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Bob Bakker was the worst thing to ever happen to paleontology.

>Though not responsible for its seminal discoveries (that was Ostrom), he's the #1 individual that capitalized on them and boosted the Dinosaur Renaissance into the speculative featherfag mess we have today
>Been lying since at least the 70s that he has evidence for warmbloodedness in Dinosaurs (he doesn't, and his claims are the opposite of the fossil evidence ("Uh actually predator prey ratios were like lions! 1% predators! [Hell Creek is 24% Tyrannosaurs, Morrison is 13% Allosaurs, Velociraptor is the second most common Dinosaur at Djadochta, Dinosaur apex predators are often found in single-species aggregations like crocodiles]))
>Literally just makes shit up all the time, nobody questions him. Never backed down from his original stupid claims, despite evidence proving him wrong.
>Gains enough influence and goes on tv enough times to get every other paleoretard doing the same bullshit
>Fraud, dinner parties and the total absence of any sort of scientific method become the norm in all the life sciences

Thank, boob backer you are my greatest ally.
Bakker is based and you’re a fag end of thread
Did you jerk him off at one of your social gatherings when you were supposed to be doing science?
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Also Chilesaurus is clearly a fake Dinosaur cobbled together from mostly Mussaurus remains with assorted other pieces thrown in and reconstructed incorrectly in order to engage in what I call Science Nationalism, which every latin american country is obsessed with right now (basically forging bullshit papers to get your country on the map and prove you're a country too!!).

>Um no, actually, we're not missing most of the finger bones it just had two fingers and then a half finger like that!
>Holotype is clearly a resin cast
>Every part of the animal is obviously Mussaurus except the scapulae and pelvis

Remember, Baron and others literally tried to rewrite the entire Dinosaur family tree based on this giant hoax of a Dinosaur.
>Though not responsible for its seminal discoveries (that was Ostrom), he's the #1 individual that capitalized on them and boosted the Dinosaur Renaissance into the speculative featherfag mess we have today
Huge revisionism. I grew up during this era and there was no featherfaggotry.
>Been lying since at least the 70s that he has evidence for warmbloodedness in Dinosaurs (he doesn't, and his claims are the opposite of the fossil evidence ("Uh actually predator prey ratios were like lions! 1% predators! [Hell Creek is 24% Tyrannosaurs, Morrison is 13% Allosaurs, Velociraptor is the second most common Dinosaur at Djadochta, Dinosaur apex predators are often found in single-species aggregations like crocodiles]))
The fossil record is imperfect and an example of survivorship bias. What we see is all that died in conditions that led to fossilization, not everything that ever lived in the exact ratios. In fact there may be huge chunks of prehistoric ecology that are completely missing simply because they lived in areas where fossilization couldn't occur or were destroyed through geological processes.
>Literally just makes shit up all the time, nobody questions him. Never backed down from his original stupid claims, despite evidence proving him wrong.
>Gains enough influence and goes on tv enough times to get every other paleoretard doing the same bullshit
>Fraud, dinner parties and the total absence of any sort of scientific method become the norm in all the life sciences
Not an argument.
>Been lying since at least the 70s that he has evidence for warmbloodedness in Dinosaurs (he doesn't, and his claims are the opposite of the fossil evidence ("Uh actually predator prey ratios were like lions! 1% predators! [Hell Creek is 24% Tyrannosaurs, Morrison is 13% Allosaurs, Velociraptor is the second most common Dinosaur at Djadochta, Dinosaur apex predators are often found in single-species aggregations like crocodiles]))
There’s no way you legitimately believe a 10 tonne apex predator made up a quarter of hell creek’s dinosaur fauna
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>Huge revisionism. I grew up during this era and there was no featherfaggotry.
Reread what I typed. The featherfaggy shit didn't seriously kick off until after Jurassic Park, but "people" like Bakker and his colleagues are responsible for starting the wave of speculation over science bullshit paleontology is absolutely mired in now. Pic related look familiar? This is one of the first instances of the new speculative nonsense making it into mainstream institutions. They even admitted the pose was pure speculation. It's highly unlikely Sauropods were rearing like this. Not totally impossible, but very improbable.

