wait a few years?

And this STILL doesn't solve the issue of cat/dog overpopulation problem. Not having kittens does.
most people wouldn't even want your cats

just sterilize them. they have so little comprehension of their lives that they will happily spend 20 years inside a studio apartment and act like it's still the amazon jungle. it's actually kinder to them.

it's not like they're a dog where they NEED walked, NEED the hormones to support their joints, NEED to meet 20 strangers a week, NEED to check out shit miles away. if dogs lived like cats can they'd go nuts and bite you. so dogs can also manage their mating drive better since they have so much extra brain to handle all that extra life they need. but cats can't. their brains are small and their lives are small. so they just go nuts and spray piss while screaming.
Neutering them before they get to enjoy the miracle of life is abusive. Cats naturally want to live in a family unit, look at cat colonies. As for the overpopulation, it's just a lack of getting them to the right owners
Cats don't naturally have any higher concepts at all. They are incapable of caring. They don't care if they reproduce after being neutered. It serves them no irreplaceable function. Cut off the nads, and let them hang out with the lads.
bro wild cats dont form colonies. it's just the tendency of kittens to cluster together and form bonds being held over in adulthood from domestication syndrome. a wild animal normally loses most of the ability to form new social bonds as an adult and gains an intense fear of strangers unless they're horny. domesticated animals like humans, cats, horses, and dogs don't.
Cats in cat colonies have a chance of killing another cat's kittens within that colony because they view them as a threat. Male cats are not attendant fathers. Female cats will kick out their kids and become aggressive towards them when they hit a certain age. This is true of many feline species, not just domesticated cats. Cheetahs, tigers, leopards, and bobcats do not form big colonies like lions do. Lions tend to be an outlier when it comes to how felines function, and even then certain behaviors still remain such as the mother hiding her newborn cubs because the dominate male might kill them.
They also kill their own kittens due to stress, eat them when they're sick, and each litter can have as many fathers as there are kittens
>Cats naturally want to live in a family unit
>Cats naturally want to live in a family unit
being a slave to instinct != wanting something. see this is exactly the type of double digit IQ anthropomorphization that the anti-neutering crowd loves to indulge in. it's a fucking cat. it does not have hopes and dreams. it does not want a nice house and nice lawn with a white picket fence and 2.1 kitties.
Idk, all I can say is my male/female cats were bonded and when they had kittens it's like they knew they were meant to be a family, ofc them and the kittens had to get fixed
Based Chinese
Retards like you can't recognize their own biases.
>it's like they knew they were meant to be a family
i didnt realize cats have flangechads just like pongos do, amusing

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