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What roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem? Are there any "benefits" to them?
There can be no life without death
>Are there any "benefits" to them?
not really. they're too infrequent to have any noticeable effect on ecosystems. they're not like wildfires out west
that's God vacuuming up sinners
dumbest threat of the month so far gj op
Nope, that title goes to the spam of >>4840797
nah, thats just a meme
spamming isn't a meme.
Most of tornado alley is now corn and onions fields isn’t it? Wouldn’t all the habitat and wildlife that would make up potentially tornado dependent ecosystems be gone or super fragmented?
Carry fish to new waters, carry soil to new plants, leave lots of dead bodies for scavengers. This was a good question OP don't let the retards that fuck animals incapable of thinking for 2 mins tell you otherwise.
Same as most storms, atmospheric stabilization.
high winds are natural disturbances that help out trees continue the cycle.
fuck them poplars
this also
fuck this söy filter btw
>What roles do tornadoes play in the ecosystem?

They transport fish.
no, it's cancer
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My only God is Storm.
Imagine if someone could actually control the weather. They could pull the plug of the world. No wonder she's an omega 5.
thank you anon
You need to kill yourself and go back
why would something as detrimental and pointless as a tornado evolve? exactly what adaptation does it have? what ecological niche does it fill? atheists proven fucking retarded yet again.
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Natural disasters don't exist as a planetary balance or have some evolutionary reason behind it. They're just the product of extreme reactions.

Like, a planet doesn't develop its core in a certain way to house magma that will cause volcanoes and produce land. The planet itself is not trying to "stay alive" or "repopulate" like a tree or bacteria is. A planet doesn't even care if it can house life at all.
Extreme spider and wind adapted seed spreading events. Carrion for carnivores and scavengers. Especially aerial ones who already take advantage of disaster kills like various raptors with wildfires.
They stir things up
theyre cool to look at :)

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