>The fossil record is imperfect and an example of survivorship bias.
Give it a rest. Formations like Hell Creek and the Morrison are studied all to fuck. The predator:prey ratios are not hallucination. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find well-studied Dinosaur containing strata that DON'T have reptilian predator:prey ratios. I don't know of a single one. But I can name three famous ones to the contrary off the top of my head. Paleontologists are lying.

>Not an argument.
You're right. It's not an argument. It's an observation attached to an opinion. My opinion is that science should be about the scientific method. Your opinion is it should be about social cancer. We differ on this.

I believe the rocks. Not the humans. If you don't like Hell Creek, what about Morrison? Djadochta? So all Dinosaur formations just happen to "accidentally" record apex predators at about 20-25% of the Dinosaur population, which coincidentally happens to be the exact stocking rate of ectothermic predators like crocodiles?

Has any modern STEMnigger even HEARD of Occam's Razor?
Also, it's MUCH worse than that. T. rex is the largest animal in Hell Creek. That means NOT ONLY was it 1/5-1/4 of the Dinosaur fauna, its prey items were ALL smaller than it was. The literal laws of physics forbid a warm-blooded animal operating like this. The only refuge featherfaggots have is that "well actually, don't trust your lying eyes. The rocks were put there by satan. Trust the Experts™ instead!"

No, I don't think I will.
>So all Dinosaur formations just happen to "accidentally" record apex predators at about 20-25% of the Dinosaur population, which coincidentally happens to be the exact stocking rate of ectothermic predators like crocodiles?
Crocodiles aren’t anywhere near 25% of the megafauna population in any environment that hasn’t lost its large mammals. Tanzania has one of the highest crocodile populations at 70,000. Meanwhile theres 500,000 Thomson’s gazelles, 200,000 zebras, 1.5 million wildebeest, etc, etc. Do you think the surrounding region of the La brea tar pits actually had a fauna assemblage of 90% big cats and dire wolves?
>The literal laws of physics forbid a warm-blooded animal operating like this
They also prohibit an active cold blooded animal operating like that. There’s a reason ungulates massively outnumber Komodo dragons on the islands they inhabit. Even if T. rex were ectothermic you can’t compare something that was actively walking around to a crocodile capable of sitting in one spot for months on end waiting for prey to walk past. Simply being cold blooded doesn’t allow that
>Has any modern STEMnigger even HEARD of Occam's Razor?
Occam’s razor would suggest that you are simply incorrect about the carrying capacities of cold blooded animals like crocodiles and how that translates to theropods. Prior example like your misinterpretation of a theropod jaw mechanics study while you bitched about prehistoric planet would further suggest so
La Brea isn't 90% cats and wolves. And the retarded implication here is that every single Dinosaur containing formation is a predator trap. Also, crocodile stocking rates aren't really up for debate. They consume a tiny fraction of what endotherms like lions consume. And you should be careful, because you're defying your precious hunter propaganda that hunters and carnivores are "necessary" or the herbivores will "get overpopulated". Regardless, you're wrong. The rocks speak for themselves. Your whining is utterly irrelevant.

>They also prohibit an active cold blooded animal operating like that.
They absolutely do not. You just want to believe that.

>There’s a reason ungulates massively outnumber Komodo dragons on the islands they inhabit.
LOL Komodo Dragons are literally an endangered species, you halfwit.

>In 2013, the total population of Komodo dragons in the wild was assessed as 3,222 individuals, declining to 3,092 in 2014 and 3,014 in 2015.

