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File: Fruit_flies_mating.jpg (11 KB, 220x166)
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>be me
>literally created to annoy you
>fuck you
>dies in your beer
Kill every one of those motherfuckers. I want them all to fucking die. Kill their wives killer their kids, kill their parents JUST FUCKING KILL THEM. GENOCIDE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS TOTAL FLY DEATH DISGUSTING VILE CREATURES SPAWN OF FUCKING SATAN
>fuck as much as possible in the 50 days you get on this bitch of an earth
>die in an ocean of beer
idk man sounds like they've got this life shit figured out pretty good
they're so fucking annoying and ugly. if you have seen the fly horror movie you know how ugly and terrifying their face is.
The bastards spawned in my trashcan, so I poured hydrochloric acid all over the insides to kill all the eggs and larva before disposing off all organic matter in the place so they'd starve to death. It's been a few weeks, they're all dead. For any sufferers, would recommend this method.

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