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No cooler name has ever been given to anything in the history of mankind.
what about Uranus
Cooler names are given to random bumfuck beetles, if you look through wikipedia.
What makes the name of tyrannosaurus cool is the animal it's associated with.
>Cooler names are given to random bumfuck beetles
It has been renamed to Representative Avian President.
>noooo science can't just change as we find out new things, it has to be the same when i was a kid so i still feel good or else i get mad >:(
I think the meme is more criticizing the way such information is conveyed to the public
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a bunch of made up bullshit is more interesting than the truth, what a surprise.
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Lord of the Lizard Eaters the Largest > Tyrant Lizard King when it comes to names at least.
He looks so happy :D
>Lord of the Lizard Eaters the Largest
Sounds retarded. The latin name literally has "fag" in it.
I think T. rex is pretty cool
Not even comparable
>b-b-b-b-but they were good in their own niche!
Apex predator is the only niche that matters
Just saw Jurassic World Dominion yesterday and boy I couldn't stop thinking how Jurassic Park is so much better than all the sequels in every level.
Someone post the hippopotamus skull analogy to BTFO this retard.
>the truth
Earth to faggot, we don't what the truth about what dinosaurs look like at all. Best we can do is speculate to varying degrees.
up yours
There's is no need, he already BTFO himself
Can you give some examples
sometimes science is wrong. that's ok. it's never going to be always 100% right. why do rightoids think that because someone makes a bad conclusion, that means the whole process is shit? is this the byproduct of a religious upbringing where you learned that everything in a book was infallible because...because it just is stop asking questions?
Kek the incels do NOT like when you point out that Jurassic Park is not a documentary.
Capitalist Human President
Brontosaurus excelsus (noble thunder lizard) is another golden classic.
Not the anon, but Titanopteryx is the most frustrating example of this.
It was originally going to be the name for a giant pterosaur only for paleontologists to find out 30 years later that some entomologist already used it for a fly 30 years prior to the discovery of the pterosaur.
There is absolutely jack shit on Titanopteryx (the fly) online and looking it up always leads you to the pterosaur it cucked (now known as Arambourgiania)
That's a terrible name.
Fun fact: The name Manospondylus gigas was actually used for it first (1892 compared to T.rex's 1905 naming).
In this scenario, however, Tyrannosaurus has such an overwhelming presence in scientific literature and in fields outside of science, it would be better to just revoke other names priority and keep using Tyrannosaurus.
Also, Tyrant Lizard King is far cooler then Giant Porous Vertebrae, let's be real.
popsci paleonerds are the ones who cant stop mentioning Jurassic Park the same way black people have only themselves to blame for keeping the n-word alive
>the n-word
You mean nigger?
Would anyone care about T-Rex as much if it was called Manospondylus? Let's be real, the name is a big part of the appeal.
So the ultimate moral is that professional Dino bone diggers should find cooler names for their skeletons if they want more grant money.
Correct. And it's not even just paleontology; all sciences that are entirely dependent on grant money are at the mercy of marketing. So what's going to sell more? Tyrannosaurus the gigachad among all predators, or the big fat feathered faggot?
Titanus giganteus
Manticora tyrannus
All awful.
If your name has "anus" in it you're never getting into the cool kids club.
Was the holotype material for Manospondylus even diagnostic? If not then it’s a troodon situation and should be discarded
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>Jobbersaurus Rex
>Rekt by a fish eating duck
>No arms LOL
Meme dinosaur.
>He doesn't know
Don't tell him, let him be happy
T-Rex would literally wipe the floor with Cuckasaurus Cuckypticus
In real life the battle would have ended at 0:08
How could anything this big and heavy ever actively hunt prey? It seems like it would be so slow and cumbersome that any sort of "chase" would be out of the question. Just look how awkward an elephant is. This would be 4x worse, at least.
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>Most anticipated dino fight happens again decades later
>Trannysaurus wrecks gets clapped again.
Oh nonono. jobrex bros why do we keep losing?
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Slow, Blind, Stupid. These are the defining traits of Cuckasaurus Rex. They were ambush predators because no way in hell could these noobs beat anything in a 1v1.
It was literally just a couple of vertebrae. It's been discarded for ages now.
Funnily enough, Manospondylus wasn't even described as a theropod initially. Ol' Cope thought it was a ceratopsian. It wasn't until 1907 that it was identified as a theropod at all.
People will be contrarians over anything these days.
your taste is just shit
>ugh, hippos are slow and dumb, what danger can they posses!

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