>Occam’s razor would suggest that you are simply incorrect about the carrying capacities of cold blooded animals like crocodiles and how that translates to theropods.
Please explain how. Just saying a thing doesn't make it so.
>La Brea isn't 90% cats and wolves
It is 90% predators
>And the retarded implication here is that every single Dinosaur containing formation is a predator trap
I don’t think that. It’s just an example that yes preservation bias exists despite what you might think
>Also, crocodile stocking rates aren't really up for debate.
They aren’t up for debate because they aren’t anywhere near as high as what you suggest.
>They consume a tiny fraction of what endotherms like lions consume
They also consume a fraction of what varanids and turtles do
>And you should be careful, because you're defying your precious hunter propaganda that hunters and carnivores are "necessary" or the herbivores will "get overpopulated"
Actual schizophrenia and not a joke this time
>They absolutely do not. You just want to believe that.
They do. When deer were hunted to the point of near extinction on Padar island the Komodo dragons died out entirely even though monkeys and scrub fowl weren’t targeted in the same way
>LOL Komodo Dragons are literally an endangered species, you halfwit.
Ungulates outnumbered them by a lot more than 3/4 when there were still 8,000 on the island
>It is 90% predators
Show your work.

>I don’t think that. It’s just an example that yes preservation bias exists despite what you might think
Every single Dinosaur dig site has exactly the same preservation bias? I'm not wasting any more of my time reading your idiotic propaganda. You've proven you're a bot months ago. A moderately passable one, but definitely a bot.
>Show your work.
>“Among the large fossils at La Brea, carnivores outnumbered herbivores almost nine to one (https://tarpits.org/sites/default/files/2019-04/extintion_past_present_74gse.pdf)
If you’re not satisfied with that then you can go spend a week counting up the specimens from the site
>Every single Dinosaur dig site has exactly the same preservation bias?
Except it’s not exactly the same is it? You yourself just said the Morrison was 13% allosaurus and hell creek is 24% tyrannosaurus, which would put tyrannosaurus at almost double the frequency even with allosaurus having far more large herbivore species around. The dinosaur park formation has a tyrannosaur/large herbivore ratio of 1/10, on the other hand the Cleveland-Lloyd dinosaur quarry has an allosaurus/large herbivore ratio of 3/1. Komodo dragons are outnumbered by ungulates by 90-95% even with the massively increased population densities that come with living on an island. Suggesting it’s anything but preservation bias is retarded
dont you have students to groom, Jack?
The reason every pedophile mainstream retard hates Jack Horner is because he broke the rules. He's not "academically" trained, yet he still succeeded. He focuses on the science instead of the bullshit. And he finds the truth. Jack Horner is one of the only good paleontologist in the last 40 years.
There were warm blooded dinosaurs, and quite a few feathered ones too
Where do you think birds came from

Reminder, the genetic foundation for feather development is so highly conserved we can produce feathered crocodiles (blame "ethics" committees for not letting them hatch - worthless fucking faggots. take a machine gun to every ethics committee so we can start curing genetic diseases already. how's it worse than letting people breed at will and knowingly pass on low IQs?)
No. Birds already existed by the end of the Cretaceous. Multiple studies have shown that the smallest dinosaurs, especially the feathered ones appear to be the LEAST endothermic simply because the larger ones were at least gigantotherms.
>we can produce feathered crocodile
Literally no you can't. Feathers come from scales. Scales don't come from feathers.
Geological dating

Is right there, it became popular with him and geologists aplied it to anything, carbon dating charcoal pieces...
What is it about dinosaurs which produces such virulent schizophrenia in people
Jews can't stand any knowledge about the world before they took it over and enslaved mankind. Only those with basic pattern recognition notice and resist.
yeah that's a good example, so what is it about dinosaurs that make people act like anon here?
It’s just angry jewish people screaming into the wind.
can anybody who isn't a schizophrenic answer the question?
Nobody takes him seriously, but everyone copied his model and it's cancerous.
>Um just use a pedophile mossad agent's system sweaty
>complaining on /an/ isn't doing something.
Yes it is. 4chan is more influential than academia. Women don't have to like it for it to be true.

