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Do you prefer pack loyalty or motherly love?
Dogs smell.
....good! Especially the girls. Like some sort of flower.

Females are less aggressive and more trustworthy. Most dogs shouldn't be male unless someone is a professional breeder or needs a physically stronger working dog.

In an ideal world, litters would be pre-sexed as all female with modified or selected gametes during the AI process, or via genetically modified dogs that only produce female sperm unless artificially stimulated otherwise.

80% of all bites 92% of fatal dog attacks involve male dogs. A much higher figure than the 60% that involve pitbulls. Male dogs are generally an unwanted presence in polite society.
HAS anybody ever transgendered their dog? asking for a friend
I'm a guy so naturally, female
Male dogs kiss more, because of hierarchy.
least zoophilic /an/ user
Pack loyalty
O brave new world, That has such people in't!
Male cats and female dogs
as opposed to the current situation which is giving male dogs a partial sex change surgery while they're the species equivalent of a 5 year old?
I have no choice. Dogs are the only ones that love you for who you are and spend the rest of their life with you. Women won't. Ironic that female dogs are called bitches whereas to women that's an insult.
female dogs are called bitches because intact female dogs are antisocial towards other dogs.

intact females fight eachother all the fucking time and will reject males despite being in standing heat, often violently. professional dog breeders have resorted to tying females up for rape and using AI because they will kill unwanted males and will only want to breed with a male they actually like, ie: not one that's their immediate blood relative.
>Females are less aggressive
Lmao no.
They have different types of aggression. Females are way more unpredictable and volatile with their aggression, males are much more predictable with both their body language and how they respond to social cues.

It's also way harder to train aggression out of female dogs
Only applies to dog aggression and unfixed/late spays desu
ESPECIALLY if they were ever trained with any amount of punishment. Females are sensitive and easy to ruin.

If you're not a dog park type of faggot they're fine. Male dogs are more likely to bite strangers while their owners do the "you dont know how to act around dogs!" cope routine, especially if they were trained with punishment, which confuses their owners because a male dog submits to its abuser but lashes out at everyone else.
>intact females fight eachother all the fucking time and will reject males despite being in standing heat, often violently.
Based. My mommy dog gf is loyal to me. Why call her a bitch for that.
>why are you so mad dude she only killed your prized stud because he humped her before she could check to see if his balls smelled good
i don't like dog breeders either. they can only cause harm.

but that term exists for a reason
>Some honry retard tries to rape her.
>She defends herself.
She did nothing wrong.
I like female dogs because they're so much nicer around humans but i'm not going to pretend they aren't unreasonable bitches around other dogs dude
stealth dog fucker thread
my family has 2 intact female dogs. they get along pretty well, fights are rare. when in heat they mount each other
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For me, it's motherly love
fuck off
Two questions:
1. My Google fu is weak and I couldn't find a source for your gender statistics, could you please link it?
2. What are the bite stats of each gender by breed?

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