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How do feline social relationships work amongst free roaming cats?

How is their social dynamic? Their hierarchy and dynamic Is harder to understand then say wolves, dogs, primates or most other species

you already made this thread
and nobody replied
maybe you should take that as a sign that your thread sucks
no everybody else sucks
cat social structure is just each cat liking or not liking the other cat and if they like each other enough they all conglomerate into a cat ball

they arent naturally social, this is a held over kitten like tendency from domesticating them, hence it serves little purpose and you find it cute. and since cats act like kittens, but aren’t, they will also treat each other like kittens sometimes.
They’re definitely not solitary animals unlike what normgroids say. Cat social structured are more like primates than they are like cannines. They like to live in large colonies. They share care, defense, and nursing for their young, often swapping kittens. Depression and lonliness set in for cats that dont have large groups of companions. Intact Male cats that dont have lesser males to subjegate often develop behavioral issues.

T. Professional Cat breeder (I rake in 50k a year)
totally made up btw. cats are solitary animals. their "social" nature is an artefact of domestication and doesn't have any equivalent in the wild. they are essentially, permanently confused.
>they are factually not solitary at all but that does not count because reasons
>retard normgroid has an unscientific opinion
Interesting. Their lives are very unnatural and I can see cats being confused. I wonder what type of social life for house cats would be best and most natural for them
Breeding them is quite nice and natty
Two cats, 3 cat trees, regular live feedings of house sparrows
and in a larger ecosysten sense how would housecats fare if we dropped ten thousand of them in the woods. What would their social behavior be?
Not much socialization to do when you're turned into coyote scat
why is there no video game from this perspective?
It's pretty simple. Cats have territories that are separated by no cats land which has paths. If cats meet each other in the no cats land then they will most likely ignore each other, if they encounter each other on claimed territory then they will have a cat fight.
If there plentiful food, they tolerate each other. Related cats or cats that grew up together will often form bonds and care for each other as long as there’s plenty of food. Toms still tend to kill kittens, but related or bonded queens will help each other care for kits and chase off toms.

If food is scarce, they scatter and the “colony” of cats that tolerate each other turns into >>4845734 where even queens chase off their aunts and sisters.

Cats that scatter early in life or grew up in tough conditions tend to remain solitary even when food is plentiful again. They may grudgingly tolerate other cats. Few become sociable. Basically, they need to be fed regularly or live near an inexhaustible food source to capable of even building and then maintaining social relationships.
>If food is scarce, they scatter and the “colony” of cats that tolerate each other turns into >>4845734 # where even queens chase off their aunts and sisters.
I am sorry but thus sounds like animal fanfic. Is there any articles or papers that outline this?
thank you anons for your answers Ive been pondering this for a while much appreciated
No OP's thread is actually cool and you are gay
They care for each other a lot and can form deep friendships and relationships. Cats are often bonded to each other

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