Your false god Robert Maxwell. The literal founder of your entire corrupt "scientific" enterprise. Paywalls, data massaging, publish or perish, open fraud, jerk off dinner parties and all.
Feathers are basal to ornithodira and Xu Xing is an admirable and trustworthy man. Them's the facts.

>Longrich is a dumbass
No he is not. Make your case, and show us how much better you are, or find someone else to bitch about.
I think they should do a study on people who react this strongly to the idea that some dinosaurs had feathers
1: Ornithodira doesn't exist. Pterosaurs have as many if not FEWER traits in common with Dinosaurs as Synapsids do.

- No mandibular fenestra (no Pterosauromorph has one. Not a single one)
- No subnarial gap
- Totally wrong tooth structure - no serrations, only the thecodont nature of them is even similar to Archosaurs, but Synapsids are thecodonts too, so whoopdie fucking do.

2: Xu Xing is one of the biggest cancers on science of all time. So he did accomplish something at least.

3: Longrich is only known for 2 things: a debate with Jack Horner which the public widely accepts he won (but in which he was 100% provably wrong on every single point he made) and probably naming more species than anyone since the 1800s that everyone just ignores, goes "Alright nick" and then just pretends he never named.
An abundance of foolish women doesn't negate the domain name.
>Warm hearty dog soup comes back
>That toxo-schizo that posts r/dogfree copypasta delusions is back
>Paleoschizo is back seething at anyone smarter than him and "women"
We were warned. Warned about the /an/ troll cycle. It is all one guy, always has been, always will be.

Eventually when he loses enough arguments he'll either spam gore or larp as a zoophile in /dog/. That's a part of the cycle he's been skipping lately, falseflagging because he honestly believes mods will ban /dog/ from /an/ if he does it enough.
There's a million names for it. I always called it the premaxillary-maxillary notch, but that's too verbose.
Hi bot.
>He'll die soon
IIRC he's in his 30s and only looks old because of all the meds he's on and the constant keyboard-punching meltdowns he has whenever someone insinuates cats don't match up to his fantasy version of them or mentions a paleontological fact

We have at least 50 years of his bullshit to go

Bitch, I'm beautiful and youthful. Don't compare me to a female. Males don't age like that.
>i'm beautiful and youthful
You are absolutely hideous, and might as well be a woman with how much you bitch about shit that doesn't matter and complain about what men are doing.
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The amount of mental travesty I cause women makes my life worthwhile.
You're on a majority male website arguing with men about a male hobby that you are nonetheless too much of a surface level poser (feminine) to actually know anything about, because you're mad at how the dinosaur drawings look on deviantart (feminine).
Yet you "argue" (constantly whine and attempt to coerce others into doing what you want via shaming and bandwagon propaganda) just like a woman. I've come around on trannies. If you're annoying enough to act like a woman, I consider you a woman. This goes for any man that gets too annoying. Woman now.

Subnarial gap is still faster and smoother to say.
I don't like acronyms.
>if you're insulting me, you must be a woman! only women insult people!

If this were real life you would be physically removed or physically repulsive. But this is the internet. Writing essays explaining why you are wrong (and they must be essays, because brevity as wit needs to work on both ends of the conversation) gets tiring. Simply calling you an idiot is a more efficient use of my time and has the same effect (you feel impotent rage and eventually abandon thread)

This is a simple decision of economy

You are a retard. Everyone, let's laugh at this retard. Ha!
You knew what it was.
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On a scale of light to heavy flow day how female are you right now?


Be quiet, cunt. Nobody's reading all that shit.
I'm gonna be honest, I almost shit my pants farting at your reply.
lmao look at how retarded this schizo faggot is. cry more schizo! say the line!
>paleoschizo tries to start another argument and gets kneecapped and his faced rubbed in dogshit
>and keeps thinking he won with liquid turd dripping out of his nostrils
I think he likes. He says retarded shit on purpose and ends it with “please, shit on my face and make me look like a mentally ill buffoon. Do as you’re told, slave”
Let’s get real here; dinosaurs are fake & gay.
Not as gay as cats
Dogs play-hump for dominance regardless of gender, on both sides

Both male housecats and lions have been seen actually penetrating males
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>N-no dogs are gay!
One of the big toxo symptoms is homosexuality

>inb4 "toxo chads"
hyper-masculinization is also seen in gay men
Toxohomo cope
Both of you (one of you) fuck off. Nobody fucking cares about stinky dogs. Cat website. Yes you are a women. No you can't be a person also.
Women are gross and unworthy of my attention. How dare you insinuate I would ever give a shit if one were on fire near me.
>Cat website
It's an anime website where we had a cat meme once

Most of the people posting caturday didn't own cats. We just liked pictures of them. We still do. We might not be fond of the average cat owner, or what they turn these otherwise cuddly and inoffensive animals into, but cat pictures are still cute. When "average" (female) cat owners get involved, however, it goes from funny to cringe at the speed of light. And that's exactly why caturday is now rare on 4chan and has an entire subreddit dedicated to it instead.
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>show us how much better you are
He can’t. Even if Longrich says things that are wrong, he‘lol never match up to the vast expanse of paleoschizo’s retardation. Pic related
>reddit spacer got nuked
This is how I learn who reports stuff and who the janny is
Board 100%died the instant I commented

Crazy no?
>Crazy no?
Almost like only one person actually posts here
Posting speed dropped 500%

This board is one faggot
>had a cat meme once
Please refrain from using the term "we" when referring to 4chan. You don't belong here, foid.
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>Reread what I typed. The featherfaggy shit didn't seriously kick off until after Jurassic Park, but "people" like Bakker and his colleagues are responsible for starting the wave of speculation over science bullshit paleontology is absolutely mired in now. Pic related look familiar? This is one of the first instances of the new speculative nonsense making it into mainstream institutions. They even admitted the pose was pure speculation. It's highly unlikely Sauropods were rearing like this. Not totally impossible, but very improbable.
Such complete garbage I only read the first sentence. Featherfaggotry is actually post-renaissance when fossils started coming out of China circa early 00's that were feathered, and they turned out to be hoaxes up until it became politically incorrect to make such claims. The 80's and 90's had nothing to do with it, the argument was always they were bird-LIKE not birds.
>Formations like Hell Creek and the Morrison are studied all to fuck
Not an argument that counters my point, or even understands it. The reality is we don't have a complete picture of ancient ecology. Does that mean that dinosaurs didn't have a reptilian predator:prey ratio? No, I never said that. I just said the fossil record is incomplete, schizo.
>You're right. It's not an argument.
I accept your concession.
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Also, I'm not typically pedantic, but the subnarial gap isn't necessarily a diastema so "notch" is technically more correct.
Interesting. Jannies either bombed two people (unlikely) or some faggot was arguing with himself (female) to drum up drama.
>the subnarial gap isn't necessarily a diastema so

Learn English you jeet fag
You got my range bracketed yet?

I have multiple lines
My English is fine. It's your understanding which is lacking.
Explain how a gap in the teeth (diastema)

Isn't a diastema
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Explain how a subnarial gap (as I said, the language isn't perfect, so I'm being a bit pedantic) is always a diastema.
>A space separating teeth
I know what a fucking diastema is. Hence why I used the term premaxillary-maxillary notch. Subnarial gap is less accurate, but easier to say. Lord, are you sure YOU understand English?
Nigger, I study superior herbivores. I am WELL aware of what a diastema is.
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Not a rebuttal. You lost.

A cat meme existing once does not mean everyone on this website is obligated to walk on glass whenever cats come up as if they're sacred. They're just another dumb pet.

Besides, you're the only one who cares and you only started saying this in 2020.
Shh. Quiet now.
You lost. It's a simple true/false evaluation. Are 4chan users obligated to hold cats in high esteem because we once posted funny cat pictures?

No. Non-sequitur. Posting funny cat pictures has no relation to whether or not cats can be made fun of, or whether or not cat fans can have their personal evaluations of cats nature denied as factual (ie: "CAT WEBSITE DOGFUCKER!" is not a rational, aka masculine, response to "cats are not effective outdoor pest control", that's an irrational and emotional aka feminine response - standard feminine shaming as in "you do not belong here, because i disagreed with me, you are not welcome, stop harassing me! shut up and listen! give me space!"). Contrast this with masculine shaming - "you are guilty of irrational behavior and have been deemed a non-constructive presence. go away."

Are 4chan users obligated to be like any specific person, owing to the purpose/theme of the website? Yes, actually.

4chan users are obligated to be interested in anime or japanese culture, because this is primarily a website about anime and japanese culture. Anime and japan discussions are permitted by mods on all boards and people have been banned (for a long, long time) for vehemently denying that this is an anime website.
>"... because i* disagreed with me... "
This was hastily rewritten from "because i dont like you".
>I am WELL aware of what a diastema is.
But choose to call it wrong
You are literally illiterate.
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>T,rex is the largest animal in Hell Creek.
Very doubtful, MOR 1142 and 1609 are both edmontosaurus specimens that got huge.

To get into the specifics, MOR 1142 is a 7.5 meter (25 ft) tail. Most estimates put these edmontosaurus at a hefty 13 tons.

Also considering the very similarly sized and closely related Shantungosaurus could probably get up to 20 tons based on some specimens, I think there's pretty good reason to believe that edmontosaurus could reasonably get to a similarly absurd size.
Only the absolute largest of Edmontosaurs were even close to T. rex size. They're outliers.

Everything is bigger in Asia. Not a meme.
>"you are guilty of irrational behavior and have been deemed a non-constructive presence. go away."
perfect canned response to every paleoschizo thread ackshually
>does not know dick about dinosaur anatomy, incorporates it into conspiracy theories anyways
>does not even know dick about dinosaurs, talks about them anyways
>devolves into ridiculous rants about how the entire world is conspiring to give dinosaurs feathers to turn him even gayer and destroy the white race
>neurotically shits on any paleontologist who uncovered a fact that makes him uncomfortable for (incomprehensible tranny reasons)
>is not a paleontologist himself and would lose an argument with anyone he names
He's actually a bit famous for having been fired by Bob bakker personally
Source on this?
>They're outliers
This also applies to T.rex, I don't see why specimens like Sue or Scotty are treated as normal, esp. since Sue appears to have been absurdly old when it was fossilized.

>Everything is bigger in Asia
Nvm the fact that ankylosaurus and t.rex are all the largest of their respective groups and pretty much all of the largest ceratopsians were exclusively in North America.
It's morrisontard? kek
At most 3 people know that name.

Probably 2
There are a lot of things that very few people know. Things that could not be arrived at by chance. Tidbits of drama that only 3 people cared about and maybe a 4th vaguely remembers seeing.

Morrisontard's nickname is not one of them.
You're being ridiculous. T. rex is the largest or one of the largest terrestrial carnivores of all time. MOST Edmontosaurs are going to be smaller. Some of the largest are as large as Tyrannosaurs.
As I told him at the time
Uncle Bob is my old professor and a friend

If he fired a dude I know that dude's name
Okay, say my name, faggot. Your little fantasy that I'm some person you know through your jerk-off connections is semi-entertaining, but also a sign of severe mental illness - and I mean that literally, not the way trannies use the phrase. I've never personally met any of your gay pals, nor do I give a shit to.
Tldr. Does he believe I'm feathered dinosaurs?
Paleoschizo admits to being morrisobro

The end
>Is a living kafka trap
I know you're male, but you sure you're not trans or something? You really, REALLY "argue" like a jewish woman.
I know. I remember you know he's a medicated schizophrenic as well.
You two headmates have fun with your fanfiction.
I'm an acquaintance of his parents rip in peace

His town is small
Extreme low-functioning autism, like the "we swear he doesn't have downsyndrome!!" kind.
my fucking sides
Friendly reminder that Paleoschizo is in /a/ 24/7 because he's been banned from literally everywhere else
This is /an/.
>everyone avoids the Chilesaurus Question (the ChQ) as if it's radioactive
Typo, sorry
Aberrant abelisauroid
Lol not with those feet. Chilesaurus is clearly mostly Prosauropod remains and Mussaurus is from about 200 miles away. The hips MIGHT be Abelisaurid but they're not from the same animal.
Also the whole "beak" thing is totally made up. There is zero evidence it had a beak and it has teeth right up to the tip of the mouth. Prosauropod teeth.
>flat earther trying to pretend chilesaurus isnt real because it reveals a fact that makes it harder for him to deny that dinosaurs had feathers
Be a female all you won't. It won't stop the noticing.
>It's an anime website where we had a cat meme once
which makes it more of a cat website than a dog website. glad we could agree on that.
It’s certainly real. Just because you’re too dumb to get it doesn’t mean it isn’t. Anyways:

Are you mentally competent? Legally? As in, to stand trial? Just checking before I make a call about your CP collection
does not follow

“4chan users must admire cats” does not follow from a transient meme that is now a 24/7 favorite on reddit. It is irrational and a womanly evaluation regarding an animal overwhelmingly preferred by women, liberals, and homosexuals. More cats/more dogs maps actually correlate with womens sexual “liberation” and its tendency to produce childless households with multiple cats.
Do you even know anything about Dinosaurs or do you just come here to whine? I don't think I've ever actually seen you say one word about Dinosaurs in the threads you always shit up except to spam spec bullshit.
Who are you talking to?
You, you dumb bitch. You're sitting there trying to claim Chilesaurus is real and don't know what a Prosauropod foot even looks like.
>chilesaurus isnt real
>evolution didn't happen
>the earth is flat
>dinosaurs didn't have feathers
>xu xing is lying and the whole world is in on it to turn me gayer
lmao this retard
>does not follow
sorry to hear you're mentally retarded then
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Correct. It is purely irrational. This website is not about cats. A 4chan user is not obligated to hold cats in unusually high esteem to "belong" because this website actually has nothing to do with cats. They're just funny looking.

Note I said unusually high esteem.

If you genuinely hate cats and want to kill/torture them you de facto do not belong on an animals and nature board. At the most, you can be indifferent to them.

I am talking about paleoschizo's tendency to believe that anyone who does not borderline worship these critters AND hate dogs needs to hear the revisionist catchphrase he made up in 2020: "this is a cat website, dogredditor". Often seen as a response to "cats are dumb", "cats dont belong outside", "cats dont kill rats they just cause bird extinctions", "i like dogs more", etc. None of these necessarily involve hating cats and actually constitute parts of a worldview that extends feline lifespans and many of these statements are common among people who love cats! You do not have to be such a cat fanboy to belong here, never had to be. You just can't genuinely hate any animal... except pitbulls. We don't count those as animals.
>he's still replying to himself
so very very sad
Horner, get off 4chan
>two men agree, logically
>woman can't handle it and thinks there's a conspiracy against her or it's not really happening
many such cases
>Please explain how. Just saying a thing doesn't make it so.
>tyrannosaurs make up 20-25% of the fauna in hell creek
That’s substantially higher than even islands with snakes that feed once a year. There is no possible way T. rex was a quarter of the megafauna in hell creek
i don't think there's a worse working environment than being a researcher. you get paid worse than a cashier for being the glorified butler of an academic in order to have the slim chance that one day you'll take his place.
and those academics are worse than youtubers creating fake scandals between each others, like manchildren they quarrel and bicker over minutiae while trying to make as much publicity as possible and sell themselves as true pioneers that deserve the nature frontpage. these people are scum and are willing to publish the most inane and sensationalist bullshit if it means receiving attention from a publisher, they have no ethics on their profession, they're vultures.
their meddling and feuding over who's the biggest voice in the choir have tarnished the reputation of palaeontology as a whole to the point where it's on par with cryptozoology.
werent you fired from a volunteer researcher position for being totally fucking retarded
That's pretty normal for cold-blooded reptiles. Most formations have lower predator:prey ratios than that.
It's much worse than that. There is NO bickering, NO disagreement in "science" these days. That's exactly the problem. People will publish shit that all contradicts one another and just agree that everyone is right.
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>mindbreaks your anon
>uhm ascksually my own post that i replied to is another person and you're the mentally ill one for pointing that out
so very very very sad
he cute
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>hat he has evidence for warmbloodedness in Dinosaurs

What's the current census on this and 'why'? Not necessarily direct to OP.
I've been under the vague impression Dinosaurs were 'mesothermic':
>Warm blooded during youth as a result of the demands of their heightened juvenile metabolism and insane maturing growth rates.
>Cold blooded during adulthood due to it being the most efficient way to cool and warm their massive bodies, metabolism also slows down considerable as an adult, and in the case of herbivores - their gut fermentation probably heats their body.
>Small dinosaurs, especially therapods, remain warm blooded throughout life due to the advantage the increased activity permits scurrying around the forest floor, etc..

Also, Torosaur is not a Triceratops.
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-t. Jack Horner
Tyrannosaurus rex will never be a scavenger no matter how hard you seethe
>I've been under the vague impression Dinosaurs were 'mesothermic':
The larger ones like Sauropods and T. rex absolutely have to have been based on gigantothermy alone. Every test that Dinosaurs have ever been put to for warmbloodedness they have failed: egg incubation times, predator:prey stocking rates, growth rates (directly measured), growth curves, etc. I know of only one study that actually found endothermy and it basically directly contradicts the same study done previously. The only studies that show fast growth curves are directly contradicted by other studies of the same species such as Maiasaura.

>Warm blooded during youth
Nah, you're buying into the pop culture. Dinosaurs grew exceedingly slowly during youth. Most of their growth occurs during adolescence.

>Small dinosaurs, especially therapods, remain warm blooded
Nope. The smallest Dinosaurs - particularly the supposedly feathered ones such as Archaeopteryx and Troodontids always measure the lowest body temps.
>Also, Torosaur is not a Triceratops.
Oh I missed this. Yes it is. Some of them are anyway. Torosaurs are the absolute end stage of the Triceratopsini tribe. Every single Torosoroform discovered co-occurs with a Triceratopsin (in one case supposedly 2). There are no Torosauroforms that occur in times or places that wouldn't have a Triceratopsin. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself. Eotriceratops is a torosauroform, btw. That's why it's "bigger" than Triceratops, yet earlier. Also keep in mind that wrongbitch, the sole individual responsible for your dumb ass thinking Torosaurus is a valid genus thinks an animal with a 9 foot skull is a "juvenile".
>That's pretty normal for cold-blooded reptiles
No it isn’t, far from it
>Most formations have lower predator:prey ratios than that
Those are still higher than most modern cold blooded predator/prey ratios, even with sedentary ones let alone active ones
20-25% is pretty normal. The only reason you're claiming otherwise is because you're calculating wrongly, like by comparing every fucking animal in Africa to a reptile that only lives in wetlands.
>by comparing every fucking animal in Africa to a reptile that only lives in wetlands
You mean comparing just three species of ungulates to an animal that primarily feeds on ungulates as an adult? Because even only counting the Serengeti populations of those three ungulate species to the Serengeti nile croc population (which is one of the highest) it’s still nowhere near 20%. And that’s with Nile crocs not being limited by those ungulates since they are able to fall back on alternative prey if they need to. You’re the one comparing a sedentary aquatic predator to a highly active terrestrial predator over 15 times the size
no that's just journos that don't verify their sources, and simply plaster a "experts say" on the title.
It's literally every single field of "science".
So happy this gay ass thread is about to get tossed

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